Password E-mail Audit Log 1

Password E-mail Audit Log 1


The PASSWORD E-MAIL AUDIT LOG page provides Users (Subscribers) a record of the E-mails triggered by the SUMMIT application on Password Expiry or any course of Password change.

To view Password related e-mails:

  1. Select Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Password E-mail Audit Log. The PASSWORD E-MAIL AUDIT LOG page is displayed.
  2. On the LIST section, all the password expiry or password change related e-mails are listed. Click More in E-mail Body column to view the e-mail content. For more details, see Field Description.

    Password E-mail Audit Log page
    Figure: Password E-mail Audit Log page

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the PASSWORD E-MAIL AUDIT LOG page:





User Name

User Name of the password expiry or change e-mail recipient is displayed.

Recipient E-mail ID

E-mail address of the recipient is displayed.

E-mail Subject

Subject of the e-mail is displayed.

E-mail Body

Content of the E-mail is displayed.

E-mail Delivery Date

Delivery date of the password expiry or password change E-mail is displayed


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the PASSWORD E-MAIL AUDIT LOG page.


Specify a filter criterion to generate the report of the E-mails sent for password expiry or password change. Specify the Notification Type, User Name, and E-mail Delivery Date.

Password E-mail Audit Log Filters pop-up page
Figure: Password E-mail Audit Log Filters pop-up page

  • Password Expiry Notification: Select Password Expiry Notification to view the list of e-mails sent to notify the user before the password expiry.
  • Acknowledge Notification: Select Acknowledge Notification to view the list of e-mails sent after changing the password.


Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export and download the data to a Microsoft excel sheet. This icon is available only on the Preview tab.


Click EXPORT ALL to export and download all the records to a Microsoft excel sheet.
