SummitAI Denali SP3 Release Notes
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On this page:
What's New?
- The DENALI SP3 Release is for DEMO and Staging purpose only.
- Java Script Angular framework has been upgraded.
- This Build is for 'DEMO' and 'Staging purposes' only.
- SAM Agent supports TLS 1.2 from version or higher. For this, the following components must be upgraded to Denali SP3.
- Web,
- Proxy
- Data collector
For more information, see TLS1.2 Update
- A new SummitAI Universal Agent (version or higher) can be now installed on Windows Endpoints to perform discovery tasks such as scanning computers, downloading, and deploying the Patches. For more information, see Asset Agent Installation Guide.
Service Management
This release introduces the capability to create Service Request (SR) from an Email.
Improved Change Management Module
Multiple new functionalities are added to the Change Management module as follows:
- Monitoring Change Requests Pending for Post Implementation Review
- Improved Process for Approvals via E-mails
- Exporting Change Request Details in PDF
- Introduced Export to Excel Option
- Capturing Referred Back CR Resubmission Timestamp in Change History
- Enable Auto Cancellation for Referred Back CRs Pending with Initiator
- Consolidated Attachments
- Added New Approval Levels in Change Management Workflow
- Change Record Approver access for Change Manager
- Change Record Update access for Change Manager
- Remap Change Request Appover
Improved Communication History for Incident and Service Request Management
Now, in the COMMUNICATION HISTORY pop-up, the Analyst can view the history of User Communication, Private Log, System Generated E-Mails, Chat History, Mails sent via Send E-Mail option, and Approval Information.
Export Problem Record Details in PDF
Now, a new option EXPORT TO PDF is added on the ACTIONS panel of the Problem Record details page. Using this option, the Analysts can export the problem record details into PDF format and share it over email with required stakeholder who is not having access to SummitAI Web application.
Send Email on Problem Record Update
A new action item "Send Email" is added on the ACTIONS panel of the PROBLEM RECORD page. Now, the Analyst can send an update on a given problem record to workgroup members, assigned Analyst, End Users, and Requestor etc. using the Send Email functionality.
Now, as a part of enhancement, the Filters, and Configure Columns sections on the list pages are redesigned. Additionally, the scope of the functionalities is extended for improved usability.
Configuration Item List Page (CMDB > User > Configuration Item List)
- Services Page (CMDB > User > Services)
Disabling the CMDB Standard Classification
Now, the Administrators can disable the four system defined Standard Classifications such as Server, Network, Desktop, and Others. By default, these four classifications are available in the Application. Using this feature the Administrators can disable any of the default classification that does not have any CIs linked. You cannot disable the classification that has CIs. You can only view the CIs that are linked with the standard classification.
Auto Delinking the Retired CIs
Now, the Users can delink the Retired CIs and its CI relations on the pop-up page based on the Tenant level configuration.
Bulk Updating CIs Using the Excel Sheet
Now, the User can update the CIs in bulk using the excel sheet. To do the bulk update, the administrator must enable the Edit CIs Without CR check box on the TENANT page.
Populating User Attribute on the CI Details Page
Now, after bulk importing the CIs using the excel sheet, the user attribute data gets populated on the CI details page. The User attribute column in the excel sheet accepts only the E-mail Id of the user. You can also upload the excel sheet with the multi-valued data for the user attribute.
Enhanced Route Cause Analysis for Problem Record
5 Why Analysis is newly added as RCA Methodology for the Problem Record. Now, the Analyst can select the RCA Methodology either as Fishbone Analysis or 5 Why Analysis.
Introducing the Pending and In-progress Status in PM Record Prior to RCA Submission
Now, Pending and In-progress statuses are included after the Initial Authorization under the Status drop-down field for the Problem Record.
Convert Service Request into Incident
A new action CONVERT TO INCIDENT is added on the ACTIONS panel of the Service Request. Now, the Analyst can convert a service request to an incident based on the description of the issue.
SMS Notification Enhancements for IM and SR
The SMS Notifications feature is enhanced to provide an effective text messaging alert system for IM and SR modules. The enhancements enable you to quickly categorize and notify the users based on your notification requirement. Following are the enhancements:
- New Grid view
- New Assigned Workgroup options
Send Message to Custom SMS Numbers
- Multi-User Control
- Improved SMS Import Functionality
Enhanced Post Implementation Review Functionality in Change Management
Now, the Change workflows and Task configurations are separated based on the requirements of the administrator. The Administrator can decide if he wants a PIR on CR as well as Task or only one based on the change types and change category.
Delegate Roles on Problem Record
The Problem Management module is added under the Role Management section on the USER DELEGATION pop-up page. Now, the Problem Record Authorizer, Approver, or Reviewer can delegate their role and responsibility on the Problem Record to another user for a specified time period in their absence or any other scenario where the Authorizer, Approver, or Reviewer is unable to perform the selected actions.
Asset Management
Configuration Key Editor
This web console empowers the Administrator to add/update SummitAI Proxy and Summit Server config. Key(s) in the SummitAI config files (web.config, server monitor.config, and proxy.config) remotely without logging in to the server. These key(s) will further synchronize with the respective Data Collector/Proxy.
Asset Usage type is used to define whether the allocated asset will be used as Primary, Secondary, Back Up, Reserved, or Shared type. The Asset Usage Type is displayed on the Asset Allocation page while allocating the asset to the End User and on the MY ASSET LIST page while accepting that Asset.
Automatized Asset Agent Installation Setup Building
Now, this Asset Agent setup building activity is automated and brought on front end/web console. This enables the Customer to request for the required setup for the locations and Administrator to build the setup for multiple location and URL combinations.
Enhanced Patch Details section
User can view some additional patch related information under the Patch Details tab of the ASSET DETAILS pop-up.
Now, an Analyst can view the complete or partial location hierarchy on the Fixed and Non-fixed assets based on the configuration performed on the Application Settings page.
SummitAI for ITSM
Now, SummitAI introducing CINDE Work Bench (CWB), a separate application. Using CWB, the Administrators can add/update Instances, and users for a specific Instance. Also, the SME or Annotator can annotate passed or failed conversation and view the conversation in history logs.
IT Operations Management
Improved Search with New Options on the EVENT VIEW Page
Now, the Users can search for the Open Events using the newly available options Event ID and CI ID. You can use the Type In search text box to search for the Events with the additional search options Event ID and CI ID.
Enhanced Network and Drawing Board Views
Previously, SummitAI Product Suite leverages Adobe Flash Player to provide interactive user interfaces. Adobe announced that it intends to move its Flash technology to end-of-life status and it will cease to update and distribute the Flash Player at the end of 2020.
Now, SummitAI leverages the vis.js to provide the continuous interactive user interface. The following pages of the IT Operations Management are improved using the vis.js:
- Network View
- Creating Views from Drawing Board
- Editing Network Device Details
Now, SummitAI provides a new Discovery Dashboard page to display the data related to the discovered devices in pictorial representation. You can also view the detailed details such as total number of jobs in which the total active, recurring, one-time, and in-progress jobs.
In previous versions, the commands are hard-coded and there is no option available to add or change the commands. Now, the Administrators can copy all the pre-defined commands to a template from the existing template based on the OS flavor. Also, the Administrators have the privilege to add the required commands as per the OS and the OS flavor.
Improved Discovery Configuration page
Now, SummitAI provides the following features and improvements on the DISCOVERY page:
- Provided Consider all IP Addresses till the last octet of the Subnet To check box. If the check box is selected, all IP addresses specified in the range between Subnet From and Subnet To are considered while discovering devices.
- Renamed Protocols field to Extended Discovery. Also, provided an option None.
Provided multiple selection to select multiple users for WMI, SSH, and Telenet protocols.
Provided Enable Nmap Discovery check box. If this check box is selected, the devices are discovered based on the reachability of the Nmap exe followed by the selected protocol.
Availability Status Enhancements
To ease the user experience, the Availability Status feature is now available as a menu option in the Profile icon.
Earlier, this option was available in the MY PROFILE page. Now, by moving this option under the Profile, it enables you to easily change your availability status.
Send SMS option on SMS Gateway Configuration
A new SEND SMS option under ACTIONS panel is available on the SMS Gateway Configuration page. This option helps to validate the correctness of the configured SMS gateway by sending a Test SMS.
The format in which mobile numbers are available in the system differ a lot. Even if these mobile number belong to the same country. There is no standard format for entering mobile numbers. As a result, users sometimes do not receive SMS messages.
To overcome this, a new Mobile Number Parser feature is introduced in SummitAI, this parser converts the unstructured mobile number to a structured mobile number by eliminating the difficulty involved in sending an SMS to a mobile number.
Hyperlink Asset ID (Asset Management)
Now, the Asset ID value in all the fixed asset pages is hyperlinked to its details page. This enables the users to navigate to the ASSET DETAILS pop-up while performing any of the Asset transactions on the Fixed assets.
Summarized Asset Details while Deallocating and Bulk Allocating Fixed Asset (Asset Management)
Now, a new section, SELECTED ASSETS is appended on the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET and BULK ALLOCATED ASSETS pages while deallocating and bulk allocating the assets, respectively. This table summarizes a list of the selected assets which enables the user to validate the assets at one place that are being deallocated and/or bulk allocated. The table comprises of: Asset ID, Category, Serial No., and Asset Code of all the selected assets.
Asset Status on Asset Details pop-up (Asset Management)
A new field Asset Status is added under the Asset Register tab, which helps the analyst to identify the Status (In Repair, In-Store or Allocated) of Fixed asset.
Revoke Reconciliation (Asset Management)
Now, the Administrator can revoke Asset Reconciliation for the selected Reconciliation tasks which are in pending status. This help the Administrator to reinitiate a new reconciliation process.
Auto-complete search option (Asset Management)
Now, on the SOFTWARE PACKAGE page (Asset > User > Software Delivery > Software Package), the Pre-Condition and Vendor fields are configured with Auto-complete search option. It is useful when the number of options is more in the drop-down list and user has to scroll the long list to select the required value. It also helps in optimizing the Application performance.
Notifying Users While Selecting the Custom Range Date (IT Operations Management)
Now, a note is added below the Custom Range Date filter to notify the Users that the selected date range is allowed only for 6 months.
Now, prefix Problem Record ID is added in the subject line of all the notification templates for the Problem Management. The enhancement makes email parsing of Problem Management more accurate.
External Web Services (CMDB)
Now, the External Web Services supports CMDB to create CIs in bulk from Client Web Service to SummitAI.
Add or View Attachment for each RCA Submission of the Problem Record (Problem Management)
The Attachment field is newly added under the Root Cause Analysis section for the Fishbone RCA Methodology of the Problem Record.
Improved PDF Content Designer Configuration (Platform)
New modules Problem Management and Change Management are added under the Module drop-down on the PDF CONTENT DESIGNER page. Now, the administrator can also configure section-wise fields for the Problem Record and Change Record that are required in the exported PDF file.
Improved Call Record List Page (Call Management)
A new column Assigned To is added on the CALL RECORD LIST page. Now, the Analyst can view the assigned Analyst details for the Call Records on the CALL RECORD LIST page itself without opening each Call Records. For more information, see Viewing and Updating Call Records.
New Color Code Orientation for Priority Attribute (Incident Management)
Now, on the Incident List page (Incident > User > Manager Incidents > Incident List) and Service Request List page (Request > User > Manage Service Requests> Service Request List), the configured Priority color codes are displayed in a circular shape instead of a Horizontal Line.
All old configuration of the Auto Problem Record creation will be deleted when you upgrade from pre-Denali SP1 to Denali SP1 or a later release. Hence, the Administrator needs to do configurations based on CONDITION and TARGET fields again.
For more information, see Configuring Auto Create Problem Records.