Configuring Service Catalog Packages_SCM

Configuring Service Catalog Packages_SCM

What are Service Catalog Packages?

The Administrator or the user who have the appropriate access can create a Package of multiple Service Catalogs to create multiple Service Requests at a time. The created Service Catalog Packages are available on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page for the selected Tenant. End Users need to fill in all the information related to Catalogs inside the Package while creating the Service Requests.

Example: While on boarding new employees, HR needs to create multiple SRs (for laptop and software). The HR head or Administrator can create a Package with those catalogs. The HR can log multiple SRs at a time with this package.

To configure Service Catalog Packages:

  1.  Select Catalog > User > Package.
  2. Click ADD NEW on the PACKAGES page. The PACKAGE CONFIGURATION page is displayed.
  3. Select the Tenant and fill in all the details on the GENERAL and FIELDS MAPPING tab. For more details about fields on the PACKAGE CONFIGURATION page, see the Field Description table below.
  4. Click SUBMIT. A new Service Catalog Package is created.

    Figure: Package Configuration page - GENERAL tab

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the DETAILS tab of  the PACKAGE CONFIGURATION page:





Select the Category under which the Package is displayed.

Package Name

Specify the Package name. The Package is displayed in the same name under the selected Category.


Type in a brief description about the Package.


Select the Status of the Package.

  • PUBLISHED: If selected, the Package is available to create multiple Service Requests for the selected Tenant.
  • MAINTENANCE: If selected, the Package status changes to Maintenance and not available while logging the Service Request.
  • INACTIVE: If selected, the Package configuration becomes Inactive and not available while logging SR.


Select the Catalogs you want add to the Package.

  • Select the Catalog from the list and click add button to add to the Catalogs List. You can also use search option to search a particular Catalog.
  • Click   icon to remove a Catalog from the Catalogs List.

Publish to Locations

Select the Locations from the list. The Package is displayed on the selected locations. You can select all or multiple locations as well.

Publish to Customers

Select the Customers from the list. The Package is displayed to the selected customers. You can also select all or multiple customers as well.

Package Image

Click the Upload button and select an image for the Package.

Click the FIELDS MAPPING tab to map the one Catalog's attribute value with the another Catalog's attribute in the Package. If mapped, The Source Catalog's Attribute value is replicated to the Destination Catalog's Attribute value. The mapping is displayed under MAPPED ATTRIBUTE column.

  1. Select the Source Catalog and Source Attribute from the drop-down list from where the value is to be replicated.
  2. Select the Target Catalog and Target Attribute where the source value is to be replicated.
  3. Click ADD. The mapping details is displayed under MAPPED ATTRIBUTE section.

    Package Configuration - FIELDS MAPPING tab
    Figure: Package Configuration - FIELDS MAPPING tab


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the PACKAGE CONFIGURATION page.


Click to view the list of Packages with Description, Tenant, Category, and Tenant information. Select any Package to modify it. You can also use Filters on the list page to search Packages under a selected Tenant, Category, and Status. Click ADD NEW on the List page to configure new Package. 

Packages - list page

Figure: Packages - List page

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