SummitAI Sierra SP1 Release Notes
On this page:
What's New?
CINDE can now transfer conversations to an Analyst in instances where either CINDE is unable to provide correct solution to the End User's queries or if the End User wants the conversation to be transferred to an Analyst. This improves customer satisfaction, where the user queries are transferred directly with all the conversation history to a live Analyst, providing quicker solutions to the users.
Knowledge Management Enhancements in CINDE
Now, CINDE displays Self-Help Knowledge Articles to the users. Using this, the users can view the most relevant articles on top of the list. This helps the users to resolve the queries by themselves. Additionally, Helpful/Not Helpful icons are added for the Knowledge Records using which the users can provide Feedback on the Knowledge Records shared by CINDE in response to a query.
Spell Check and New UI Enhancements for CINDE
CINDE now spell checks user utterances (typo errors, etc.) to provide more useful responses to user interactions. The user can get suggestions for the entered utterance if there are any misspelled word. Additionally, the CINDE pop-up page is enhanced to provide a much better user experience.
Service Desk Intelligence Enhancements
The Service Desk Intelligence is now smarter where it does not consider the Analysts on leave while predicting the best fit Analyst and assigning Incidents and Service Requests. For more information about Analyst Prediction and Assignment, see Service Desk Intelligence.
IT Operations Management
The SummitAI Event Correlator is used to identify the few Alerts or Events that should be analyzed for raising Incidents from a pool of large number of Alerts and Events that are triggered in a Monitoring tool. SummitAI Event Correlator connects with any Monitoring tool (For Example: SolarWinds, Nagios) and collects all the Alerts and Events. These collected Alerts and Events are sent for processing and for logging Incidents with the respective Workgroup and Priority.
Paging Space Monitoring Parameter
A new Monitoring Parameter, Paging Space, is added under Non-Wintel Parameters to monitor the paging space of the Servers.
Service Management
Improved Knowledge Management Module
Multiple new functionalities are added to the Knowledge Management module as follows:
- Importing Knowledge Records in bulk
- Knowledge Article Versioning
- Workgroup-wise Knowledge Record Author access for End Users
- Replicate KB content with ease using the Copy KB article option
- Viewing Knowledge of Record Feedback
- Knowledge Record access restrictions for Author, Authorizer, and Approver
- Improved look and feel of Knowledge Record Details page
Few enhancements are also done for CINDE, see Knowledge Management Enhancements in CINDE.
E-mail Notifications
Various improvements are made related to the e-mail notifications sent to the users or Approvers for Incidents and Service Requests as follows:
- Service Requester Remarks in E-mail Notifications
- REFER BACK TO REQUESTOR link on SR Approval E-mail
- Confined SR Approval E-mail Notification
- Capturing the Attribute change in the Incident or SR Update E-mail Notification
Asset Management
Contract Management Enhancements
Multiple new functionalities are added to Contract Management as follows:
- Additional Filters and Action for Contract Management
- Save Draft Option for Contracts
- Tab-wise contract detail fields on the List page
- New Version History tab on New Contract page
- Configuring and Notifying Multiple SPOCs For Contract Expiry
- New Website URL Control Added on Form Builder Page
- Contract Access Template
OTP for Master Reset and Master Unlock
While performing Master Reset and Master Unlock for users, an additional layer of security is added with OTPs. OTPs are generated and sent to the users' registered mobile numbers, which the users need to enter when an Admin is performing Master Password Reset or Master Account Unlock using the SummitAI Password Management module (see: Master Reset and Master Unlock).
WebEx Option to Set Up Conference Calls
Most of the users are comfortable using WebEx or Twilio to set up Conference Calls. Now, the WebEx option is added in addition to Twilio, allowing the users to use WebEx to set up Conference Calls for Major Incident discussions and resolutions.
License Monitoring Enhancements
Multiple new functionalities are added related to Licensing as follows:
- Additional filters are added to refine the filter results on the LICENSE MONITORING page (#23928)
- A new Concurrent License Allocation Report to view the current Concurrent License allocation and check the usage (see: New Concurrent License Allocation Report Page)
- Configurable Duplicate Login Messages (see: Configure Duplicate Login Messages)
- Session Termination Message After License Related Changes
Front-end Configuration for Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing
A new front-end configuration is added in the SummitAI application, where, the Administrators can configure Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing option for both On-Premise and On Cloud SummitAI installations.
The Administrators can now upload Holiday lists in bulk using Microsoft Excel import and save time. This is especially very time-saving for organizations spanned across multiple locations following different holidays.
Now, the Services linked to a CI can be viewed from the CI details page. The Services information can be also viewed in the Relationship Diagram and the relationship details can be exported to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
Scripting - Quick Help Improvements (Platform)
Now, the information in the QUICK HELP page has three tabs, such as JS, CSS, HTML. The information available in these tabs are categorized and displayed based on the code type.
New DN Tables (Service Management)
Few changes related to tables are made. These changes capture some additional data, which are useful for more accurate calculations and improving the reporting functionalities.
SLA Calculation Optimization (Service Management)
The SLA Calculation methods are optimized for more accurate calculations.
Logged Time Column in Global Search Results (Platform)
A new column Logged Time is added in the Search results of the Global Search. The time is displayed in YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 format as per the time zone. This helps in checking the logged time for the records instead of opening up each record. This column is available for all the modules except Menu and User. For the Procurement module, this data is available under the Created On column. For more information about Global Search, see Global Search.
- The search results show the latest records on the top (Logged Time in descending order).
- While searching the Knowledge Records, only the Published ones are displayed in the search results.
Figure: Incident Module result pop-up page
Global Search Optimization (Platform)
Earlier, there was a limitation for searching closed Incidents and Service Requests using Global Search. The search results used to display only those Incidents and Service Requests, which were closed in the last 30 days and did not display the older records. Now, using Global Search, the users can search for older Incidents and Service Requests by providing the exact Incident ID or SR ID. For more information about Global Search, see Global Search.