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About SummitAI IT Management Suite 1

Signing In 1

Describing the User Interface 1

Alerts and Approvals 1

Viewing and Updating Your Profile Details 1

Global Search 1

Personalizing Pages 1

Forgot Password 1

Logging Out 1

Delegating Role 1

Signing In As Another User 1

Switching Tenant 1

Searching Users 1

Help File Conventions 1

Digi accordionexpand

Document Repository_General 1

Global Tenant


Concurrent License Allocation 1

Digi accordion

Adding Users 1

Viewing User List 1

Configuring Role Templates 1

Role Template Menu Configuration_GM 1

Role Template Other Configuration 1

Configuring Custom Tabs 1

Resigned Approver List 1

Viewing Switch User List 1

Configuring Switch User 1

Importing User Details Using Excel

Importing User Details from DB

Importing Active Directory User Details

titleTheme Configuration

Configuring Themes 1

Previewing and Editing Themes 1

titleSSO Configuration

SSO Configuration Wizard Gen 1

SSO Configurations: Forms

SSO Configuration : SAML

SSO Configuration: OAuth

SSO Configurations: Proxy

titleForm Builder

Form Builder 1

Custom Fields

Configuring Custom Fields for Customers

Configuring Custom Fields for Users

titleCommon Masters

Configuring Common Master Types 1

Configuring Common Masters 1

Configuring Geographic Location 1


Configuring Widgets 1

Configuring Widget Tabs 1

Configuring Widget Reports 1

Configuring Widget Report Access 1


Importing Configurations by Template

Exporting Configurations by File

Importing Configurations by File

Configuring Tenant 1

Configuring Dashboards 1

Configuring Domain 1

Configuring Application Settings 1

Importing Master Template

Configuring Analysts 1

Mapping Language Translation

Configuring Workgroups

Report Builder

Configuring Custom Scheduler 1

Archiving Data 1

Configuring Periodic Survey 1

Configuring Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 1

Configuring Web Services

External Web Service Mapping

Proxy View Admin 1

Viewing Proxy Server Details

Configuring VLAN 1

Mapping VLAN to Proxy 1

Configuring Digital Signature 1

Configuring ServiceNow 1


Configuring SR Approval Workflow

Configuring CR Approval Workflow 1


Adding Customers 1

Viewing Customer List 1

Configuring Customer SLA Matrix 1

Configuring Custom Tabs for Customers 1


Adding Vendors 1

Viewing Vendor List 1

titleDiscovery and Monitoring

Configuring Vendor MIBs

Discovery Configuration

Configuring Monitoring Accounts 1

Configuring Scripts

Configuring Scripts Based Monitoring 1

Configuring SNMP MIB 1

Configuring SNMP Based Monitoring


Configuring Standard Operating Procedures

Viewing Documents

Uploading Documents


E-mail Parsing 1

Configuring Mailbox

Configuring Templates for Free-Form E-Mail Type 1

Configuring Templates for Line E-mail Type 1

Configuring Notification Parser 1

Configuring Notification Templates 1

Configuring SMS Gateway 1

Configuring Voice Call Gateway 1

Configuring Bulletins 1

Configuring Alerts 1

Adding Master Configuration 1

Configuring Conference Call 1

Configuring Push Notifications 1


Configuring Compliance Profiles 1

Allocating Compliance Profiles 1

Agent Contact Information 1

Viewing Modifying Profile Configuration 1


Configuring Skills

Configuring Skill Category

Configuring Core Competency 1

Adding Holidays 1

titleShift Management

Configuring Shifts 1

Allocating Shifts 1

Viewing Shift Roster


Configuring Auto Escalations 1

Configuring Manual Escalations


License Usage

License Acceptance

License Monitoring

Allocating Concurrent License 1



Configuring GDPR 1

Guide Me 1

titlePassword Management

Password Management

Configuring Administrator 1

Configuring Security Questions 1

Mapping Security Questions 1

Configuring Keyword Message 1

2019-10-17_09-08-12_Managing User Account

Configuring Password Expiry 1

Password E-mail Audit Log 1

Creating AD Property 1

User Registration Details Report 1

Status Details Report 1

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titleReports and Dashboards

Viewing Reports

Creating New Reports_Gen 1

Creating New Dashboards 1

Creating New Advanced Reports 1

Discovery Scan Error Report 1

Summit Audit Log for Login Accounts 1

SUMMIT Configuration Audit Report

Survey Report 1

License Trend Report 1

GDPR Status Report 1

Digi accordionexpand

Tenant Department Customer 1

Configuring Auto Escalation for Incident By SLA 1

Configuring Auto Escalation for Incident By Time 1

Configuring Auto Escalation for SR by Time 1

Configuring Auto Escalation for SR by SLA 1

2019-09-30_08-38-31_Configuring Mailbox

2020-04-07_12-45-08_Proxy View

2019-09-30_07-46-16_Configuring Vendor MIBs

Summit Audit Log for Login Accounts

Scripting 1

Scroll export button
captionDownload this Page
add-onScroll PDF Exporter

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider. Using SAML you can enable Single Sign Ons for the following portals:


If Okta SSO configuration is done for the End Users, the End Users can access the SummitAI application in any of the following ways:

  • From Okta URL: Log into the Okta URL, click the SummitAI icon and access the SummitAI application using the Okta credentials.

    Accessing the SummitAI application from OKTA URL
    Figure: Accessing the SummitAI application from OKTA URL

    Logging into SummitAI application
    Figure: Logging into SummitAI application

  • From SummitAI  URL: Specify the SummitAI  URL in the address bar. On the SummitAI login page, click the Okta icon. You are redirected to the Okta URL. Provide the Okta credentials to log into the SummitAI application.

    OKTA icon on SUMMIT Login page
    Figure: OKTA icon on SummitAI Login page

    OKTA Login page
    Figure: OKTA Login page

    Logging into SummitAI application
    Figure: Logging into SummitAI application

    • Note

      If only Okta is configured, on accessing the SummitAI URL, you are automatically redirected to the Okta URL and on providing Okta credentials, you are logged into the SummitAI application. 

      OKTA Login page
      Figure: OKTA Login page

      Logging into SUMMIT application
      Figure: Logging into SummitAI application

    • You can also access the SummitAI application by providing the SummitAI credentials. This option is available if Form login configuration is done by the Administrator.

Enabling SSO for SummitAI Using SAML (Okta Configuration)

titleAdding SummitAI as SAML App

You can add SummitAI as SAML app from the OKTA Console.

  1. Log into OKTA Admin Console. Click Admin. Click Add Applications under Shortcuts menu.

    Figure: Okta page: Adding SummitAI app

  2. Click Create a new app. The Create a New Application Integration pop-up is displayed. Select the SAML 2.0 option and click Create.

    Figure: Okta page: SummitAI app integration

  3. Provide the required details under the General Settings and click Next.

    Figure: Okta page: SummitAI app details

  4. Provide the SAML details under SAML Settings and click Next.

    Figure: Okta page: SummitAI SAML details

  5. Provide the feedback details under Feedback and click Finish.

    Figure: Okta page: Feedback

  6. Click View Setup Instructions. Provide the required details.

    Okta setup instructions
    Figure: Okta setup instructions
titleUpdating SummitAI Details as SAML App

IfSummitAI is already added as a SAML app, you can modify the details as required.

  1. Log into OKTA Admin Console. Click Admin. Click Add Applications under Shortcuts menu.

    Figure: Okta page: Editing SummitAI app details

  2. Click Apps you created. Select the SummitAI app that you want to update and click Edit.

    Figure: Okta page: Editing SummitAI app details

  3. Update the required details under the General Settings and click Next.

    Figure: Okta page: Editing SummitAI app details

  4. Update the SAML details under SAML Settings and click Next.

    Figure: Okta page: Editing Feedback details

  5. Update the feedback details under Feedback and click Finish.

    Figure: Okta page: Editing Feedback details

  6. Click View Setup Instructions. Update the required details.

    Figure: Okta page: Editing setup instructions
titleAdding User and Activating Them

You can add the users for whom SSO will be available for the SummitAI SAML app.

  1. Log into OKTA Admin Console. Click Admin. Select People from the Directory menu.

    Adding People
    Figure: Adding People

  2. Click Add Person. The Add Person pop-up is displayed. Provide the details about the user you are adding and click Add Person. If you want to add more users, click Save and Add Another.

    Adding People details
    Figure: Adding People details

  3. The added user needs to be activated so that the user can use SSO from OKTA for SummitAI . Click Activate. A confirmation pop-up page is displayed. Click Activate User.

    Activating the added person
    Figure: Activating the added person

SSO Configuration in SummitAI (For Okta)

To configure SSO in the SummitAI application for Okta:

  1. Select Admin > Basic > InfrastructureSSO Configuration. The SSO CONFIGURATION page is displayed. Select SAML and click ADD NEW under ACTIONS panel.

    Figure: SSO Configuration page: Okta

  2. Type in the SSO configuration details. For more information about the fields on the SSO CONFIGURATION page, see Field Description.
  3. Click VALIDATE. The certificate information is displayed if the uploaded certificate is valid. For invalid certificate, an error message is displayed.
  4. Click SUBMIT. The SSO is configured successfully.

    Field Description

    The following table describes the fields on the SSO CONFIGURATION page:




    Select the domain name from the list. The SAML based authentication will be configured for the selected domain.
    Note: T
    his field is not visible for single domain users.


    Provide the URL.

    Redirect URL

    Copy the SSO URL details from Okta configuration page and paste the URL details in this text box.

    SSO Type

    Select the SSO Type from the drop-down list.

    Response Attribute

    Select the response attribute from the drop-down list.

    Upload Certificate

    Upload the certificate that you downloaded during the SSO configuration using Okta SAML apps.

    Request Authentication ContextThis field lists the conditions to match the authentication context. In order to create a user, the authentication context must match with the authentication method. The available matching criterion are Better, Exact, Maximum, and Minimum.
    User CreationUpon enabling this checkbox, the user is created if that user is not available in SummitAI database but wants to login into the SummtAI application using Okta authentication method.
    Time Zone

    Select the timezone from the drop-down list. The selected timezone will be assigned to the newly created user.

    Note: This field is displayed only when the User Creation checkbox is enabled.

    Template Name

    Select the role template from the list. The selected role template will be assigned to the newly created user.

    Note: This field is displayed only when the User Creation checkbox is enabled.


    Upload an image to be displayed as Google icon.


Enabling SSO for SummitAI Using SAML (Google Configuration)

titleAdding SUMMIT as SAML App

You can add SummitAI as SAML app from the Google Admin Console.

  1. Log into Google Admin Console. Click Apps and select SAML Apps.

    Google App Settings page
    Figure: Google App Settings page

  2. Click the Plus icon to enable SSO for SAML application. Click SETUP MY OWN CUSTOM APP.

    Setting up SummitAI as custom app
    Figure: Setting up SummitAI as custom app

  3. Provide the SSO URL, Entity ID, and download the certificate. Click NEXT.

    Downloading the certificates
    Figure: Downloading the certificates

  4. Provide basic information about the SummitAI application and click NEXT.

    Basic details
    Figure: Basic details

  5. Provide the Service Provider details and click NEXT.

    Service Provider details
    Figure: Service Provider details

  6. Provide mappings between service provider attributes to available user profile fields. You can also come back later to complete the attribute mapping. Click FINISH.

    Attribute mapping
    Figure: Attribute mapping
titleUpdating SummitAI Details as SAML App

IfSummitAI is already added a SAML app, you can modify the details as required.

  1. Log into Google Admin Console. Click Apps and select SAML Apps.

    Google App Settings page
    Figure: Google App Settings page

  2. Select the SummitAI SAML app that you want to update.

    Updating SummitAI details
    Figure: Updating SummitAI details

    Updating SummitAI  details
    Figure: Updating SummitAI details

  3. Click the Service Provide Details and the Attribute Mapping sections to modify details in the respective sections.

    Updating Service Provider details
    Figure: Updating Service Provider details

    Updating Attribute Mapping
    Figure: Updating Attribute Mapping
titleEnabling/ Disabling the SUMMIT SAML App

You can enable or disable the SummitAI SAMP app configuration for all the users or for selected organizations.

  1. Log into Google Admin Console. Click Apps and select SAML Apps.

    Google App Settings page
    Figure: Google App Settings page

  2. All the configured SAML apps are displayed. Click the three dots next to the SummitAI SAML app that you want to enable or disable for users. Select the appropriate option from the options. The available options are ON for everyone, ON for some organizations, and OFF.

    Enabling SUMMIT app
    Figure: Enabling SummitAI app

    Field Descriptions



    ON for everyone

    If selected, the SAML app is available to all the users.

    ON for some organizations

    If selected, the SAML app is available to users of the selected organizations


    If selected, the SAML app is not available to anybody.

titleAdding Users

You can add the users for whom SSO will be available for the SummitAI SAML app.

  1. Log into Google Admin Console and select Users from the left menu.

    Adding Users
    Figure: Adding Users

  2. Mouse hover on the Add icon, the available icons are: Invite users, Add multiple users, and Add user.

    Adding Users
    Figure: Adding Users

    Multiple options to add users
    Figure: Multiple options to add users

  • Invite users: Select this option to invite users to use the SummitAI SAML app as SSO from Google. Specify the e-mail ids of the users to whom you want to send the invitation.

    Inviting users
    Figure: Inviting users

    Inviting users
    Figure: Inviting users

  • Add multiple users: Select this option to add multiple users. You can upload a Microsoft Excel sheet with the names of the users and other details (download the template AS.CSV).

    Adding multiple users
    Figure: Adding multiple users

  • Add user: Select this option to a user. Provide the first name, last name, and the e-mail id of the user.

    Adding Single User
    Figure: Adding single user

SSO Configuration in SummitAI (For Google)

To configure SSO in the SummitAI application for Google:

  1. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure >SSO Configuration. The SSO CONFIGURATION page is displayed. Select SAML and click ADD NEW under ACTIONS panel.

    Figure: SSO Configuration page: Google

  2. Type in the SSO configuration details. For more information about the fields on the SSO CONFIGURATION page, see Field Description.
  3. Click VALIDATE. The certificate information is displayed if the uploaded certificate is valid. For invalid certificate, an error message is displayed.
  4. Click SUBMIT. The SSO is configured successfully.

    Field Description

    The following table describes the fields on the SSO CONFIGURATION page:




    Select the domain name from the list. The SAML based authentication will be configured for the selected domain.
    Note: This field is not visible for single domain users.


    Provide the URL.

    Redirect URL

    Copy the SSO URL details from Google configuration page and paste the URL details in this text box.

    SSO Type

    Select the SSO Type from the drop-down list.

    Response Attribute

    Select the response attribute from the drop-down list.

    Upload Certificate

    Upload the certificate that you downloaded during the SSO configuration using Google SAML apps.

    Request Authentication ContextThis field lists the conditions to match the authentication context. In order to create a user, the authentication context must match with the authentication method. The available matching criterion are Better, Exact, Maximum, and Minimum.
    User CreationUpon enabling this checkbox, the user is created if that user is not available in SummitAI database but wants to login into the SummtAI application using Google SAML authentication method.
    Time Zone

    Select the timezone from the drop-down list. The selected timezone will be assigned to the newly created user.

    Note: This field is displayed only when the User Creation checkbox is enabled.

    Template Name

    Select the role template from the list. The selected role template will be assigned to the newly created user.

    Note: This field is displayed only when the User Creation checkbox is enabled.


    Upload an image to be displayed as Google icon.

titlePing Federate
titlePrerequisites to be performed in Ping Federate Server
  1. Login to Ping Federate server.

    Ping Federate Login Screen
    Figure: Ping Federate Login Screen

  2. On the Identity Provider tab, under SP Connections section, click Create New.

    Identity Provider tab
    Figure: Identity Provider tab

  3. On the SP Connection section, configure the tabs as follows:

    titleConnection Type

    SP Connection _ Connection Type
    Figure: SP Connection _ Connection Type

    titleConnection Options

    SP Connection _ Connection Options
    Figure: SP Connection _ Connection Options

    titleImport Metadata

    If you have a Metadata URL or FILE, select the respective options and provide the information. If you do not have an URL or a FILE, Select NONE.

    SP Connection _ Import Metadata
    Figure: SP Connection _ Import Metadata

    titleGeneral Info

    On the General Info tab, specify the PARTNER'S ENTITY IDCONNECTION NAME, and the BASE URL. Select the LOGGING MODE as STANDARD.

    SP Connection _ General Info
    Figure: SP Connection _ General Info

    titleBrowser SSO

    On the Browse SSO tab, click Configure Browse SSO.

    SP Connection _ Browse SSO
    Figure: SP Connection _ Browse SSO

    titleSAML Profiles

    On the SAML Profiles section, select IDP-INITAIATED SSO.


    titleAssertion Lifetime

    Assertion Lifetime tab
    Figure: Assertion Lifetime tab

    titleAssertion Creation

    On the Assertion Creation tab, click Configure Assertion Creation.

    Configure Assertion
    Figure: Configure Assertion

    titleProtocol Settings

    On the Protocol Settings tab, click Configure Protocol Settings.

    Protocol Settings tab
    Figure: Protocol Settings tab

    titleAssertion Consumer Service URL

    Select Binding as POST and specify the Endpoint URL as /Summit_SAMLResponse.aspx.

    Assertion Consumer Service URL
    Figure: Assertion Consumer Service URL

    titleSignature Policy

    Select ALWAYS SIGN THE SAML ASSERTION and click Next.

    Signature Policy
    Figure: Signature Policy

    titleEncryption Policy

    Encryption Policy
    Figure: Encryption Policy


    Figure: Summary


    On the Summary tab, click Done. You will redirected to SP Connection Page.

    Browser SSO _ Summary
    Figure: Browser SSO _ Summary


    Click Configure Credentials.

    Figure: Credentials

    titleDigital Signature Settings

    Click Manage Certificates and configure Signing Certificate.

    Digital Signature Settings
    Figure: Digital Signature Settings


    On the Summary tab, click Done. You will be redirected to SP Connection page.

    Credentials Summary
    Figure: Credentials Summary

    titleActivation & Summary

    Select the Connection Status as Active and click Save.

    SP Connection _ Summary
    Figure: SP Connection _ Summary

  4. Click Server Configuration and then click Metadata Export under ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS.

    titleMetadata Role

    Metadata Role
    Figure: Metadata Role

    titleMetadata Mode

    Metadata Mode
    Figure: Metadata Mode

    titleConnection Metadata

    Select the configured SP Connection from the drop-down list.

    Connection Metadata
    Figure: Connection Metadata

    titleMetadata Signing

    Select the Signing Certificate from the drop-down list.

    Metadata Signing
    Figure: Metadata Signing

    titleExport & Summary

    On the Export & Summary tab, click Export and then click Done. An XML file is downloaded.

    Figure: Export & Summary

    • Redirect URL : Select Identity Provider > SP CONNECTIONS. Click the SP Connection that you have configured. The SSO Application Endpoint displayed here is the Redirect URL to be entered in SummitAI Application. 
      Redirect URL - Sample
      Figure: Redirect URL - Sample

    • Upload Certificate : The Certificate is available in the Metadata file, under the tag <ds:X509Certificate>. Copy this data and enter under Upload Certificate section.
titleConfiguration in SummitAI Application

SSO Configuration in SummitAI (For Ping Federate)

To configure SSO in the SummitAI application:

  1. Select Admin > Basic > InfrastructureSSO Configuration. The SSO CONFIGURATION page is displayed. Select SAML and click ADD NEW under ACTIONS panel.

    Figure: SSO Configuration page: Ping Federate

  2. Type in the SSO configuration details. For more information about the fields on the SSO CONFIGURATION page, see Field Description.
  3. Click VALIDATE. The certificate information is displayed if the uploaded certificate is valid. For invalid certificate, an error message is displayed.
  4. Click SUBMIT. The SSO is configured successfully.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the SSO CONFIGURATION page:


Select the domain name from the list. The SAML based authentication will be configured for the selected domain.
Note: This field is not visible for single domain users.

URLProvide the URL.
Redirect URLCopy the SSO URL details from Ping Federate configuration page and paste the URL details in this text box.
SSO TypeSelect the SSO Type from the drop-down list.
Response AttributeSelect the response attribute from the drop-down list.
Upload CertificateUpload the certificate that you downloaded during the SSO configuration using Ping Federate SAML apps.
Request Authentication ContextThis field lists the conditions to match the authentication context. In order to create a user, the authentication context must match with the authentication method. The available matching criterion are Better, Exact, Maximum, and Minimum.
User CreationUpon enabling this checkbox, the user is created if that user is not available in SummitAI database but wants to login into the SummtAI application using SAML PingFederate authentication method.
Time Zone

Select the timezone from the drop-down list. The selected timezone will be assigned to the newly created user.

Note: This field is displayed only when the User Creation checkbox is enabled.

Template Name

Select the role template from the list. The selected role template will be assigned to the newly created user.

Note: This field is displayed only when the User Creation checkbox is enabled.

LogoUpload an image to be displayed as Ping Federate icon.
titlePrerequisites to be performed in ADFS
  1. Login to your ADFS account. On the Start screen, in the Search bar type in ADFS Management. Click ADFS Management.

    ADFS Start screen
    Figure: ADFS Start screen

  2. Under Trust Relationships, click Relying Party Trusts and then click Add Relying Party Trust.

    Add Relying Party Trust
    Figure: Add Relying Party Trust

  3. On the Welcome tab of Add Relying Party Trust Wizard, click Start.

    Welcome tab
    Figure: Welcome tab

  4. On the Select Data Source tab, select Enter data about the relying party manually.

    Select Data Source tab
    Figure: Select Data Source tab

  5. On the Specify Display Name tab, specify a Display name and click Next.

    Specify Display Name tab
    Figure: Specify Display Name tab

  6. On the Choose Profile tab, select ADFS Profile and click Next.

    Choose Profile tab
    Figure: Choose Profile tab

  7. On the Configure Certificate tab, click Next.
  8. On the Configure URL tab, Select Enable Support for the SAML 2.0 Web SSO Protocol.

    Configure URL tab
    Figure: Configure URL tab


    For Mobile App Relying party SAML 2.0 SSO service URL should be:

  9. On the Configure Identifiers tab, specify a Relying Party trust identifier and click Next.

    Configure Identifiers tab
    Figure: Configure Identifiers tab

  10. Configure Multi-factor Authentication Now

    Configure Multi-factor Authentication Now
    Figure: Configure Multi-factor Authentication Now

  11. Choose Issuance Authorization Rules

    Choose Issuance Authorization Rules tab
    Figure: Choose Issuance Authorization Rules tab

  12. Ready to Add Trust

    Ready to Add Trust tab
    Figure: Ready to Add Trust tab

  13. Finish

    Finish tab
    Figure: Finish tab

  14. Click Add Rule and Choose Claim Rule as Send LDSP Attributes as Claims on the Edit Claim Rules for ADFSSAML window.

    Add Rule
    Figure: Add Rule

  15. On the Choose Rule Type section, select Claim Rule Template as Send LDAP Attributes as Claims.

    Choose Rule Type
    Figure: Choose Rule Type

  16. Specify the details in Configure Claim Rule tab as shown in the image below and click Finish.

    Configure Claim Rule
    Figure: Configure Claim Rule


    SummitAI Application uses Email of the user as a login ID. For this to work, you need to set up the Email as the NameID on the SAML login request. This can be achieved by setting up a Transform Rule.

  17. Click Add Rule again, choose Transform an Incoming Claim and click Next.

    Choose Rule Type tab
    Figure: Choose Rule Type tab

  18. Setup Email ID to be sent as NameID as shown below and click Finish.

    Configure Claim Rule
    Figure: Configure Claim Rule

  19. On the ADFS Management window, right click on the Relying Party for SummitAI and choose properties. Under the Advanced tab, choose SHA­-256 as the Secure Hash Algorithm.

    Secure hash Algorithm
    Figure: Secure hash Algorithm

  20. On the ADFS Management Window, choose Services > Certificates and double click Token Signing Certificate, which will give you an option copy to file. By doing this, you will be able to export the X509 certificate from the raw file.

    Certificates Section
    Figure: Certificates Section

  21. Select the format as shown below.

    Export File Format
    Figure: Export File Format
titleConfiguration in SummitAI Application

SSO Configuration inSummitAI (For ADFS)

To configure SSO in the SummitAI application:

  1. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > SSO Configuration. The SSO CONFIGURATION page is displayed. Select SAML and click ADD NEW under ACTIONS panel.

    Figure: SSO Configuration page: ADFS

  2. Type in the SSO configuration details. For more information about the fields on the SSO CONFIGURATION page, see Field Description.
  3. Click VALIDATE. The certificate information is displayed if the uploaded certificate is valid. For invalid certificate, an error message is displayed.
  4. Click SUBMIT. The SSO is configured successfully.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the SSO CONFIGURATION page:




Select the domain name from the list. The SAML based authentication will be configured for the selected domain.
Note: This field is not visible for single domain users.


Provide the URL.

Redirect URL

Copy the SSO URL details from ADFS configuration page and paste the URL details in this text box.

SSO Type

Select the SSO Type from the drop-down list.

Response Attribute

Select the response attribute from the drop-down list.

Upload Certificate

Upload the certificate that you downloaded during the SSO configuration using ADFS SAML apps.

Request Authentication ContextThis field lists the conditions to match the authentication context. In order to create a user, the authentication context must match with the authentication method. The available matching criterion are Better, Exact, Maximum, and Minimum.
User CreationUpon enabling this checkbox, the user is created if that user is not available in SummitAI database but wants to login into the SummtAI application using ADFS SAML authentication method.
Time Zone

Select the timezone from the drop-down list. The selected timezone will be assigned to the newly created user.

Note: This field is displayed only when the User Creation checkbox is enabled.

Template Name

Select the role template from the list. The selected role template will be assigned to the newly created user.

Note: This field is displayed only when the User Creation checkbox is enabled.


Upload an image to be displayed as ADFS icon.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the SSO CONFIGURATION page.


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing the SSO configured in the SummitAI application for SAML.

Figure: SSO Configuration: SAML


On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a domain name from the list and then click SUBMIT. A list of SAML based authentications configured for the selected domain is displayed.

FILTERS Pop-up page
Figure: FILTERS Pop-up page


Click ADD NEW to configure a new SAML based authentication for a domain. 

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