Additional Filters for Contracts

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Alps SP1 HF04)

What's New?

Additional filters are added to refine the filter results on the Contract Management page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Contract Management). Analysts can now filter the Contracts using the additional options:  View By, Search By, and Search Criteria.

additional filters

View By

In the View By drop-down list, users can select  Expiry Date or of Days of Expiry. \

If Expiry Date is selected in the View By field, the user needs to provide the range of dates in the Expiry Date From and To fields.

If No. of Days of Expiry is selected in the View By field, the user needs to provide the number of days after which the Contracts are going to expire.

Search By

The users can search the Contracts based on various parameters available in the Search By. Based on the values selected in the Search By field, the Search Value may be a text box field where the user should enter some values. Or, it may be a drop-down list, where the user needs to select values.

If the user selects Search By as Agreement, the user needs to select the Search Value from a set of drop-down values.

If the user selects Search By as Enrollment Number, the user needs to type in the Search Value in the text box.

Search Criteria

Using Search Criteria, the users can provide multiple conditions to search for Contracts. This is useful where the search conditions are more specific. The users add multiple search conditions using the add button. The multiple search conditions are added up and displayed in the read-only Search Criteria text box.   Click the minus button to clear the Search Criteria. This helps in providing more accurate search results.


Let's say that the user has selected Search By as Contract ID and typed in Search Value as CON11. And, the user added multiple conditions in the Search Criteria field, i.e., Contract ID = “CON1, CON2, CON 15” AND Enrolment Owner = “Naveen” AND Enrollment Owner = “Navi” AND Contract ID = “CON11”. A search is performed based on the combination of specified Contract IDs and Enrollment Owner.

Comparison between Search Value and Search Criteria Search Results


If a user types in Search Value as Naveen, all the Contracts, which contain “Naveen” as the Enrolment Owner are displayed on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT list page.

If the user specifies Naveen in the Search Criteria field, all the Contracts in which the Enrolment Owner value is equal to “Naveen” are displayed on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT list page as shown in the following screen shot: