Service Level Agreement (SLA) Scenarios

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Scenarios

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Scenarios

Following are the different SLA Scenarios:

1SLA By User Type
2SLA Matrix By CI
3Customer/Vendor SLA Matrix1SLA By Tenant and Category
2SLA By Location
3SLA By Tenant, Category, and Location
4SLA By Tenant and Workgroup
5SLA By Location
6SLA By Tenant, Workgroup, and Location
7SLA By Tenant, Workgroup, Category, and Location
8SLA By Customer
9SLA By Location
10SLA By Customer and Location
11SLA By Tenant, Category, Customer, and Location
12SLA By Tenant, Workgroup, Customer, and Location
13SLA By Tenant, Workgroup, Category, Customer, and Location
4SLA Matrix (by Category)
5Priority Matrix
6SLA Based on Incident Rule Templates

If none of the matrices are applied, the Priority with lowest Resolution Time is selected for the Incident. The Workgroup Owner can update the Priority of the Incident. 

SLA By User Type

Scenario ID

Possible Scenarios

Example (Let us consider, Ryan, CEO of a company, as a VIP User)


Set Priority and Impact based on User Type 

If Ryan logs an Incident, the Priority should be P1 and Impact should be High.


Set only Priority based on User Type

If Ryan logs an Incident, the Priority should be P1.


Set only Impact based on User Type

If Ryan logs an Incident, the Impact should be High.


Set a different color for each User Type

If Ryan logs an Incident, the color should be Red so that the Analysts can easily differentiate VIP Incidents in their queue.

SL. No.Important Points
1The Workgroup Owner can change the Incident Priority set from User Type matrix. For example, if Ryan logs an Incident and the Priority is set as P1, the Workgroup Owner can change the Priority from P1 to P2.
2A User can be mapped to only one User Type.

Navigation: Incident > Others > User Type

SLA Matrix By CI

Scenario IDScenario Description
1Set Priority and Service Window based on the Configuration Item
For critical Assets of the organization, such as Server or Network device, the Priority should be P1 and the Service Window should be 12/5 Support.

Navigation: CMDB > Configuration Item List

Customer/Vendor SLA Matrix

Following are the different scenarios that can be configured in this screen.

LEGENDSBased on the fields highlighted in orangeFields highlighted in green will be set as values in the Incident
#1 - SLA By Tenant and Category
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Tenant/Category

Scenario: If the Incident Category is Server, the Priority should be P2. If the incident category is Application, Priority should be P3.

User DetailsAny UserAny User
WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny Workgroup
CustomerAny CustomerAny Customer
LocationAny LocationAny Location
Response SLA Deadline (in minutes)30 minutes60 minutes
Resolution SLA Deadline (in minutes)60 minutes120 minutes
#2 - SLA By Location
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Location (Irrespective of Tenant, Workgroup, Category, Customer)
Scenario: If the user's location is Bangalore, the Priority should be P2. If the user's location is Mumbai, the Priority should be P3.
User DetailsAny UserAny User
TenantAny TenantAny Tenant
WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny Workgroup
CategoryAny CategoryAny Category
CustomerAny CustomerAny Customer
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes
#3 - SLA By Tenant, Category, and Location
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Tenant/Category and Location
Scenario: The Priority of 'Server' Category Incident should be P2 if the user's location is Bangalore and P3 if the user's location is Mumbai. The Priority of 'Application' Category Incident should be P4 if the user's location is Bangalore and P5 if the user's location is Mumbai.
User DetailsAny UserAny UserAny UserAny User
WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny Workgroup
CustomerAny CustomerAny CustomerAny CustomerAny Customer
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes40 minutes80 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes80 minutes160 minutes
#4 - SLA By Tenant and Workgroup
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Tenant/Workgroup
Scenario: If the Incident is routed to Server Team, the Priority should be P2. If the Incident is routed to Application Team, the Priority should be P3.
User DetailsAny UserAny User
WorkgroupServer TeamApplication Team
CategoryAny CategoryAny Category
CustomerAny CustomerAny Customer
LocationAny LocationAny Location
Response SLA Deadline (in minutes)30 minutes60 minutes
Resolution SLA Deadline (in minutes)60 minutes120 minutes
#5 - SLA By Location
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Location (Irrespective of Tenant, Workgroup, Category, Customer)
Scenario: If the user's location is Bangalore, the Priority should be P2. If the user's location is Mumbai, the Priority should be P3.
User DetailsAny UserAny User
TenantAny TenantAny Tenant
WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny Workgroup
CategoryAny CategoryAny Category
CustomerAny CustomerAny Customer
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes
#6 - SLA By Tenant, Workgroup, and Location
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Tenant/ Workgroup and Location
Scenario: The Priority of 'Server Team' Incident should be P2 if the user's location is Bangalore and P3 if the user's location is Mumbai. The Priority of 'Application Team' Incident should be P4 if the user's location is Bangalore and P5 if the user's location is Mumbai.
User DetailsAny UserAny UserAny UserAny User
WorkgroupServer TeamServer TeamApplication TeamApplication Team
CategoryAny CategoryAny CategoryAny CategoryAny Category
CustomerAny CustomerAny CustomerAny CustomerAny Customer
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes40 minutes80 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes80 minutes160 minutes
#7 - SLA By Tenant, Workgroup, Category, and Location
Set Priority, Response SLA and Resolution based on Tenant/Workgroup, Category, and Location
Scenario: If a user in Bangalore is logging a 'Exchange Server' Category Incident and is routed to 'Server Team', the Priority should be P2. If a Bangalore user is logging a 'VPN Server' Category Incident and is routed to 'Server Team', the Priority should be P3. If a Mumbai user is logging a 'MS Office' Category Incident and is routed to 'Application Team', the Priority should be P4. If a Mumbai user is logging a 'SAP' Category Incident and is routed to 'Application Team', the Priority should be P5.
User DetailsAny UserAny UserAny UserAny User
WorkgroupServer TeamServer TeamApplication TeamApplication Team
CategoryExchange ServerVPN ServerMS OfficeSAP
CustomerAny CustomerAny CustomerAny CustomerAny Customer
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes40 minutes80 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes80 minutes160 minutes
#8 - SLA By Customer
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Customer
Scenario: If the Incident is logged by a user from 'SUMMITAI' Customer, the Priority should be P2. If the Incident is logged by a user from 'Precise Metric' Customer, the Priority should be P3.
User DetailsAny UserAny User
TenantAny TenantAny Tenant
WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny Workgroup
CategoryAny CategoryAny Category
CustomerSUMMITAIPrecise Metric
LocationAny LocationAny Location
Response SLA Deadline (in minutes)30 minutes60 minutes
Resolution SLA Deadline (in minutes)60 minutes120 minutes
#9 - SLA By Location
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Location (Irrespective of Tenant, Workgroup, Category, Customer)
Scenario: If the user's location is Bangalore, the Priority should be P2. If the user's location is Mumbai, the Priority should be P3.
User DetailsAny UserAny User
TenantAny TenantAny Tenant
WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny Workgroup
CategoryAny CategoryAny Category
CustomerAny CustomerAny Customer
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes
#10 - SLA By Customer and Location
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Customer and Location
Scenario: The Incident Priority of a user based out of Bangalore belonging to SUMMITAI Customer should be P2. The Priority of Mumbai user belonging to SUMMITAI Customer should be P3. The Incident Priority of Bangalore user belonging to Precise Metric Customer should be P4. The Priority of Mumbai user belonging to Precise Metric Customer should be P5.
User DetailsAny UserAny UserAny UserAny User
TenantAny TenantAny TenantAny TenantAny Tenant
WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny Workgroup
CategoryAny CategoryAny CategoryAny CategoryAny Category
CustomerSUMMITAISUMMITAIPrecise MetricPrecise Metric
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes40 minutes80 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes80 minutes160 minutes
#11 - SLA By Tenant, Category, Customer, and Location
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Tenant, Category, Customer, and Location
Scenario: The 'Exchange Server' Category Incident Priority of a Bangalore user belonging to SUMMITAI Customer should be P2. The 'Exchange Server' Category Incident Priority of a Bangalore user belonging to Precise Metric Customer should be P3. The 'MS Office' Category Incident Priority of a Mumbai user belonging to SUMMITAI Customer should be P4. The 'MS Office' Category Incident Priority of Mumbai user belonging to Precise Metric Customer should be P5.
User DetailsAny UserAny UserAny UserAny User
WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny WorkgroupAny Workgroup
CategoryExchange ServerExchange ServerMS OfficeMS Office
CustomerSUMMITAIPrecise MetricSUMMITAIPrecise Metric
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes40 minutes80 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes80 minutes160 minutes
#12 - SLA By Tenant, Workgroup, Customer, and Location
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Tenant, Workgroup, Customer, and Location
Scenario: The Incident Priority of a Bangalore user belonging to SUMMITAI Customer should be P2 if the Incident is routed to Server Team. The Incident Priority of a Bangalore user belonging to Precise Metric Customer should be P3 if the Incident is routed to Server Team. The Incident Priority of a Mumbai user belonging to SUMMITAI Customer should be P4 if the Incident is routed to Application Team. The Incident Priority of a Mumbai user belonging to Precise Metric Customer should be P5 if the Incident is routed to Application Team.
User DetailsAny UserAny UserAny UserAny User
WorkgroupServer TeamServer TeamApplication TeamApplication Team
CategoryAny CategoryAny CategoryAny CategoryAny Category
CustomerSUMMITAIPrecise MetricSUMMITAIPrecise Metric
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes40 minutes80 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes80 minutes160 minutes
#13 - SLA By Tenant, Workgroup, Category, Customer, and Location
Set Priority, Response SLA, and Resolution based on Tenant, Workgroup, Category, Customer, and Location
Scenario: The Incident Priority of a Bangalore user belonging to SUMMITAI Customer should be P2 if the Incident is routed to Server Team and Category is 'Exchange Server'. The Incident Priority of a Bangalore user belonging to Precise Metric Customer should be P3 if the Incident is routed to Server Team. The Incident Priority of a Mumbai user belonging to SUMMITAI Customer should be P4 if the Incident is routed to Application Team. The Incident Priority of a Mumbai user belonging to Precise Metric Customer should be P5 if the Incident is routed to Application Team.
User DetailsAny UserAny UserAny UserAny User
WorkgroupServer TeamServer TeamApplication TeamApplication Team
CategoryExchange ServerVPN ServerMS OfficeSAP
CustomerSUMMITAIPrecise MetricSUMMITAIPrecise Metric
Response SLA30 minutes60 minutes40 minutes80 minutes
Resolution SLA60 minutes120 minutes80 minutes160 minutes
SL. No.Important Points
1If Overridable = TRUE, the Analyst will be able to update the Priority in the Incident Details page.
If Overridable = FALSE, the Analyst will not be able to update the Priority in the Incident Details page.
2The Workgroup Owner can always update the Priority irrespective of Overridable = TRUE or FALSE.
3If the Response SLA and Resolution SLA Deadlines are not defined in this screen, the Response SLA and Resolution SLA configured for that Priority in Priority configuration screen will be applicable.

NavigationAdmin > Customers > Customer/ Vendor SLA Matrix

SLA Matrix By Category

Scenario IDPossible ScenariosExample 
1Set Priority and Service Window based on CategoryIf Incident is logged for Server Category, the Priority should be P1 and Service Window should be 24/7.
2Set only Priority based on CategoryIf Incident is logged for Server Category, the Priority should be P1.
3Set only Service Window based on CategoryIf Incident is logged for Server category, the Service Window should be 24/7.
SL. No.Important Points
1If Overridable = TRUE, the Analyst will be able to update the Priority in the Incident Details page.
If Overridable = FALSE, the Analyst will not be able to update the Priority in the Incident Details page.
2The Workgroup Owner can always update the Priority.

NavigationIncident > SLA > SLA Matrix

Priority Matrix

Priority Matrix
SL. No.Important Points
1The Analyst cannot change the Priority set based on the above matrix.
2The Workgroup Owner can update the Priority.

NavigationIncident > SLA Configurations > Priority Matrix

SLA Based on Incident Rule Templates

Set the Priority if the Incident is logged based on a Rule Template. Stated otherwise, Incidents logged from Rules will have the Priority set based on the value defined in the Rule as displayed in the following screen shot:

NavigationIncident > Others > Rule

SLA By Mail Parser

Set the Priority if the Incident is logged via e-mail.

NavigationAdmin > Notifications > Notification Parser

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