SummitAI Denali SP1 HF12 Release Notes

SummitAI Denali SP1 HF12 Release Notes

On this page: 

What's New?

We have fixed few customer reported issues in this release. For information about the bug fixes in this release, see Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues.


SummitAI Problem Management

Security Considerations


  • One Time Password (OTP) Authentication
    This feature enables strong authentication for the SummitAI web application, as OTP changes with each login attempt. In addition to the username and password, you can now configure OTP authentication too for Form login page. The OTP feature is not enabled by default. This feature provides Administrators an additional security layer by configuring One Time Passwords (OTPs) at the domain level. For more information, see Configuring Multi-Factor Authentication. 
  • Multi-Factor Authentication Report
    You will be able to view the Multi-factor Authentication report which displays successful and failed OTP login attempts. For more information, see Multi-Factor Authentication Report.

  • For Additional security, now SQL session connection string supports encrypted connection string that can be specified in the config files.


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