SummitAI Tahoe SP3 HF03 Release Notes

On this page: 

What's New?


Improvement NameImprovement DescriptionImprovement Benefits

Introduced new column ‘Assigned Analyst’ to identify tasks assigned to Analyst

User Persona:


On the CONFIGURE COLUMNS page, a new column called "Assigned Analyst" is introduced. In order for the analyst to see the task that has been assigned to their name in the TASK LIST view page, ‘Assigned Analyst’ column is added.

For more information, see Assigned Analyst on Task List page.

• The analyst will now be able to see the tasks that have been allocated to them.

• This will give complete information about the task assignment.

Improvement NameImprovement DescriptionImprovement Benefits

Report localization for Izenda download.


User Persona:


An additional key is appended in SummitAI Applications to translate column names in Izenda Export report.


Refer to key below:


<add key="Izenda:IsWeglotExportToExcelEnabled" value="true" />


Also find the json code for page translation:





    "pagename": "rs.aspx",

    "columnNames": [





    "columnIndexs": [





  •  Improved visibility of reports.

  •  Option to export and download report in .xlsx, DOC or XML formats.

Security Considerations

Security Enhancements implemented to ensure data security and integrity.


  • IM/SR details page-user communication & end-user dashboard displayed GEN-Attachment error (403 status) in browser network tab (developer console). To fix this issue, copy noImageAvailable.png” from this location ~/Webfiles/Images/noImageAvailable.png Add the image in the userprofileimage-attachments folder (dynamically created inside the Application/Attachment directory)
  • To fix the performance tuning issue for SM, SLA Re-calculation for IM and SR, add the following key in the Web.config file.
    <add key="SLAReCalculate" value="false"/>