New Concurrent License Allocation Report Page

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Sierra SP1, License Module)

What's New?

A new Concurrent License Allocation Report is created to display the current Concurrent License allocation and check the usage. To view the report, select the License Type (Admin > Advanced > License > Concurrent License Allocation > Select the ALLOCATION REPORT on ACTIONS panel). In this report, Analysts can view the following details: License Allocated, License Consumed, Pool Licenses, and Consumed Pool Licenses. 


Figure: Concurrent License Allocation Report page

LICENSE USAGE Pop-up page 
Click Domain/Tenant/Workgroup on the report to view the consumed license details. The Domain/Tenant/Workgroup – LICENSE USAGE Pop-up is displayed. 

Figure: Domain/Tenant/Workgroup – LICENSE USAGE

For more information, see Allocating Concurrent License.


To configure the ALLOCATION REPORT on the ACTIONS panel of the CONCURRENT LICENSE ALLOCATION page, enable the Report check box on the ROLE TEMPLATE - MENU CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Users > Role Template > Select the General Admin from the List > Select ADMIN under the MODULES of ROLE TEMPLATE - MENU CONFIGURATION page > Under License module > Select the Concurrent License Allocation > Enable the Report check box). For more information, see Role Template Menu Configuration.