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titleSummitAI IT Operations Management

SUMMIT AI Availability Management_Alps

SUMMIT Platform Components

Monitoring Types

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Auto Upgrading of Proxy Agent





Event Management

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Viewing Operations Dashboard

Viewing Oracle Dashboard

Viewing SQL Server Dashboard

Viewing Exchange Server Dashboard

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Network View

Network Device View

Event View

Server View

Server Group View

Printer View

Common View

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titleServer Management

Server Dashboard

IIS Dashboard

ASP.NET Dashboard

Cloud Dashboard

Storage Dashboard

Application Dashboard

Creating Server Views

Viewing Server Details

Defining Server Groups


Save Discovered Servers

Adding Servers

Configuring Application Log Templates

Configuring Event Log Templates

Defining Mailbox Relations

Adding Cloud VM for Monitoring

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titleNetwork Management

Network Management


Creating Views from Drawing Board

Creating Views from Discovered Devices List

Network Dashboard

Viewing Network Link Details

Edit Network Link Details

Viewing Network Device Details

Viewing Network Interface Details

Editing Network Device Details


Adding Interfaces for Monitoring

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Adding Printers

Save Discovered Printer

Printer View

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Adding or Modifying URLs

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titleEvent Management

Event Management

Configuring Event Action Templates

Configuration and Mapping

Configuring Event CI Relations

Configuring Help

Configuring Problem Templates

Configuring Event Processing

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Configuring Asset Value

Configuring Business Impact Risk

Configuring Correction Capability

Probability of Occurrence

Probable Timeline of Detection

Viewing Overall Risks

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titleCloud Management

Adding Accounts

Adding Resources

Adding Virtual Machines

Adding Virtual Machine Templates

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titleOther Administrative Actions

Configuring Master Settings

Configuring Custom Scheduler Script/SNMP

Configuring Script or SNMP Thresholds

Importing Data

Mapping Proxies

Configuring Alerts And Log Incidents for Proxy Servers

Configuring Jobs for Device Maintenance

Configuring Job Hung Notifications

Configuring Service Entitlements

Configuring Cost

Configuring Risk

Configuring Incident Templates

Configuring Action Templates

Configuring Application Server Threshold

Configuring Alerts And Log Incidents

Configuring Alert and Log Incidents for Hard disk and Service

Configuring Vital Business Functions

Configuring Standard Operating Procedure Mapping

Mapping Standard Operating Procedures

Default Configuration

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Viewing Reports

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You can configure URL details, such as the ID, status, name and group of a URL. You can add text to monitor the status of the URL. You can also modify the URL details.

To add URLs:

  1. Select  Operations > Configuration > URLs.
  2. On the ADD URL page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. Select the Tenant and fill in the other required details. For more information about fields on the ADD URL page, see Field Description.
  4. Click SUBMIT. The new URL is added.

    ADD URL page
    Figure:  ADD URL page

Field Description
Field Description
Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the ADD URL  page:





Displays the status of the URL after the URL is added.


Type in the URL that you want to add.


Lists the configured Customers. Select the Customer from the list.


Lists the configured Locations. Select the Location from the list.

Service Entitlement

Lists the configured Service Entitlements. Select the Service Entitlement from the list.

Web Server Authentication

Lists the configured Web Server Authentications. Select the appropriate Web Server Authentication from the list.

URL User

Specify the NT login id, if the selected Web Server Authentication is NTLM.


Type in the name of the URL Group.

Monitoring Source

Lists the supported Monitoring Sources. Select the monitoring source from the list.

  • Summit Server: It refers to the machine, where SUMMIT Suite is installed. It is also referred as Summit Centralized Server. Select this option to execute the operations from the Summit Server.
  • Proxy Server: It refers to the machine configured at a client location for sending monitored data of the client machines to the Summit Server. Select this option to monitor the operations from the Proxy Server.

Run at Proxy

This field is displayed only if you select the Monitoring Source as Proxy Server. Lists the Proxy Servers that are configured in the customer locations using the Proxy Agent tool software. Select a Proxy Server from which you want to monitor the configured URL operations.

Mail To

Type in the e-mail address of the users to whom the alert/notification e-mails about the URL status need to be sent in “To” list.

  • Alert Mail: The alert e-mail is sent whenever a URL is down or whenever a URL has crossed the threshold.
  • Notification Mail: The notification e-mail is sent whenever a URL status changes to up from down and also when the URL utilization is below the specified threshold.

Mail CC

Type in the e-mail address of the users to whom the alert/notification e-mails about the URL status need to be sent in “CC” list.


Type in the time interval (in minutes) after which you want to send the alert.

IP Address

Type in the destination IP address for the URL.

Ping Retry

Type in the ping retry number. The ping retry number indicates that the Server would try to communicate with the URL for the specified number of times.

Note: If the Server fails to communicate with the URL even after the specified retries, then an alert e-mail is sent to the configured members.

Ping Timeout

Type in the ping time out for the URL. In the specified time the Server checks the destination IP address and records the result.

Text Exists

Type in the text that exists in the specified URL. While monitoring if the monitoring Server finds that the specified text exists, the URL status is displayed as UP.

For example: The URL is

You can specify one or more Text Exists using the special character pipe ‘|’ as a separator. For example, abcz|weblogin|sp123|

Text Not Exists

Type in the text that does not exists in the specified URL. While monitoring if the monitoring Server finds that the specified text does not exists for the URL, the URL status is displayed as DOWN.

For example: The URL is

You can specify one or more Text Not Exists using the special character pipe ‘|’ as a separator. For example, Error|Error login|login_verify|invalid_user and so on.

Reference ID

Type in the unique reference ID number for the URL.

SOP Template

Lists the configured SOP templates. Selects a SOP template to map the SOP to the URL. For information about SOPs, see Configuring Standard Operating Procedure Mapping.


Indicates the status of the URL.

  • If selected, the URL is active and is displayed in the URL list.
  • If not selected, the URL is inactive.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the ADD URL  page.


Click the Filters icon to display the URLs for a specific Monitoring Source. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Select the Monitoring Source and click SUBMIT.

FILTERS pop-up page
Figure:  FILTERS pop-up page


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured URLs for the selected Tenant.

Figure:  URL LIST page

  • To modify URLs, click the configured URL Name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
  • Click the Include Inactive check box to view the inactive URLs.


When the configured URLs are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new URL.

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