SummitAI Tahoe HF07 Release Notes

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What's New?

The SUMMITAI Release Notes Tahoe HF07 provides improvement details, customer fixed issues, and known issues in the current release. Many of these improvements are incorporated based on customer feedback and inputs. We thank you for your valuable feedback and time.

Security Considerations

Security Enhancements implemented to ensure data security and integrity.


  • For Additional security, now SQL session connection string supports encrypted connection string that can be specified in the config files.
    Based on the customer requirement the key "App:SessionEncryptionEnabled" value can be False or True. If the key value is False then the SQL connection string should be configured as plain text. If the key value is True then the SQL connection string should be configured with an encrypted string.
  • Additional security is incorporated to avoid Data Input Validation such as Cross Site Scripting.

Incident Management

Introduced capability to send email notifications to CC desired users, when an incident is logged or updated. This enables the notified users, to track the incidents more closely. To achieve this, a new parameter Mail_CC_EmailID is added to IM_LogOrUpdateIncident API. For more information, see Log or Update Incident API Enhancement.


  • In the CC Recipient field, the user details are separated using semicolon when multiple users are selected.
  • A validation message is triggered if any email id is incorrect.