Searching Catalogs for Packages

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Feature released in SummitAI Service ManagementĀ (#24714, Sierra SP1 HF01)

What's New?

The End Users can now search for Catalogs where they need to browse through multiple Catalogs or Packages while raising a new Service Request. This reduces the user effort by allowing direct search for the desired Group or Catalog without going through each of the Groups or the Catalogs. The look and feel and the user experience is also improved.

A new search box is added and the look and feel of the PACKAGE INFORMATION page (Request > New Service Request > On the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page, select a Tenant > Click Node) is improved. For more information about Logging Service Requests, seeĀ Logging Service Requests.

Figure: Package Tree with Root Node (Previous version)

Figure: Package Tree without Root Node (new, improved page)