Enhanced AD Import page

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Tahoe)

What's New?

The Admin can now view the logs in the SummitAI application if any issue occurred during the Active Directory (AD) users import.

Business Benefits

  • It helps to debug any issue while importing the users by running AD Job.

  • View the logs such as ErrorInfo, and Debug in the SummitAI application instead of logging into the Server.

UI Change

During AD users import, any issue observed can be identified and addressed by using the following options that are added newly on the AD Import page:

Other Actions Section:

  • AD Import Logs

    • Error

    • Debug

    • Info

  • Configure Notification

Configuration for Log Incident Section:

  • Log an Incident in case of Failure

    The following fields are greyed out if the Log an Incident in case of Failure option is not enabled.

    • Mailbox 

    • From Name

    • From E-mail ID

    • Server Name

    • Port

    • User Name

    • Password

    • SSL Required

Actions Panel:

  • Import History

Figure: AD IMPORT page

For more information, see Importing Active Directory User Details.