Discovery Templates
What's New?
In previous versions, the commands are hard-coded and there is no option available to add or change the commands. Now, the Administrators can copy all the pre-defined commands to a template from the existing template based on the Operating System (OS) flavor. Also, the Administrators have the privilege to add the required commands as per the OS and the OS flavor.
Administrators with good knowledge in configuring the parameters with the commands that work for various protocols such as WMI, SSH, and SNMP.
The output values of the parameters are completely based on the commands that are configured on the Discovery Template page. If there a wrong command configured for a particular parameter, the output gives an incorrect value.
Use Case
Consider you are using Linux OS and Redhat Linux flavor. You have another machine that uses different flavor of Linux. In this case few of the pre-defined commands may not work for the different flavor. To leverage this, SummitAI provides a configurable DISCOVERY TEMPLATES page where you can add commands based on the OS flavor.
Configuring Discovery Templates
- Select Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery Templates.
- On the DISCOVERY TEMPLATES page, Select the Tenant on the Filters pop-up to view the list of configured Scripts.
On the DISCOVERY TEMPLATES page, click the ADD NEW icon on the ACTIONS panel. The COPY TEMPLATE pop-up page is displayed.
Figure: Copy Template - SSH/WMI Protocol
Figure: Copy Template - SNMP ProtocolField Description Template Name Specify the name of the template. SOURCE Department By default the Global Tenant is selected to copy the pre-defined commands. Protocol Select the Protocol type from the drop-down list. OS Platform (For WMI and SSH Protocols) Select the OS Platform from the drop-down list. Based on the selected OS Platform, the list of available OS Flavors are displayed under the OS Flavor drop-down list.
For Example:
Consider that you selected Linux, the OS Flavors of Linux such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, Linux Mint get displayed under the OS Flavor drop-down list.
OS Flavor (For WMI and SSH Protocols) Select the OS flavor of the selected OS Platform from the drop-down list. Device Category (For SNMP Protocol) Select the Device Category from the drop-down list. For example: Network Device, Server, Printer etc. Sys Object ID (For SNMP Protocol) Select the Sys Object ID of the selected device in the Device Category. Template Select the Template from which the data should be copied. TARGET Department Select the Department to which the source data should be copied. OS Flavor (For WMI and SSH Protocols) Select the OS Flavor to which the template should be copied from the Source template. Sys Object ID (For SNMP Protocol) Select the Sys Object ID in the drop-down list. - On the COPY TEMPLATE pop-up page, specify the required details. For more information about the fields on the COPY TEMPLATE pop-page see, Field Description.
Click SUBMIT. The DISCOVERY TEMPLATES page with the default parameter list is displayed.
Figure: Discovery Templates - WMINote:
You are not allowed to edit or update the pre-defined parameter commands of the WMI protocol.
On the DISCOVERY TEMPLATES page, specify the required details.
Field Description Details Tenant Displays the the name of the Tenant that is selected while copying the template. Protocol Displays the the Protocol type that is selected while copying the template. Target OS Platform Displays the the Target OS Platform that is selected while copying the template. Target OS Flavor Displays the the Target OS Flavor that is selected while copying the template. Template Name Displays the the Template Name that is selected while copying the template. Match Pattern Based on the selected Target OS Platform and Target OS Flavor, you can select any of the following options:
Exact: Select this option to discover and monitor the parameters that contains the exact Target OS Platform and Target OS Flavor names.
For Example:
Consider the specified OS Platform is Linus and OS Flavor as Red Hat Linux 4.5.0, then the discovery happens only for the Linux and Red Hat Linux 4.5.0. Following are more examples for Exact pattern:Protocol Platform or Device Category Flavor or Sys Object ID SSH
- openSUSE 13.2 (Harlequin) (x86_64)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
VMware ESXi
- VMware ESXi 6.0.0
Device Identifier (sysOID)
Windows - Microsoft Windows Server 2012
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
- Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Update 1
Contains: Select this option to discover and monitor the parameters that contains the matching words with the Target OS Platform and Target OS Flavor names.
For Example:
Consider the specified OS Platform is Linus and OS Flavor as Red Hat Linux, then the discovery happens for the Linux and all flavors or versions of Red Hat Linux. Following are more examples for Contains pattern:Protocol Platform or Device Category Flavor or Sys Object ID SSH
Linux Ubuntu
Red Hat
VMware ESXi VMware ESXi
SNMP Device Identifier (sysOID)
WMI Windows - Microsoft Windows
Active Indicates the status for the Scripts.
- If selected, the configured Script is active.
- If cleared, the configured Script is inactive.
Parameters Displays the list of default parameter names. Also, you can specify the required parameters with the following details:
- Parameter Name: Specify the Parameter name.
- Parameter Value: Specify the value for the specified parameter.
- Parameter Type: Select the type of parameter from the drop-down list that contains Hardware, Software, or Additional.
- Actions: Click the Actions icon to include the Parameter in the table.
- icon indicates a default parameter.
- icon indicates user specified parameter.
Click icon to specify or edit the content parser logic of a specific parameter.
Based on the content parser configuration, the output is displayed on the JOB DETAILS page. If the content parser is not configured for a parameter, the complete output gets displayed on the JOB DETAILS page. For more information, see Discovery Dashboard.
Content Type
Select the content type from the list:
- Line
- Free Form
Output Type
Select the output type from the list:
- Single Value: Select the option if the output is a single line text.
- Multiple Value: Select the option if the output is multiple line text.
Preceding Text
Specify the preceding text for the selected output type.
This field is displayed if the Content Type is selected as Free Form.Succeeding Text
Specify the succeeding text for the selected output type.
This field is displayed if the Content Type is selected as Free Form.Occurrence Specify the occurrence of the specified preceding and succeeding text or Line delimiter and key delimiter. Line Delimiter
The Line Delimiter is a character, which indicates the start of a new line for a character. The text in the output starts from a new line after the specified line delimiter.
Lists the configured line delimiter. Select the line delimiter from the list. By default, New Line option is selected. If you select Others, type in the character that has to be considered as a line delimiter in the text box.
This field is displayed if the Content Type is selected as Line.
Key Delimiter
The Key Delimiter is a character that separates the User-defined key and the other text in the output.
Lists the configured Key Delimiter. Select the Key Delimiter from the list. By default, Colon option is selected. If you select Others, type in the character that has to be considered as a Key Delimiter in the text box.
This field is displayed if the Content Type is selected as Line.
Parser Index Specify the value for the parser index. Is Starts With Select this checkbox to enable the content parser to consider the text specified in Starts With and Not Contains. Starts With Specify the text with which the parsing should happen. Not Contains Specify the text that should not be considered while parsing. Defined Key
Specify a defined key for the output. This user defined key stores the value for the parsing details. Final Output
Select the check box if the corresponding row of parsing output is the final output. Parent Key
Specify a Parent Key for the output.
By default, the first Parent Key value is Null and if there are multiple configured parser details, the previous configuration details' defined key's value is displayed as the Parent Key for the current configuration.Add Click the Add button to add another row of content parser details Edit
Click the Edit icon to edit the row of configured content parser details.
Click the Delete icon to delete the row of configured content parser.
Mapping Mapping Table Select the mapping table from the drop-down list, Column Name Based on the selected mapping table the column names are displayed. Parameter Name Select the parameter name from the default list. The selected parameter name overrides the column name during the discovery. Set Unique Columns Enable the check box to avoid the duplicate records during the discovery of a parameter value.
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the DISCOVERY TEMPLATES page:
Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the configured Scripts. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Select the Tenant, Script Type and Target Platform. Click SUBMIT.
Figure: FILTERS pop-up
Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Scripts for the selected filter criteria.
- To modify a Script, click the configured Script Name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
- Click the Include Inactive check box to view the inactive Scripts.
When the configured Script are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action and Filters are displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Script.
Click RESTORE to restore all details of the DISCOVERY TEMPLATES page.
Click CHANGE HISTORY to view the modifications in the Script Configuration.
Figure: CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page