End User Dashboard Search Enhancements

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#65848, Alps SP1 HF07)

What's New?

The End User Dashboard search functionality is improved to provide the most relevant search results for the End Users. The search functionality works as follows:

For Knowledge Records:

The entered text is searched in the Keywords, Question, and Answer fields of the Knowledge Records and displayed on top of the list based on the Priority, Most Viewed, Rank, and KB ID.

The entered text is validated based on the Tenant, Customer, and location for an End User. In case of the Analyst, the entered text is validated with the Tenant. The result is finally filtered based on the Published, Active, and Non-Expired Knowledge Records.

For Example:


My Outlook is not working.

Let’s consider, the fields in the Rule configuration are specified as shown in the below table:







Do you have a configured Mailbox?

Yes, I have configured with a mailbox



Do you have any problem with Outlook?

Yes, I am unable to receive mails



Are you able to use your mailbox?

No, my Outlook is not working


In the above example,

  1. The word Outlook is first searched in the Keywords field and displays the result.
  2. In case, the entered text is not found in the Keywords field, then it is searched in the Question field and displays the result.
  3. If both the Keywords and Question fields are not matching with the entered text, then it is searched in the Answer field and displays the result.

Criteria for the Search Result:

The search result is displayed based on the following criteria:

Priority 1 (Sequence)

The entered text is searched in the fields in the sequence of Keywords, Question, and Answer.

For Knowledge Records, when a user enters the text, the search functionality of the End User Dashboard works as follows:

  • If the entered text is matching in the Keywords field, it is displayed on the top of the list.
  • If the entered text is not matching in the Keywords field, then as per the sequence, it is searched in the Question field and displays the result.
  • If the entered text is not matching in both the Keywords and Question fields, then it is searched in the Answer field and displays the result.

Priority 2 (Most Viewed)

If the entered text is found more than one in the Keywords or Question or Answer field, the Keywords or Question or Answer with the most view count is displayed on the top of the list.

Priority 3 (Rank)

If the entered text is found more than one in the Keywords or Question or Answer field and has the same view count, then the full-text search engine finds the best matched word and displays the result on top of the list.

Priority 4 (KB ID)

If the entered text is found more than one in the Keywords or Question or Answer field, has the same view count, and the same result by the full-text search engine, then the result is displayed based on the unique KB ID.

For Service Requests:

The entered text is searched in the catalog fields such as Catalog name, Catalog Description, and Keywords of the SR and displays the best matched result on top of the list. The entered text is validated based on the Tenant, Customer, Location, User Type, and User Level. The result is finally filtered based on the Published, Active, and Entitled Service Requests.

Criteria for the Search Result:

The search result is displayed based on the following criteria:

Priority 1 (Rank)

If the entered text is found more than one in the Catalog name or Catalog Description or Keywords field, the best match by the full-text search engine is displayed on top of the list.

Priority 2 (Catalog ID)

If the entered text is found more than one in the Catalog name or Catalog Description or Keywords field and has the same result by the full-text search engine, then the result is displayed based on the unique Catalog ID. 

For Incidents:

Based on the configured Rules, the entered text is searched and displayed with the most relevant Incident. For more information about Rules, see Configuring Rules.

For Example:


My Outlook is not working.

Let’s consider, the fields in the Rule configuration are specified as shown in the below table:

Template ID


Similar Symptom




Mailbox is not working

I am not receiving mails



Problem with my Outlook

Unable to receive mails



I couldn’t use my mailbox

Outlook is not working

In the above example,

  1. The word Outlook is first searched in the KEYWORD field and displays the symptom “I am not receiving mails” as a result.
  2. In case, the entered text is not found in the KEYWORD field, then it is searched in the SIMILAR SYMPTOMS field and displays the result as “Problem with my Outlook”.
  3. If both the KEYWORD and SIMILAR SYMPTOMS fields are not matching with the entered text, then it is searched in the Symptom field and displays the result “Outlook is not working”.

Criteria for the Search Result:

The search result is displayed based on the following criteria:

Priority 1 (Sequence)

The entered text is searched in the fields in the sequence of KEYWORDS, SIMILAR SYMPTOMS, and Symptom.

For Incidents, when a user enters the text, the search functionality of the End User Dashboard works as follows:

  • If the entered text is matching in the KEYWORD field, it is displayed on the top of the list.
  • If the entered text is not matching in KEYWORD field, then as per the order it is searched in the SIMILAR SYMPTOMS field and displays the result.
  • If the entered text is not matching in the both the KEYWORD and SIMILAR SYMPTOMS fields, then it is searched in the Symptom field and displays the result.

Priority 2 (Template Use Count)

If the entered text is found more than one in the KEYWORD or SIMILAR SYMPTOMS or Symptom field, the KEYWORD or SIMILAR SYMPTOMS or Symptom with the most view count is displayed on the top of the list.

Priority 3 (Rank)

If the entered text is found more than one in KEYWORD or SIMILAR SYMPTOMS or Symptom field and have the same view count, then the full-text search engine finds the best matched word and displays the result on top of the list.

Priority 4 (Template ID)

If the entered text is found more than one in KEYWORD or SIMILAR SYMPTOMS or Symptom field, has the same view count, and the same result by the full-text search engine, then the result is displayed based on the unique Template ID.