Approving and Publishing Service Catalog

Approving and Publishing Service Catalog

If you are a Service Catalog Approver, you need to approve and publish the Service Catalogs so that they are available to all the users for logging Service Requests (SRs). For information about logging Service Requests, see Logging Service Requests and Logging Service Requests for Users_SRM.

To approve and publish Service Catalog:

  1. Select Catalog > User > Approve Service Catalog.
  2. On the APPROVE SERVICE CATALOG  page, a list of all the Service Catalogs pending for your approval is displayed. You can also click the Filters icons and specify the filter criteria to view the list of Service Catalogs pending for your approval.




    Click ADD NEW to create a new Service Catalog. For information about creating new Service Catalogs, see Creating Service Catalogs.

  3. Click the ID of the Service Catalog item you want to approve.
  4. On the APPROVE SERVICE CATALOG page, fill in the required details and click SUBMIT. For more information about fields on the APPROVE SERVICE CATALOG page, see Field Description.



Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the APPROVE SERVICE CATALOG page:





Displays the Tenant of the Service Catalog Item.


Displays the Category of the Service Catalog Item.


Displays the name of the Service Catalog Item.

Catalog Type

Displays the type of the Service Catalog Item.

Owner Workgroup

Displays the Owner Workgroup of the Service Catalog Item.

Global Catalog Item

If selected the Service Catalog Item is the global Service Catalog Item.


Displays the description of the Service Catalog Item.

Approval Status

Lists the configured status options. Select an approval status from the list.

  • Approved: If selected, the Service Catalog request is approved by the Approver.
  • Published: If selected, the Service Catalog request is approved and published by the Approver.
    Note: The Service Catalog item is available to the users only after the Service Catalog item is published by the Approver.
  • Maintenance: If selected, the Service Catalog request is under maintenance and is not available to the users.

Enable Service Request

If this check box is selected, the service under this Service Catalog Item becomes available to the users for logging a Service Request. If selected, the following options are enabled:

  • Applicable Locations: Displays a list of all the available locations. Select the locations where you want this Service Catalog Item to be available to the users while logging Service Requests.
  • Applicable Customers: Displays a list of all the available customer. Select the customers who should have this Service Catalog Item as available option while logging Service Requests.
  • Applicable User level: Displays a list of all the available user levels. Select the user level that should have this Service Catalog Item as available option while logging Service Requests.
  • Applicable User Type: Displays a list of all the available user types. Select the user type which should have this Service Catalog Item as available option while logging Service Requests.

Enable Service Entitlement

If selected, the Services under this Service Catalog Item will not require any approval. The following options are enabled:

  • Entitle Locations: Displays a list of all the available locations. Select the locations where the Services under this Service Catalog becomes Entitled Service for the users.
  • Entitle Customers: Displays a list of all the available customers. Select the customers for whom the Services under this Service Catalog becomes Entitled Service.
  • Entitle User Level: Displays a list of all the available user-levels. Select the user-level for which the Services under this Service Catalog becomes Entitled Service.
  • Entitle User Type: Displays a list of all the available user types. Select the user-type for which the Services under this Service Catalog becomes Entitled Service.

Number of Approvals

Displays the number of approvals for the Service Catalog Item.


Displays the Approval Workflow.

Catalog Image

Click the Upload icon to browse and upload the catalog image.


Indicates the status of the Service Catalog Item.

  • If selected, the Service Catalog Item is active.
  • If not selected, the Service Catalog Item is inactive.


Displays the option selected for the field in Additional Info tab of FORM BUILDER page. This option is displayed as a label name on NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.


Displays the option selected for the field in Additional Info tab of FORM BUILDER page. This option is displayed as a label name on NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.

Recurring Charges

Displays the option selected for the field in Additional Info tab of FORM BUILDER page. This option is displayed as a label name on NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.


Displays the Service Portfolio Records for the Service Catalog Item.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the APPROVE SERVICE CATALOG page.


Click SORT ORDER to sort the Details field values on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST FOR USER page.


Click CHANGE HISTORY to view the various changes that occurred on the Service Catalog and Service Catalog attributes.


 Figure: CATALOG ITEM HISTORY pop-up page


Click to view or configure workflow for the Service Category. For information about configuring Workflows, see Configuring SR Approval Workflow.


Click to update the Service Catalog. For information about updating Service Catalogs, see Viewing and Updating Service Catalogs.

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