New Website URL Control Added on Form Builder Page

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Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management (Sierra SP1, Asset Management)

What's New?

The users can now add multiple URLs on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page under the CUSTOM tab. The URL control can be added as a Multivalued Group or as a Group control. 

Under the Custom Details tab on the Contract Management page (Asset > User > Manage Asset > Contract Management click Contract Details > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), specify the URL and its required details. For more information about CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page, see Adding Contract or Agreement Details.

For example: If the URL control is configured as a Multivalued Group control, multiple fields can be added under the group and the records are displayed in a grid. On clicking the URL, the URL opens in a new tab. If configured as a regular control, the URL control is displayed under a Group as a text value. 

Figure: Contract ID_ Multivalued Group Control

Figure: Contract ID page_Group Control


A new Website control is added for Contract Management on the FORM BUILDER page. The Website URL can be configured as a Multivalued Group or as a Group control. 

On the FORM BUILDER page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder >  Select the Module as Customer > Select the Tenant On the FORM BUILDER page, under FORM BUILDER tab,  configure the Custom Fields to be displayed on the Contract Management page > Click NEXT > Click SUBMIT), configure the required Custom Fields to be displayed on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page. For more information about configuring Custom Fields for Customers, see Configuring Custom Fields for Customers.

Figure: FORM BUILDER page