SummitAI Service Automation Release Notes V4

SummitAI Service Automation Release Notes V4

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What's New?

The SUMMITAI Service Automation Release Notes v4 provides improvement details, customer fixed issues, and known issues in the current release. Many of these improvements are incorporated based on customer feedback and inputs. We thank you for your valuable feedback and time.

Service Automation

New Features and Improvements

Rerun Workflow

  • Provides flexibility to rerun the scripts from workflow designer.
  • It helps to view the recent status of the script from the workflow. 
  • New View Workflow icon provides an ability to view the workflows.

For more information, refer Workflow Viewer Pop-up and Execution viewer from the Summit.

Orchestration Application Session Timeout

You can now configure the session expiry timeout of the Orchestration application based on the user's idle time with the alert message by configuring the following key in the Orchestration API AppSettings configuration file.

<add key="SESSION:IdleTimeoutConfig" value="{IdleAlertInSecond:600,TimeoutInSecond:30}"/>>

Note: By default, idle alert time is configured as 600 seconds (10 mins), and the session expiry timeout is configured as 30 seconds.

If a user's session is idle for more than the configured time duration in the Orchestration API AppSettings configuration file, then a Session-Timeout Pop-up is displayed with the alert message as "Your session is about to expire in xx seconds!" with the Logout and Continue option.

If user clicks 

  • Continue, the user will stay logged in. 
  • Logout, the user will logout from the application.

If the user does not take any action, the application is terminated by displaying "Session timed out. Login once again to use the application."

Automation Dashboard

The Monitoring Dashboard Menu is now called as Automation Dashboard in the Orchestration Application and throughout the application it is used same way from V4 release.


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