SummitAI Tahoe SP4 Release Notes

SummitAI Tahoe SP4 Release Notes


On this page: 

What's New?

The following section provides key highlights and Module-wise description of new features and improvements introduced in Tahoe SP4 Release.


The key highlights of Tahoe SP4 Release are as follows: 

New Features and Improvements

The following sections provide module-wise crisp summary of new features and improvements introduced in Tahoe SP4 Release. 

 Service Management

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Service Management. 


Improvement Name

Improvement Description

Improvement Benefits

Added new DN table:

SR_RPT_DN_ServiceTicketMaster Table update on DB Schema Guide 

The following column has been added: 

  • Converted Incident ID
  • Captures the converted service ticket ID. It is not a ticket number. 

SR_RPT_DN_ServiceTicketMaster Table update on DB Schema Guide 

Purpose: Holds all the details about the Service Requests.   

Column Name 


Column Type  






[Converted Incident ID] 


numeric (18,0) Null 



Captures the converted service ticket ID. It is not a ticket number. 




 Agentless Discovery

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the new features added for Agentless Discovery: 

Identification and Reconciliation Engine (IRE) Rule configuration

In the SummitAI Discovery module, the Identification and Reconciliation Engine (IRE) tool is used to create rules, set priority, and map proxy with tenants.  Admin / Analyst can create configuration rules for discovery under various platforms by adding IRE Rules from the configuration page. They can also locate the Tenant based on the proxy map, by mapping the Tenant with a proxy from the Proxy Tenant Mapping page. For more information about IRE, see IRE Overview.

Admin or Analyst can leverage the IRE Rule configuration for the discovery process so that the best data can be created from the discovered devices gathered through diverse sources. Refer to the table below for Feature descriptions and its benefits

Features, Description, and Benefits of IRE Rules

Feature Name Feature Description Feature Benefits 

Mapping Proxy with Tenant and Multiple Tenant.  

User Persona:  


Maps the Tenant or multiple Tenants with a proxy from the Proxy Tenant Mapping page.

For more information, see Mapping Proxy with Tenant.

Locates the Tenant based on the proxy map. 

Configuring IRE Rules. 

User Persona:  


  • Configure rules for source and priority discovery for various platforms. 
  • Override option to update and process the empty data for specific configuration.

     For more information, see Configuring IRE Rules.

Creates rule for discovery sources and decides its precedence for source attributes. 

Auto Discovery of Desktop Monitor Attributes

In the SummitAI Discovery module, a functionality is implemented to discover desktop monitor serial number and related parameters. The tool also displays the Discovery scan details of the desktop devices configured for a specific job. For more information, see Desktop monitor attributes Discovery.

Refer to the table below for Features, Description, and Benefits of Discovery of Monitor Attributes.

Features, Description, and Benefits of Discovery of Monitor Attributes

Feature Name Feature Description Feature Benefits 
  • Adding the Namespace column for discovering monitor attributes (Windows).

  • Discovering the Linux desktop monitor-related details using the Discovery template.

User Persona:  


  • Displays the serial number, week, year of manufacture, product code, and hostname of desktop devices in the Discovery report. 

  • Enhances the tracking and traceability of monitor devices.  

  • Provides visibility to the additional monitors in a desktop-centric environment. 

Viewing the Discovery scan details.

User Persona:  


View the monitor attributes of the desktop devices for specific Protocol.

Improves the Discovery scan details of the devices configured for a specific job.

We have fixed few customers reported issues in this release. For information about the bug fixes in this release, see Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues.

Security Considerations

Security Enhancements implemented to ensure data security and integrity.


  • IM/SR details page-user communication & end-user dashboard displayed GEN-Attachment error (403 status) in browser network tab (developer console). To fix this issue, copy noImageAvailable.png” from this location ~/Webfiles/Images/noImageAvailable.png Add the image in the userprofileimage-attachments folder (dynamically created inside the Application/Attachment directory)
  • To fix the performance tuning issue for SM, SLA Re-calculation for IM and SR, add the following key in the Web.config file.
    <add key="SLAReCalculate" value="false"/>


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