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You can add the Printer details, such as the Printer Name, Printer ID, Printer Status, Toner Threshold Percentage, and so on. You can also modify the Printer details.

To add Printers:

  1. Select Operations > Configuration > Printer > ADD PRINTER.
  2. On the ADD PRINTER page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. Select the Tenant and fill in the other required details. For more information about fields on the ADD PRINTER page, see Field Description.
  4. Click SUBMIT. The new Printer is added.

    Add Printer
    Figure:  ADD PRINTER page

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the ADD PRINTER page:




Printer Status

Displays the status of the Printer after the Printer is added.

Printer Name

Type in the name for the Printer.

IP Address

Type in the IP address of the Printer.


Select the vendor of the Printer.

Printer Server

Lists the configured Printer Servers. Select the Printer Server from the list.


Lists the configured Customers. Select the Customer from the list.


Lists the configured Locations. Select the Location from the list.

High Toner Threshold

Specify the high toner threshold percentage for the Printer.

Medium Toner Threshold

Specify the medium toner threshold percentage for the Printer.

Low Toner Threshold

Specify the low toner threshold percentage for the Printer.

Ping Timeout

Type in the ping time out (in milliseconds) for the Printer. In the specified time the Server checks the destination Printer and records the result.

Ping Retry

Type in the ping retry number. The ping retry number indicates that the Print Server would try to communicate with the Printer for the specified number of times.

Note: If the Printer Server fails to communicate with the Printer even after the specified retries, an alert e-mail is sent to the configured recipients.

Mail To

Type in the e-mail address of the users to whom the alert/notification e-mails about the printer status should be sent in “To” list.

  • Alert Mail: The alert e-mail is sent whenever a printer is down or whenever a printer toner has crossed the threshold.
  • Notification Mail: The notification e-mail is sent whenever a printer status changes to up from down and also when the printer utilization is below the specified threshold.

Mail CC

Type in the e-mail address of the users to whom the alert/notification e-mails about the Printer status need to be sent in “CC” list.


Type in the brief description about the Printer.

Reference ID

Specify the unique reference identification number for the Printer.

SOP Template

Specify the unique reference identification number for the device.

Note: If the reference ID is not configured, the unique identification number of the device is displayed in device details.


Indicates the status of the Printer.

  • If selected, the Printer is active and is displayed in the Printer list.
  • If not selected, the Printer is inactive.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the ADD PRINTER page.


Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the Printers. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Select the Tenant, Printer Status, Customer, and Location. Click SUBMIT.

FILTERS pop-up page
Figure:  FILTERS pop-up page


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Printers for the selected Tenant.

Figure:  PRINTER LIST page: List of printers

  • To modify a Printer, click the configured Printer Name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
  • To display the inactive Printers, click the Include Inactive check box.


When the Printers are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Printer.

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