Service Request Management Mobile Application APIs

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Denali HF01)

What's New?

Now, the Problem Management has the following APIs for the Mobile Application:


To authenticate the APIs, use the Form or API login details. Create a user with the required role template access, use these details to authenticate, and execute the APIs. For more information, see Adding Users.

Retrieving Auto Populate Custom Fields

Use the following API Request to Auto Populate the Custom Fields based on the logged in User while logging an Incident. 

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "IM_GetIncidentMasterMobile",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "RequiredParameters": {
      "InstanceCode": "Info",
      "PageName": "LogTicket",
      "IsRequiredClassificationandCat": true
    "_ProxyDetails": {
      "AuthType": "APIKey",
      "ProxyID": 0,
      "ReturnType": "json",
      "OrgID": 1,
      "TokenID": ""

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

InstanceCode *


Name of the Instance.

For Example: Information Technology



Name of the page.

For Example: LogTicket

IsRequiredClassificationandCat *


Is Classification and Category are required?The value is either true or false.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
  "Errors": "",
  "Message": "",
  "Output": "",
  "TokenID": "E9B98C7260D50EA8CD31E10230295F879CACCFC8154936AAC8883350566F4C4E2F2F9FC813ABFCAF24140D2303C24CF052573DA9806E379D4A70EE13E1524853B
  "OrgID": 0,
  "OutputObject": {
    "MasterData": {
      "IncidentMasters": {
        "userDetail": {
          "CallerContactNumAttributeId": 0,
          "UserID": 967,
          "EmpID": null,
          "Title": null,
          "UserName": null,
          "EmailID": "",
          "NT_UID": null,
          "Frm_UID": null,
          "Frm_PWD": null,
          "Role": null,
          "UName": "Paul (967)",
          "Contact": null,
          "Active": false,
          "CustomerName": "XYZ",
          "LocationName": "bangalore",
          "Location": 2889,
          "OrgID": 0,
          "Customer": 2905,
          "WGAccess": null,
          "RPTAccess": null,
          "InstanceAccess": null,
          "LandingPage": null,
          "LoginType": null,
          "UserProfileImageName": "02f9fbfc-fca1-480e-a779-ba894a845e5b.png",
          "UT_ID": 0,
          "MobileNo": "8123424219",
          "GUID": null,
          "LicenseEdition": null,
          "LicenseAttributeType": null,
          "ConcurrentLicCount": 0,
          "LogInAnalystAsUser": false,
          "MasterMenuTrimList": null,
          "IsConcurrentNewSession": false,
          "IsConcurrentAnalyst": false,
          "IVR_Enable": false,
          "IVR_AgentExtn": null,
          "IVR_RefreshInterval": null,
          "UserTypeColor": null,
          "UserTypeName": null,
          "Country": null,
          "Designation": null,
          "ManagerName": null,
          "DomainId": 0,
          "LAT_Enabled": false,
          "SAAS_UserID": 0,
          "SAAS_UserName": null,
          "SAAS_OrgID": 0,
          "OrgName": null
        "locationList": null,
        "workgroupList": [
            "Text": "IM WG",
            "Value": "59"
            "Text": "vivegan",
            "Value": "1280"
        "slaList": [
            "Text": "9 to 6",
            "Value": "1"
            "Text": "11 to 10",
            "Value": "4"
            "Text": "SLA Name",
            "Value": "8"
            "Text": "Sukruta",
            "Value": "29"
        "urgencyList": [
            "Text": "IT Urgency 1",
            "Value": "1"
            "Text": "test",
            "Value": "7"
            "Text": "test1",
            "Value": "8"
        "impactList": [
            "Text": "IT Impact 1",
            "Value": "1"
            "Text": "IT Impact 2",
            "Value": "14"
            "Text": "IT Impact 3",
            "Value": "15"
            "Text": ",.//",
            "Value": "22"
            "Text": "global",
            "Value": "46"
            "Text": "IT Impact",
            "Value": "16"
        "priorityList": [
            "Text": "Priority P1",
            "Value": "1"
            "Text": "IT P2",
            "Value": "6"
            "Text": "High Priority",
            "Value": "41"
            "Text": "P1 - Short",
            "Value": "72"
            "Text": "P One",
            "Value": "103"
        "configurationItemList": [
            "Text": "INBE01SW7V01",
            "Value": "1"

Retrieving the List of Configured Fields of an Incident

Use the following API Request to view the Incident details based on the configured fields in the web application.. 

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "IM_GetMyIncidentConfiguredFields",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "_ProxyDetails": {
      "AuthType": "APIKey",
      "APIKey": "TUgg04QWkecX8bBis2i8ZBF/mIcno5QkKAn0rj/N0sc=",
      "ProxyID": 0,
      "ReturnType": "json",
      "OrgID": 1,
      "TokenID": ""
    "TicketID": 25286,
    "Instance": "Info",
    "RequestType": "mobile"

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

Instance *


Name of the Instance.



Unique Identification of the Ticket.



Type of the Request.The value must be mobile.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
  "Errors": "",
  "Message": "",
  "Output": "",
  "TokenID": "E6EF5162FA3DE47DF35A0F092CFD02A92F95E0CF85FD0840FE672BD2C3721A3C460D2EEDA1CBF5E86016FF633E26FDF689EB57EA46941E5D17B8DBF7E6D8205A3F18FA38A
  "OrgID": 0,
  "OutputObject": {
    "IncidentPageFieldProperties": [
        "MasterPageFieldID": 20,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "TenantDisp",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 1,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Instance"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 21,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Log Time",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 2,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Log Time"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 2,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Classification",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 8,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Classification"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 24,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Service Window",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 9,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Service Window"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 3,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Category",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 10,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Category"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 36,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Contract",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 17,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Contract"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 37,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Incident Follow-up",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 18,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "IncidentFollowUp"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 0,
        "CustomAttributeID": 433,
        "FieldText": "Designation",
        "FieldValue": "Developer",
        "SortOrder": 19,
        "ActualMappingColumn": ""
        "MasterPageFieldID": 0,
        "CustomAttributeID": 434,
        "FieldText": "Manager",
        "FieldValue": "Chinthan",
        "SortOrder": 20,
        "ActualMappingColumn": ""
        "MasterPageFieldID": 14,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Symptom",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 21,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Symptom"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 15,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Description",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 22,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Description"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 29,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Solution",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 23,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Solution"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 32,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Additional Information",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 24,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Additional Information"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 34,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Service Request Details",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 25,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Service Request Relation"
        "MasterPageFieldID": 35,
        "CustomAttributeID": 0,
        "FieldText": "Work Order Details",
        "FieldValue": "",
        "SortOrder": 26,
        "ActualMappingColumn": "Work Order Relation"
  "OutputID": 0,
  "Input": null

Retrieving Knowledge Articles List

Use the following API Request to retrieve the list of Knowledge Articles based on the Incident Symptom. 

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "IM_GetSymptoms",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "_ProxyDetails": {
       "UserName": "",            
       "OrgID": 1,
       "ReturnType": "JSON",
       "Password": "XXXXXX",
       "AuthType": "FORM",
       "ProxyID": 0,
    "StrSearchText": "SY",

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes



Name of the Instance.



Unique Identification of the Ticket.

IsKBArticles *


Is KB Articles required.The value must be true.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
    "Errors": "",
    "Message": null,
    "Output": "",
    "TokenID": "DB724F2C51CAAA50993DB815E2758D69158A89D1A1FD83C256C03933332B3BF4F0662B77FCEE95886301D49C62780F61C0BCB1969B52CA5159DE7C600436B1752A03379F015C94F
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": {
        "SymptomDetails": {
            "SearchList": [
                    "UID": "4",
                    "Symptom": "SPA Secondary symptom 2",
                    "TemplateID": "5",
                    "ViewCount": null
            "KBArticles": [
                    "Original_FileName": null,
                    "Renamed_FileName": null,
                    "Image_Uid": null,
                    "KB_ID": 39,
                    "KB_CategoryID": 2,
                    "KB_Subject": "Subject of the KB Article",
                    "Active": 1,
                    "KB_Details": "Subject of the KB Article",
                    "KeyMatches": 1,
                    "Video_Url": null,
                    "Video_Url_Iframe": "<iframe  height='500' width='500' src=\"#URL\"  id='iframe_video' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen  ></iframe>",
                    "Public_Article": false,
                    "IsSelfHelpArticle": true,
                    "SearchText": "SY"
                    "Original_FileName": null,
                    "Renamed_FileName": null,
                    "Image_Uid": null,
                    "KB_ID": 40,
                    "KB_CategoryID": 2,
                    "KB_Subject": "Subject of the KB Article",
                    "Active": 1,
                    "KB_Details": "Subject of the KB Article",
                    "KeyMatches": 1,
                    "Video_Url": null,
                    "Video_Url_Iframe": "<iframe  height='500' width='500' src=\"#URL\"  id='iframe_video' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen  ></iframe>",
                    "Public_Article": false,
                    "IsSelfHelpArticle": true,
                    "SearchText": "SY"
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null

Retrieving User Profile Card on the End User Log Screen

Use the following API Request to retrieve the User Profile card on the End User Log screen. 

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "IM_GetUserProfileBanner",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "_ProxyDetails": {
       "UserName": "",            
       "OrgID": 1,
       "ReturnType": "JSON",
       "Password": "XXXXX",
       "APIKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
       "AuthType": "FORM",
       "ProxyID": 0,

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

PageName *


Name of the page.

For Example: LogTicket

UserID *


Unique Identification number of the User.

* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
    "Errors": "",
    "Message": "",
    "Output": "",
    "TokenID": "F0DC09F6D00229438E9AD45348271D9E405558A6197C6D19546C27F2796B9127D898C149468BC8BE33A8B083758AE48695DDB9F43AD57BE856EAD4BF0C6B7CCB377B7CF4CBD6641
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": {
        "UserProfileBanner": [
                "AttributeName": "Drop1 - User Group1",
                "AttributeValue": null
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null

Retrieving CC Users

Use the following API Request to retrieve the CC users from the Log Incident screen and User Address book. 

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "GetAddressbook",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "_ProxyDetails": {
       "UserName": "",            
       "OrgID": 1,
       "ReturnType": "JSON",
       "Password": "XXXXXX",
       "APIKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
       "AuthType": "FORM",
       "ProxyID": 0,

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes



Name of the module.

For Example: IM or SR
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
    "Errors": "",
    "Message": "",
    "Output": "",
    "TokenID": "A936C6A60441CD40F2572A6280E321A865A7D81C811B1D83D2C2A2E6B7A65EE2099D52A5AB4B69A0DC8C5F3B191D6BE889FFF433887777F3CF47E048A139A11565271D399D123243
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": {
        "UserAddressBook": [
                "UID": 15,
                "UserID": 10,
                "RecipientUserID": 12,
                "RecipientName": "John",
                "RecipientEmailId": "",
                "InsertBy": 10,
                "InsertDt": "2020-03-25 19:18:51",
                "UpdateBy": 10,
                "UpdateDt": "2020-06-10 19:17:34",
                "IsDefaultCC": false
                "UID": 16,
                "UserID": 10,
                "RecipientUserID": 11,
                "RecipientName": "Peter",
                "RecipientEmailId": "",
                "InsertBy": 10,
                "InsertDt": "2020-06-10 19:08:18",
                "UpdateBy": 10,
                "UpdateDt": "2020-06-10 19:34:09",
                "IsDefaultCC": true
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null

Retrieving the Number of Incidents

Use the following API Request to retrieve the number of Incidents based on the Status on the incident List Page. 

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "IM_GetStatusCount",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "_ProxyDetails": {
       "UserName": "",            
       "OrgID": 1,
       "ReturnType": "JSON",
       "Password": "",
       "APIKey": "FuvXeZTSna2Jdj/PImKKTRS97Dg8Ns7ET/UQ1X9JZHs=",
       "AuthType": "FORM",
       "ProxyID": 0,

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

InstanceCode *


Name of the Instance.

For Example: Information Technology

UserID *


Unique Identification number of the User.

* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
    "Errors": "",
    "Message": "",
    "Output": "",
    "TokenID": "EAA2966CB20E1C7F5B36CEB73D42AAE17CDFA7D5803237F3BF098D08ED6122C3EDD32F73271D71B207F75217CF96CF28DF0B215C9D17F534C01A03F09B01ACFD999994B1
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": {
        "StatusCount": null
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null

Retrieving the Incidents Using Filters

Use the following API Request to retrieve the Incidents based on the selected filter options. 

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "IM_GetMyIncidents",
  "_EncryptCommonParameters": {
    "InstanceCode": "ALL",
    "_ProxyDetails": {
      "ProxyID": 0,
      "LoginUID": 6118,
      "TokenID": "",
      "OrgID": "1",
      "MobileVersion": "5.10.0",
      "ReturnType": "JSON",
      "Password": "test@123",
      "UserName": "",
      "RequestType": "mobile",
      "AuthType": "FORM",
      "SAASOrgID": "0"
    "IncidentParam": {
      "Instance": "ALL",
      "Workgroup": 0,
      "OrgID": "1",
      "caller": "4",
      "Status": "All",
      "CurrentPageIndex": 0,
      "PageSize": 20,
      "Executive": 0
  "IsEncryptionEnabled": false

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

Instance *


Name of the Instance.

For Example: Information Technology

Workgroup *


Name of the Workgroup.

OrgID *


Unique Identification number of the Organization.

caller *


Name or ID of the Caller.

Status *


Status of the Incidents.

For Example: New or Assigned or In-Progress

CurrentPageIndex *


Index of the Current Page.

PageSize *


Rows to be displayed per page.

Executive *


Name of the Executive.

IsEncryptionEnabled *


Is the Encryption enabled or not?

The value is either true or false.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
  "Errors": "",
  "Message": "",
  "Output": "",
  "TokenID": "BC4E5D8B9AF4933664ADC0BB65FDCC1E841D9551AC06F7D5DD8E389929673B94A69BF7A6F22D86F544708E7130951B9DE4C2DEE66A456D3E130EF38BC658C16B9FC999AE06BBDA0A
  "OrgID": 0,
  "OutputObject": {
    "MyTickets": [
        "ROWNUM": 1,
        "Ticket_ID": "zFqh10gjAmPJGus3QpZq3Q%3d%3d",
        "TotalRows": 628,
        "Incident ID": "51450",
        "Logged Time": "2020-06-11 17:24:08",
        "Status": "New",
        "Symptom": "Prev - IMPrev - IM",
        "Workgroup Name": "IT Desk - Networks Team",
        "Executive Name": "-",
        "Priority": "High Priority",
        "PriorityColorCode": "#651fde",
        "Resolution_SLA": 20,
        "SLAName": "Orc 24/7",
        "CallerName": "John",
        "UserTypeColor": null,
        "UserTypeName": null,
        "Resolution_Time": null,
        "Age": 3,
        "Resolution_ElapseTime": 0,
        "SLAProgress": 0,
        "IsParentRecord": 0,
        "UserProfileImageName": "e7ae8756-d1a1-45c6-938d-15d7a580fd63.png",
        "Pending": null,
        "GUID": "8AC31422-5C0B-47D8-8FDB-55B038527669",
        "Customer": "XYZ",
        "Location": "Bengaluru",
        "Resolution_Deadline": "2020-06-11 17:44:00",
        "Updated_Time": "2020-06-11 17:24:08",
        "SupFunctionID": "Orc",
        "Sup_Function_Name": "Orc Tenant",
        "AgeClass": "green",
        "AgingInfo": "0-2 Days",
        "SLAPercent": 0,
        "SLAProgressClass": null,
        "StatusCount": "Assigned-57 ,In-Progress-36 ,New-532 ,Pending-3"
        "ROWNUM": 2,
        "Ticket_ID": "eYpq6EmJro16dMNSyJ3bKw%3d%3d",
        "TotalRows": 628,
        "Incident ID": "51449",
        "Logged Time": "2020-06-11 17:17:40",
        "Status": "New",
        "Symptom": "Prev - IM",
        "Workgroup Name": "IT Desk - Networks Team",
        "Executive Name": "-",
        "Priority": "High Priority",
        "PriorityColorCode": "#651fde",
        "Resolution_SLA": 20,
        "SLAName": "Orc 24/7",
        "CallerName": "John",
        "UserTypeColor": null,
        "UserTypeName": null,
        "Resolution_Time": null,
        "Age": 3,
        "Resolution_ElapseTime": 0,
        "SLAProgress": 0,
        "IsParentRecord": 0,
        "UserProfileImageName": "e7ae8756-d1a1-45c6-938d-15d7a580fd63.png",
        "Pending": null,
        "GUID": "B74BC05D-452B-4D73-9710-C04A10CE0999",
        "Customer": "XYZ",
        "Location": "Bengaluru",
        "Resolution_Deadline": "2020-06-11 17:38:00",
        "Updated_Time": "2020-06-11 17:17:40",
        "SupFunctionID": "Orc",
        "Sup_Function_Name": "Orc Tenant",
        "AgeClass": "green",
        "AgingInfo": "0-2 Days",
        "SLAPercent": 0,
        "SLAProgressClass": null,
        "StatusCount": "Assigned-57 ,In-Progress-36 ,New-532 ,Pending-3"
    "GridViewDisplayColumns": [
        "LabelName": "Ticket_ID",
        "Value": "Ticket_ID",
        "Placeholder": null,
        "IsCustomField": false
        "LabelName": "Incident ID",
        "Value": "Incident ID",
        "Placeholder": null,
        "IsCustomField": false
        "LabelName": "Logged Time",
        "Value": "Logged Time",
        "Placeholder": null,
        "IsCustomField": false
        "LabelName": "Status",
        "Value": "Status",
        "Placeholder": null,
        "IsCustomField": false
        "LabelName": "Caller",
        "Value": "CallerName",
        "Placeholder": null,
        "IsCustomField": false
        "LabelName": "Workgroup",
        "Value": "Workgroup Name",
        "Placeholder": null,
        "IsCustomField": false
        "LabelName": "Symptom",
        "Value": "Symptom",
        "Placeholder": null,
        "IsCustomField": false
        "LabelName": "Pending Reason",
        "Value": "Pending",
        "Placeholder": null,
        "IsCustomField": false
  "OutputID": 0,
  "Input": null

Retrieving Bulletin Board on the Self Service Dashboard

Use the following API Request to retrieve the Bulletin Board on the based on the Self Service Dashboard. 

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "GetBulletinBoard",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "_ProxyDetails": {
       "UserName": "",            
       "OrgID": 1,
       "ReturnType": "JSON",
       "Password": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
       "AuthType": "FORM",
       "ProxyID": 0,
    "UserID": "1274"

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

Instance *


Name of the Instance.

For Example: Information Technology

UserID *


Unique Identification number of the User.

* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
    "Errors": "",
    "Message": "",
    "Output": "",
    "TokenID": "658FCDF56C66DFE117332AEEBD03ABB15756B3CB1A7AB6D5073F9FC31ADB90769F9CDC56F06F88BD735C46269EFDEDFF21D94C1CA8A7B86DB2F26F04316F7C907AFD848B
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": {
        "BulletinBoard": [
                "Alert_ID": 26,
                "Org_Id": 1,
                "Sup_Function": "Info",
                "Alert_Subject": null,
                "Alert_Description": "Bulletin board",
                "BulletinFrom_Date": "/Date(1591275600000)/",
                "BulletinTo_Date": "/Date(1592571600000)/",
                "Active": true,
                "Alert_Message": "Bulletin board",
                "ShowAsGlobal": false,
                "DisplayAsMarquee": false,
                "Type": "Alerts"
                "Alert_ID": 27,
                "Org_Id": 1,
                "Sup_Function": "Info",
                "Alert_Subject": null,
                "Alert_Description": "Bulletin board1",
                "BulletinFrom_Date": "/Date(1591275600000)/",
                "BulletinTo_Date": "/Date(1592571600000)/",
                "Active": true,
                "Alert_Message": "Bulletin board1",
                "ShowAsGlobal": false,
                "DisplayAsMarquee": true,
                "Type": "Alerts"
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null

Retrieving Knowledge Articles on the Self Service Dashboard

Use the following API Request to retrieve the Knowledge Articles on the Self Service Dashboard to improve the Self Service. 

API Details

Sample Request
    "ServiceName": "KM_GetKnowledgeArticleDetails",
    "objCommonParameters": {
        "_ProxyDetails": {
            "UserName": "",
            "OrgID": 1,
            "ReturnType": "JSON",
            "Password": "XXXXX",
            "APIKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "AuthType": "FORM",
            "ProxyID": 0,

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

KBId *


Unique Identification number of the Knowledge Article.

For Example: Information Technology

IsExecutive *


Is the requester is an Executive?

The value is either 1 or 0.

RequestType *


Type of Request.

The value must be mobile.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
  "Errors": "",
  "Message": "",
  "Output": "",
  "TokenID": "54E4FCA39999A20127E6D135B067CBD8B50E2E7D287D7890D26FDA2DD38796437ACEE6087FAD2AD828500B0DF217D239AFACD833F1BD7AFFAC18467F3A78B2E88825FC
  "OrgID": 0,
  "OutputObject": {
    "KnowledgeArticle": {
      "KM_ArticleDetails": [
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "KB_ID": 145,
          "KB_Subject": "Basic steps to troubleshoot wireless connection problems",
          "sup_function": "Info",
          "VideoUrl": "",
          "KB_Details": "<p><strong>To troubleshoot wireless network problems</strong>:</p>\n<p>For new routers that have yet to be connected to the internet, 
refer the installation guide and user manual that was supplied with the router. The manuals can also be found on the NETGEAR Support website.</p>\n<div>\n<ul>\n<li>
To search for your specific product, see<span> </span><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>.
</li><li>If additional assistance is needed, see<span> </span><a href=\"\">Router initial setup FAQ</a></li></ul>\n</div>\n<p>
If the router has been connected to the internet and worked in the past, confirm the signal from your internet service provider (ISP) is not the problem.</p>\n<ol>\n<li>Turn off the wireless function and directly 
connect your computer to the router with an Ethernet cable.</li><li>Reboot the computer and check for an internet connection.</li><li>If there is still no internet connection reboot the router and any modems in use.
</li><li>You can also repeat this scenario with your computer directly connected to the modem instead of the router.</li><li>If you are still not getting an internet connection, contact your internet service provider.
          "Category": "Applications",
          "Classification": "Change/Replacement",
          "Status": "Published",
          "LifecycleStatus": "Operational",
          "ModifiedDate": "2020-05-29 07:36:16",
          "PublishedDate": "2020-05-29 07:36:16",
          "Original_FileName": "W_Capture1.PNG",
          "Renamed_FileName": "a03484b9-38da-4faf-8af8-f8a301312c5d.PNG",
          "Image_Uid": 75,
          "IMAGENAME": null,
          "Version_Number": 3
      "Catalogs": [],
      "Attachments": [
          "Original_FileName": "gmail_outlook_2013_image6.png",
          "Renamed_FileName": "9a10eccf-2d51-4c37-abd3-c6b090f9bca7.png",
          "Attach_Uid": 25,
          "TicketID": 145
      "UserFeedback": [
          "Uid": 0,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "KB_ID": 145,
          "KB_Subject": "Basic steps to troubleshoot wireless connection problems",
          "FeedbackRating": null,
          "FeedbackRemarks": null
      "AverageRating": ""
  "OutputID": 0,
  "Input": null

Updating User Profile Details

Use the following API Request to update the details of the User on the User Profile page. 

API Details

Sample Request
    "ServiceName": "ADM_UpdateUserProfileDetails",
    "objCommonParameters": {
        "_ProxyDetails": {
            "UserName": "",
            "OrgID": 1,
            "ReturnType": "JSON",
            "Password": "XXXXX",
            "AuthType": "FORM",
            "ProxyID": 0,

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes



Unique Identification number of the Knowledge Article.

For Example: Information Technology



Two letter code of the Language.

For Example: en for English.

RequestType *


Type of Request.

The value must be mobile.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
  "Errors": "",
  "Input": null,
  "Message": "User Profile Details are updated successfully. UserID- 1274",
  "OrgID": 0,
  "Output": "User Profile Details are updated successfully. UserID- 1274",
  "OutputID": 0,
  "OutputObject": null,
  "TokenID": "B193C64F21450B5E6FD4E2C0DE4BD12E07D85B5277F9201AE36A688E4E70B8A0DCD053A1B135CC66D07A02E27CE6502476FB7AB32DCBC2AA1ECDC77977B68CC9255CE1

Viewing Other Users Incidents

Use the following API Request to view other users Incidents based on the selected filter options.

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "IM_GetIncidentMasterMobile",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "RequiredParameters": {
      "InstanceCode": "Info",
      "PageName": "MyTickets",
      "IsRequiredClassificationandCat": true
    "_ProxyDetails": {
      "AuthType": "APIKey",
      "ProxyID": 0,
      "ReturnType": "json",
      "OrgID": 1,
      "TokenID": ""

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

InstanceCode *


Name of the Instance.

For Example: Information Technology

PageName *


Name of the Page.

For Example: MyTickets.

IsRequiredClassificationandCat *


Is the Classification and Category are required?

The value is either true or false.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
    "Errors": "Unable to get incident master details: Invalid or expired API Key.",
    "Message": "",
    "Output": null,
    "TokenID": null,
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": null,
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null

Retrieving the Incident Details Based on the Configured Fields

Use the following API Request to retrieve the Incident details based on the configured fields.

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "IM_GetIncidentDetails",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "_ProxyDetails": {
      "AuthType": "APIKey",
      "APIKey": "TUgg04QWkecX8bBis2i8ZBF/mIcno5QkKAn0rj/N0sc=",
      "ProxyID": 0,
      "ReturnType": "json",
      "OrgID": 1,
      "TokenID": ""
    "TicketID": "Y6dqmA4FtE6FUOYnnMzfZQ%3d%3d",
    "Instance": "Info",
    "RequestType": "mobile"

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

Instance *


Name of the Instance.

For Example: Information Technology

TicketID *


Unique Identification of the Ticket.

For Example: MyTickets.

RequestType *


Type of the Request.

The value must be mobile.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
  "Errors": "",
  "Message": "",
  "Output": "",
  "TokenID": "0A674B11FA067BFB0F6A69A2A8842363AA65185C37F8D2F78058224B68A97DFF87A7EC9D140F6B919805900DE28CB3EA0106B23760E17BD8A1E7038F895378598939BD5CE3BBFD
  "OrgID": 0,
  "OutputObject": {
    "Updater": null,
    "Ticket": {
      "IsSMSEnabled": false,
      "NotificationMethodName": null,
      "DoNotUpdateChildPriority": false,
      "dtSimilarSymptoms": null,
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      "ToTicket_ID": 0,
      "TimeZoneName": null,
      "TimeZoneMins": 0,
      "TicketClosingMode": "Manual",
      "TicketID": 25286,
      "Sup_Function": "Info",
      "Sup_Function_Name": "Information Technology",
      "Reg_Time": "2020-05-19T15:30:08.813",
      "Formatted_RegTime": "2020-05-19 15:30:08",
      "OldStatus": null,
      "Status": "New",
      "Medium": "Web",
      "LoggedBy": 967,
      "LoggedBy_EmailID": null,
      "LoggedByName": "Paul",
      "Caller": 967,
      "Caller_Name": "Paul",
      "Caller_EmailID": null,
      "Classification": null,
      "Classification_Name": null,
      "Category": null,
      "Category_Name": null,
      "Description": "testing123",
      "Pending_Code": null,
      "PendingReason": null,
      "Severity": 6,
      "SeverityCSV": "",
      "Severity_Name": null,
      "Severity_Display": null,
      "Criticality": null,
      "Criticality_Name": null,
      "CI": null,
      "CI_Name": null,
      "Impact_Id": null,
      "Impact_Name": null,
      "OldSLA": 0,
      "SLA": 1,
      "SLA_Name": "9 to 6",
      "OldAssigned_Workgroup": 0,
      "Assigned_Workgroup": 1,
      "Assigned_WorkGroup_Name": "IT Infrastructure",
      "Assigned_Engineer": null,
      "Assigned_Engineer_EmpID": null,
      "Assigned_Engineer_Name": null,
      "Assigned_Engineer_Email": null,
      "Response_Deadline": "2020-05-19T16:00:00",
      "Response_Time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "Response_SLA_Met": null,
      "Response_SLA_Reason": null,
      "Resolution_Deadline": "2020-05-19T16:30:00",
      "Resolution_Time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "Resolution_SLA_Met": null,
      "Resolution_SLA_Reason": null,
      "Closure_Code": null,
      "Closure_Code_Name": null,
      "Repeat_Call": false,
      "Attachments": false,
      "Original_FileName1": null,
      "Renamed_FileName1": null,
      "Original_FileName2": null,
      "Renamed_FileName2": null,
      "Reopen_Call": false,
      "KB": false,
      "RspEsc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "RsoEsc_50PC": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "RsoEsc_75PC": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "RsoEsc_100PC": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "guid": null,
      "CurrentUser": 0,
      "ParentTicketID": null,
      "Updated_Time": "2020-05-19T15:30:08.813",
      "LastUpdatedTimeGMT": "2020-05-19T10:00:08.813",
      "Org_Id": 1,
      "Month": null,
      "Output_format": null,
      "Executive": null,
      "FIncidentID": null,
      "TIncidentID": null,
      "TickStatus": null,
      "Priority": "IT P2",
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      "TCaller": null,
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      "Schedule_Date": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
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      "Target_Completion_Date": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
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      "ResolutionCodeName": null,
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      "Rpt_FromDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "Rpt_ToDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
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      "UserCom_MinChar": 0,
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      "IM_EnableFollowUp": false,
      "PM_EnablePreAuthorization": false,
      "EnablechkboxInlistFilter_AnalystupdateTicketfrmMail_SR": false,
      "EnablechkboxInlistFilter_AnalystupdateTicketfrmMail_IM": false,
      "IM_SR_Enable_All_Customer_and_Caller": false,
      "IM_SR_Enable_Own_Customer_and_Caller": false,
      "Notify_WorkgroupOwner_Onchange_Analyst": false,
      "KM_EnableApproverEditable": false,
      "KM_EnablePublisherEditable": false,
      "Description_MaxChar": 0,
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      "Allow_Analyst_EditSymptom": false,
      "Allow_Analyst_EditDescription": false,
      "Enable_Location_For_Analyst": false,
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      "CL_EnableChangeCaller": false,
      "AssetAccept_MailIDs": null,
      "PM_AuthorizationMode": false
    "FeedbackConfig": null,
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    "RBASummaryPropertiesByCI": null,
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    "CI_Key": null,
    "CI_Value": null,
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  "Input": null