Known Issues

Known Issues


Known Issues

The Known Issues are bugs or issues found in the SummitAI application by the SummitAI Development and Testing teams. This section lists the Known Issues in various versions of the SummitAI application.

Denali SP1 HF02


On the SEARCH ASSET page (ASSET > USER > MANAGE ASSETS > ASSET INVENTORY page > Click Non-Fixed Asset icon (Consumable, Accessories, or Software) > Click Search Asset icon), an error message "Oops! An error occurred" was displayed when the length of the specified search text is more than 30 characters. This issue exists for the following scenarios:

  • When in the search text field, a relational operator i.e., <, >, <=, or >= is specified to search Assets.
  • When the user tries to search Non-Fixed Asset.


For the Custom Attribute (Drop-down), if any value is set as default on the Form Builder page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next > Drag and drop the Drop-down Custom Attribute > Type in the Label for the Custom Attribute > Select Options (data source) as Manual > Type in the Drop-down Values and Make one value as default), then the default value is not automatically set for that Custom Attribute (Drop-down) across the Incident Management module


If the SLA is paused during the PR resolution and the Paused Time is before RCA Deadline, the paused duration is not getting added to the Resolution Deadline. This issue is occurring when the Resolution Deadline Type is selected as RCA Deadline Time in the Deadline Configuration. (Bug#74495)


If the SLA Paused Time is between RCA Actual Time and RCA Deadline, the paused duration does not consider for the Resolution Deadline.


Consider the PR Log Time as 9:00 AM, RCA Deadline as one hour, and Resolution Deadline two hours.

The paused duration does not add if the Analyst performs the below actions:

  • If the RCA completed at 9:30 AM (RCA Actual Time), where RCA Deadline is 10:00 AM.
  • If the Analyst pauses the PR at 9:40 AM to 9:50 AM before RCA Deadline Time (10:00 AM), the paused duration 10 mins is not getting added to the Resolution Deadline.

The Expected Resolution Deadline should be:

RCA Deadline Time + Resolution Deadline + Paused Time = 10:00 AM + 2 hours + 10 mins = 12:10 PM.

When the Maker-Checker configuration is enabled for the Allocate action and Maker-Checker approval matrix is configured with two levels of approval, on sending the Allocated Assets for Checker’s approval, the following issues are observed:

  • On the FIXED ASSET page (Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory > Click the FIXED icon under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section Click FILTERS on the ACTIONS panel > Select Status as Allocated and provide data in all the other fields > click SUBMIT), duplicate Assets are displayed after the Checker approves the Assets sent for approval.
  • The Assets do not move to the second level of approval after the Assets are approved by the first level of Approver.


  1. Enable Maker-checker approval for Asset Allocate transaction. (AdminBasic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Click Filters on the ACTION panel and select the Domain and click SUMBIT > On the TENANT page under the LIST section, select the Tenant for which you want to enable Maker Checker > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Click Asset Management under the MODULES section > select the check box of Enable Maker-Checker > Select Actions for Maker-Checker to Approve as  Allocate > Select the End Time value and click SUBMIT).
  2. Configure No. of Approval level as 2 on the APPROVAL MATRIX page (AssetConfiguration > Others > Approval Matrix > On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD NEW > Specify the details > click SUBMIT).
  3. Send Assets for approval for Allocate action (Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory > On the ASSET INVENTORY page, under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section, click FIXED Select the same Tenant for which the Maker-checker is enabled >  Click the In-Store hyperlink of the required Asset Category > Select the check box corresponding to the Asset you want to allocate On the ACTIONS panel, click ALLOCATE > Specify the mandatory details to allocate the Asset and click SUBMIT).

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Login to the Application as Checker.
  2. Click Asset > User > Manage Asset > Approvals Maker-checker Approval > Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. On the Filter pop-up page, select the Tenant and specify the required details.
  4. Select the Assets that you want to approve and click APPROVE icon on the ACTIONS The APPROVE pop-up page is displayed.
  5. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the Approval Status as Approved to approve the Asset and click
  6. Click Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory > Click FIXED under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section > Click Filters on the ACTIONS
  7. On the Filters pop-up page, select the Tenant, Select the Status as Allocated and specify required details.
  8. Click SUBMIT.
  9. Validate the data.

The GetBulletinBoard Mobile API request is used to retrieve Bulletin Board information. The User ID and Tenant Code are passed as the Request Parameters. In the API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is displayed. (#73031)


Configure Bulletin Boards for multiple Tenants.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Configure a Bulletin Board. For more information, see Configuring Bulletins.
  3. Send a POST request for the GetBulletinBoard API. Pass Tenant Code, in the Instance parameter and User ID in the UserID parameter.
  4. Check API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is getting displayed.

On the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page, the Target ID is not showing in the Target column when Status of the Orchestration Workflow Script (other than the first Script) is In-Progress, and it is having Target Host Type mapped to From Previous Output valueHowever, the Target ID is displayed after the Script is executed successfully. (#73079)

Note: This issue is found in Incident Management, Work Order, and Service Request Management (SR) modules. Following bug reproduction steps are for the SR module:

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
  3. On the WORKFLOW LIST page, click the NEW
  4. On the WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION pop-up page, select Module as Service Request, and specify other details to configure the Orchestration Workflow.
  5. Map the Target Host Type to From Previous Output value for the scripts of the Orchestration Workflow.
  6. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator or as an Analyst.
  7. Select Request > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.
  8. On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page, specify the Filters and open an SR.
  9. On the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page, click the ORCHESTRATION tab.
  10. On the ORCHESTRATION tab, click the Script When the Script (other than the first Script) is in In Progress status, check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. The Target ID is not displaying in the Target column.
  11. After successful execution of the Script (other than the first Script), click the Script hyperlink. Check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. Now, the Target ID is displaying in the Target column.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Denali SP1 HF01


On the SEARCH ASSET page (ASSET > USER > MANAGE ASSETS > ASSET INVENTORY page > Click Non-Fixed Asset icon (Consumable, Accessories, or Software) > Click Search Asset icon), an error message "Oops! An error occurred" was displayed when the length of the specified search text is more than 30 characters. This issue exists for the following scenarios:

  • When in the search text field, a relational operator i.e., <, >, <=, or >= is specified to search Assets.
  • When the user tries to search Non-Fixed Asset.


For the Custom Attribute (Drop-down), if any value is set as default on the Form Builder page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next > Drag and drop the Drop-down Custom Attribute > Type in the Label for the Custom Attribute > Select Options (data source) as Manual > Type in the Drop-down Values and Make one value as default), then the default value is not automatically set for that Custom Attribute (Drop-down) across the Incident Management module


If the SLA is paused during the PR resolution and the Paused Time is before RCA Deadline, the paused duration is not getting added to the Resolution Deadline. This issue is occurring when the Resolution Deadline Type is selected as RCA Deadline Time in the Deadline Configuration. (Bug#74495)


If the SLA Paused Time is between RCA Actual Time and RCA Deadline, the paused duration does not consider for the Resolution Deadline.


Consider the PR Log Time as 9:00 AM, RCA Deadline as one hour, and Resolution Deadline two hours.

The paused duration does not add if the Analyst performs the below actions:

  • If the RCA completed at 9:30 AM (RCA Actual Time), where RCA Deadline is 10:00 AM.
  • If the Analyst pauses the PR at 9:40 AM to 9:50 AM before RCA Deadline Time (10:00 AM), the paused duration 10 mins is not getting added to the Resolution Deadline.

The Expected Resolution Deadline should be:

RCA Deadline Time + Resolution Deadline + Paused Time = 10:00 AM + 2 hours + 10 mins = 12:10 PM.

When the Maker-Checker configuration is enabled for the Allocate action and Maker-Checker approval matrix is configured with two levels of approval, on sending the Allocated Assets for Checker’s approval, the following issues are observed:

  • On the FIXED ASSET page (Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory > Click the FIXED icon under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section > Click FILTERS on the ACTIONS panel > Select Status as Allocated and provide data in all the other fields > click SUBMIT), duplicate Assets are displayed after the Checker approves the Assets sent for approval.
  • The Assets do not move to the second level of approval after the Assets are approved by the first level of Approver.


  1. Enable Maker-checker approval for Asset Allocate transaction. (AdminBasic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Click Filters on the ACTION panel and select the Domain and click SUMBIT > On the TENANT page under the LIST section, select the Tenant for which you want to enable Maker Checker > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Click Asset Management under the MODULES section > select the check box of Enable Maker-Checker > Select Actions for Maker-Checker to Approve as  Allocate > Select the End Time value and click SUBMIT).
  2. Configure No. of Approval level as 2 on the APPROVAL MATRIX page (AssetConfiguration > Others > Approval Matrix > On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD NEW > Specify the details > click SUBMIT).
  3. Send Assets for approval for Allocate action (Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory > On the ASSET INVENTORY page, under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section, click FIXED > Select the same Tenant for which the Maker-checker is enabled >  Click the In-Store hyperlink of the required Asset Category > Select the check box corresponding to the Asset you want to allocate > On the ACTIONS panel, click ALLOCATE > Specify the mandatory details to allocate the Asset and click SUBMIT).

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Login to the Application as Checker.
  2. Click Asset > User > Manage Asset > Approvals Maker-checker Approval > Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. On the Filter pop-up page, select the Tenant and specify the required details.
  4. Select the Assets that you want to approve and click APPROVE icon on the ACTIONS The APPROVE pop-up page is displayed.
  5. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the Approval Status as Approved to approve the Asset and click
  6. Click Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory > Click FIXED under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section > Click Filters on the ACTIONS
  7. On the Filters pop-up page, select the Tenant, Select the Status as Allocated and specify required details.
  8. Click SUBMIT.
  9. Validate the data.

The GetBulletinBoard Mobile API request is used to retrieve Bulletin Board information. The User ID and Tenant Code are passed as the Request Parameters. In the API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is displayed. (#73031)


Configure Bulletin Boards for multiple Tenants.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Configure a Bulletin Board. For more information, see Configuring Bulletins.
  3. Send a POST request for the GetBulletinBoard API. Pass Tenant Code, in the Instance parameter and User ID in the UserID parameter.
  4. Check API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is getting displayed.

On the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page, the Target ID is not showing in the Target column when Status of the Orchestration Workflow Script (other than the first Script) is In-Progress, and it is having Target Host Type mapped to From Previous Output valueHowever, the Target ID is displayed after the Script is executed successfully. (#73079)

Note: This issue is found in Incident Management, Work Order, and Service Request Management (SR) modules. Following bug reproduction steps are for the SR module:

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
  3. On the WORKFLOW LIST page, click the NEW
  4. On the WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION pop-up page, select Module as Service Request, and specify other details to configure the Orchestration Workflow.
  5. Map the Target Host Type to From Previous Output value for the scripts of the Orchestration Workflow.
  6. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator or as an Analyst.
  7. Select Request > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.
  8. On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page, specify the Filters and open an SR.
  9. On the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page, click the ORCHESTRATION tab.
  10. On the ORCHESTRATION tab, click the Script When the Script (other than the first Script) is in In Progress status, check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. The Target ID is not displaying in the Target column.
  11. After successful execution of the Script (other than the first Script), click the Script hyperlink. Check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. Now, the Target ID is displaying in the Target column.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

 Denali SP1


On the SEARCH ASSET page (ASSET > USER > MANAGE ASSETS > ASSET INVENTORY page > Click Non-Fixed Asset icon (Consumable, Accessories, or Software) > Click Search Asset icon), an error message "Oops! An error occurred" was displayed when the length of the specified search text is more than 30 characters. This issue exists for the following scenarios:

  • When in the search text field, a relational operator i.e., <, >, <=, or >= is specified to search Assets.
  • When the user tries to search Non-Fixed Asset.

(Bug# 73532)

For the Custom Attribute (Drop-down), if any value is set as default on the Form Builder page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next > Drag and drop the Drop-down Custom Attribute > Type in the Label for the Custom Attribute > Select Options (data source) as Manual > Type in the Drop-down Values and Make one value as default), then the default value is not automatically set for that Custom Attribute (Drop-down) across the Incident Management module

(Bug# 71703).

If the SLA is paused during the PR resolution and the Paused Time is before RCA Deadline, the paused duration is not getting added to the Resolution Deadline. This issue is occurring when the Resolution Deadline Type is selected as RCA Deadline Time in the Deadline Configuration. (Bug#74495)


If the SLA Paused Time is between RCA Actual Time and RCA Deadline, the paused duration does not consider for the Resolution Deadline.


Consider the PR Log Time as 9:00 AM, RCA Deadline as one hour, and Resolution Deadline two hours.

The paused duration does not add if the Analyst performs the below actions:

  • If the RCA completed at 9:30 AM (RCA Actual Time), where RCA Deadline is 10:00 AM.
  • If the Analyst pauses the PR at 9:40 AM to 9:50 AM before RCA Deadline Time (10:00 AM), the paused duration 10 mins is not getting added to the Resolution Deadline.

The Expected Resolution Deadline should be:

RCA Deadline Time + Resolution Deadline + Paused Time = 10:00 AM + 2 hours + 10 mins = 12:10 PM.

When the Maker-Checker configuration is enabled for the Allocate action and Maker-Checker approval matrix is configured with two levels of approval, on sending the Allocated Assets for Checker’s approval, the following issues are observed:

  • On the FIXED ASSET page (Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory > Click the FIXED icon under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section > Click FILTERS on the ACTIONS panel > Select Status as Allocated and provide data in all the other fields > click SUBMIT), duplicate Assets are displayed after the Checker approves the Assets sent for approval.
  • The Assets do not move to the second level of approval after the Assets are approved by the first level of Approver.


  1. Enable Maker-checker approval for Asset Allocate transaction. (AdminBasic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Click Filters on the ACTION panel and select the Domain and click SUMBIT > On the TENANT page under the LIST section, select the Tenant for which you want to enable Maker Checker > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Click Asset Management under the MODULES section > select the check box of Enable Maker-Checker > Select Actions for Maker-Checker to Approve as  Allocate > Select the End Time value and click SUBMIT).
  2. Configure No. of Approval level as 2 on the APPROVAL MATRIX page (AssetConfiguration > Others > Approval Matrix > On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD NEW > Specify the details > click SUBMIT).
  3. Send Assets for approval for Allocate action (Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory > On the ASSET INVENTORY page, under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section, click FIXED > Select the same Tenant for which the Maker-checker is enabled >  Click the In-Store hyperlink of the required Asset Category > Select the check box corresponding to the Asset you want to allocate > On the ACTIONS panel, click ALLOCATE > Specify the mandatory details to allocate the Asset and click SUBMIT).

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Login to the Application as Checker.
  2. Click Asset > User > Manage Asset > Approvals Maker-checker Approval > Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. On the Filter pop-up page, select the Tenant and specify the required details.
  4. Select the Assets that you want to approve and click APPROVE icon on the ACTIONS The APPROVE pop-up page is displayed.
  5. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the Approval Status as Approved to approve the Asset and click
  6. Click Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory > Click FIXED under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section > Click Filters on the ACTIONS
  7. On the Filters pop-up page, select the Tenant, Select the Status as Allocated and specify required details.
  8. Click SUBMIT.
  9. Validate the data.
(Bug# 72171)

The GetBulletinBoard Mobile API request is used to retrieve Bulletin Board information. The User ID and Tenant Code are passed as the Request Parameters. In the API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is displayed. (#73031)


Configure Bulletin Boards for multiple Tenants.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Configure a Bulletin Board. For more information, see Configuring Bulletins.
  3. Send a POST request for the GetBulletinBoard API. Pass Tenant Code, in the Instance parameter and User ID in the UserID parameter.
  4. Check API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is getting displayed.

On the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page, the Target ID is not showing in the Target column when Status of the Orchestration Workflow Script (other than the first Script) is In-Progress, and it is having Target Host Type mapped to From Previous Output valueHowever, the Target ID is displayed after the Script is executed successfully. (#73079)

Note: This issue is found in Incident Management, Work Order, and Service Request Management (SR) modules. Following bug reproduction steps are for the SR module:

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
  3. On the WORKFLOW LIST page, click the NEW
  4. On the WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION pop-up page, select Module as Service Request, and specify other details to configure the Orchestration Workflow.
  5. Map the Target Host Type to From Previous Output value for the scripts of the Orchestration Workflow.
  6. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator or as an Analyst.
  7. Select Request > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.
  8. On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page, specify the Filters and open an SR.
  9. On the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page, click the ORCHESTRATION tab.
  10. On the ORCHESTRATION tab, click the Script When the Script (other than the first Script) is in In Progress status, check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. The Target ID is not displaying in the Target column.
  11. After successful execution of the Script (other than the first Script), click the Script hyperlink. Check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. Now, the Target ID is displaying in the Target column.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Denali HF04


The GetBulletinBoard Mobile API request is used to retrieve Bulletin Board information. The User ID and Tenant Code are passed as the Request Parameters. In the API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is displayed. (#73031)


Configure Bulletin Boards for multiple Tenants.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Configure a Bulletin Board. For more information, see Configuring Bulletins.
  3. Send a POST request for the GetBulletinBoard API. Pass Tenant Code, in the Instance parameter and User ID in the UserID parameter.
  4. Check API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is getting displayed.

On the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page, the Target ID is not showing in the Target column when Status of the Orchestration Workflow Script (other than the first Script) is In-Progress, and it is having Target Host Type mapped to From Previous Output valueHowever, the Target ID is displayed after the Script is executed successfully. (#73079)

Note: This issue is found in Incident Management, Work Order, and Service Request Management (SR) modules. Following bug reproduction steps are for the SR module:

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
  3. On the WORKFLOW LIST page, click the NEW
  4. On the WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION pop-up page, select Module as Service Request, and specify other details to configure the Orchestration Workflow.
  5. Map the Target Host Type to From Previous Output value for the scripts of the Orchestration Workflow.
  6. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator or as an Analyst.
  7. Select Request > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.
  8. On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page, specify the Filters and open an SR.
  9. On the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page, click the ORCHESTRATION tab.
  10. On the ORCHESTRATION tab, click the Script When the Script (other than the first Script) is in In Progress status, check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. The Target ID is not displaying in the Target column.
  11. After successful execution of the Script (other than the first Script), click the Script hyperlink. Check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. Now, the Target ID is displaying in the Target column.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page. (#67236)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.

The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Denali HF03


The GetBulletinBoard Mobile API request is used to retrieve Bulletin Board information. The User ID and Tenant Code are passed as the Request Parameters. In the API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is displayed. (#73031)


Configure Bulletin Boards for multiple Tenants.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Configure a Bulletin Board. For more information, see Configuring Bulletins.
  3. Send a POST request for the GetBulletinBoard API. Pass Tenant Code, in the Instance parameter and User ID in the UserID parameter.
  4. Check API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is getting displayed.

On the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page, the Target ID is not showing in the Target column when Status of the Orchestration Workflow Script (other than the first Script) is In-Progress, and it is having Target Host Type mapped to From Previous Output valueHowever, the Target ID is displayed after the Script is executed successfully. (#73079)

Note: This issue is found in Incident Management, Work Order, and Service Request Management (SR) modules. Following bug reproduction steps are for the SR module:

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
  3. On the WORKFLOW LIST page, click the NEW
  4. On the WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION pop-up page, select Module as Service Request, and specify other details to configure the Orchestration Workflow.
  5. Map the Target Host Type to From Previous Output value for the scripts of the Orchestration Workflow.
  6. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator or as an Analyst.
  7. Select Request > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.
  8. On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page, specify the Filters and open an SR.
  9. On the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page, click the ORCHESTRATION tab.
  10. On the ORCHESTRATION tab, click the Script When the Script (other than the first Script) is in In Progress status, check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. The Target ID is not displaying in the Target column.
  11. After successful execution of the Script (other than the first Script), click the Script hyperlink. Check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. Now, the Target ID is displaying in the Target column.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page. (#67236)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.

The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Denali HF02


The GetBulletinBoard Mobile API request is used to retrieve Bulletin Board information. The User ID and Tenant Code are passed as the Request Parameters. In the API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is displayed. (#73031)


Configure Bulletin Boards for multiple Tenants.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Configure a Bulletin Board. For more information, see Configuring Bulletins.
  3. Send a POST request for the GetBulletinBoard API. Pass Tenant Code, in the Instance parameter and User ID in the UserID parameter.
  4. Check API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is getting displayed.

On the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page, the Target ID is not showing in the Target column when Status of the Orchestration Workflow Script (other than the first Script) is In-Progress, and it is having Target Host Type mapped to From Previous Output value. However, the Target ID is displayed after the Script is executed successfully. (#73079)

Note: This issue is found in Incident Management, Work Order, and Service Request Management (SR) modules. Following bug reproduction steps are for the SR module:

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
  3. On the WORKFLOW LIST page, click the NEW
  4. On the WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION pop-up page, select Module as Service Request, and specify other details to configure the Orchestration Workflow.
  5. Map the Target Host Type to From Previous Output value for the scripts of the Orchestration Workflow.
  6. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator or as an Analyst.
  7. Select Request > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.
  8. On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page, specify the Filters and open an SR.
  9. On the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page, click the ORCHESTRATION tab.
  10. On the ORCHESTRATION tab, click the Script When the Script (other than the first Script) is in In Progress status, check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. The Target ID is not displaying in the Target column.
  11. After successful execution of the Script (other than the first Script), click the Script hyperlink. Check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. Now, the Target ID is displaying in the Target column.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Denali HF01


The GetBulletinBoard Mobile API request is used to retrieve Bulletin Board information. The User ID and Tenant Code are passed as the Request Parameters. In the API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is displayed. (#73031)


Configure Bulletin Boards for multiple Tenants.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Configure a Bulletin Board. For more information, see Configuring Bulletins.
  3. Send a POST request for the GetBulletinBoard API. Pass Tenant Code, in the Instance parameter and User ID in the UserID parameter.
  4. Check API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is getting displayed.

On the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page, the Target ID is not showing in the Target column when Status of the Orchestration Workflow Script (other than the first Script) is In-Progress, and it is having Target Host Type mapped to From Previous Output valueHowever, the Target ID is displayed after the Script is executed successfully. (#73079)

Note: This issue is found in Incident Management, Work Order, and Service Request Management (SR) modules. Following bug reproduction steps are for the SR module:

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
  3. On the WORKFLOW LIST page, click the NEW
  4. On the WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION pop-up page, select Module as Service Request, and specify other details to configure the Orchestration Workflow.
  5. Map the Target Host Type to From Previous Output value for the scripts of the Orchestration Workflow.
  6. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator or as an Analyst.
  7. Select Request > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.
  8. On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page, specify the Filters and open an SR.
  9. On the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page, click the ORCHESTRATION tab.
  10. On the ORCHESTRATION tab, click the Script When the Script (other than the first Script) is in In Progress status, check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. The Target ID is not displaying in the Target column.
  11. After successful execution of the Script (other than the first Script), click the Script hyperlink. Check the Target column details on the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page. Now, the Target ID is displaying in the Target column.

There is a count mismatch between the total count displayed with a hyperlink and the number of Change Records displayed on the CHANGE RECORD LIST pop-up page of the Change Record Workgroup Report.

For Example:

If the total count displayed with the hyperlink is 15, the total number of Change Records on the CHANGE RECORD LIST pop-up page is displaying as 13, which is a mismatch.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Reports > Change Management > Change Record Workgroup Report.
  2. On the CHANGE RECORD WORKGROUP REPORT page, under the Change Records column, click the hyperlink with the total count.
  3. On the CHANGE RECORD LIST page, the total number of Change Records is not equal to the count displayed with the hyperlink.


On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).



There is a count mismatch between the total count displayed with a hyperlink and the number of Change Records displayed on the CHANGE RECORD LIST pop-up page of the Change Record Workgroup Report.

For Example:

If the total count displayed with the hyperlink is 15, the total number of Change Records on the CHANGE RECORD LIST pop-up page is displaying as 13, which is a mismatch.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Reports > Change Management > Change Record Workgroup Report.
  2. On the CHANGE RECORD WORKGROUP REPORT page, under the Change Records column, click the hyperlink with the total count.
  3. On the CHANGE RECORD LIST page, the total number of Change Records is not equal to the count displayed with the hyperlink.


On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) SP1 HF09


The parent and child value mapping is getting reset to blank when a user includes the Inactive Option from the INACTIVE FIELDS pop-up page of the FORM BUILDER page. Also, the user is not able to save the selected parent and child mapping after modifying it manually. (#75967)


To include the Inactive Options, do the following steps:

  1. Include the inactive options (Inactive fields >  Select Options tab > Include the Inactive Options).
  2. Map the options with the Parent and click NEXT.
  3. Click SAVE.
  4. Open the same Form again.
  5. Map the parent and child and click NEXT
  6. Click SAVE.

The Child drop-down value is displaying even though the Parent drop-down is not selected on the New Incident or New Incident For User page. This issue occurs when the Options value is selected other than Manual while configuring the Parent in the Parent and Child drop-down fields on the FORM BUILDER page. (#73236) 


The same issue was found for the Service Request Management module. The following bug reproduction steps are given for the Incident Management module. 

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder.
  3. Select the Tenant and Module as Incident Management.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Under the FORM BUILDER tab, click or drag and drop the Dropdown control.
  7. Select the Option as Common Master or other type except for the Manual.
  8. Click or drag and drop the Dropdown control and name is as State. Select the Parent as Country and Option as Manual.
  9. Select the Country and add the State for it and select a State as Default for the Country.
  10. Click or drag and drop the Dropdown control and name it as City. Select a State under the Parent field and Option as Manual.
  11. Select the State and add the Cities for it and select a City as Default for the State.
  12. Click NEXT.
  13. Under the PREVIEW tab, ensure all the custom fields, and click SAVE.
  14. Configure the Location field on the LOG INCIDENT PAGE. For more information, see Configuring Log Incident Page.
  15. Select Incident > User > New Incident or Incident > User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for User.
  16. Select Incident > User > New Incident (or) User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for User.
  17. On the New Incident or New Incident For User page, select the Tenant for which the Custom attribute is configured on the FORM BUILDER page.
  18. Configured Child values are displaying even though the Parent field value is not selected.

The configured default value of the multi-valued drop-down field on the FORM BUILDER page is not displaying as a default value under the multi-valued drop-down field on the Incident details page while logging an Incident. (#73235)


The same issue was found for the Service Request Management module. The following bug reproduction steps are given for the Incident Management module. 

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder.
  3. Select the Tenant and Module as Incident Management.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Under the FORM BUILDER tab, click or drag and drop the MV Dropdown control.
  7. Select the Options value as Manual and set one option as default value.
  8. Click NEXT.
  9. Under the PREVIEW tab, ensure all the custom fields, and click SAVE.
  10. Configure the Location field on the LOG INCIDENT PAGE. For more information, see Configuring Log Incident Page.
  11. Select Incident > User > New Incident (or) User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for User.
  12. On the New Incident or New Incident For User page, select the Tenant for which the Custom attribute is configured on the FORM BUILDER page.
  13. The configured default value of the multi-valued drop-down field is not displaying.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) SP1 HF08


Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The Child drop-down value is displaying even though the Parent drop-down is not selected on the New Incident or New Incident For User page. This issue occurs when the Options value is selected other than Manual while configuring the Parent in the Parent and Child drop-down fields on the FORM BUILDER page. (#73236) 


The same issue was found for the Service Request Management module. The following bug reproduction steps are given for the Incident Management module. 

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder.
  3. Select the Tenant and Module as Incident Management.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Under the FORM BUILDER tab, click or drag and drop the Dropdown control.
  7. Select the Option as Common Master or other type except for the Manual.
  8. Click or drag and drop the Dropdown control and name is as State. Select the Parent as Country and Option as Manual.
  9. Select the Country and add the State for it and select a State as Default for the Country.
  10. Click or drag and drop the Dropdown control and name it as City. Select a State under the Parent field and Option as Manual.
  11. Select the State and add the Cities for it and select a City as Default for the State.
  12. Click NEXT.
  13. Under the PREVIEW tab, ensure all the custom fields, and click SAVE.
  14. Configure the Location field on the LOG INCIDENT PAGE. For more information, see Configuring Log Incident Page.
  15. Select Incident > User > New Incident or Incident > User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for User.
  16. Select Incident > User > New Incident (or) User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for User.
  17. On the New Incident or New Incident For User page, select the Tenant for which the Custom attribute is configured on the FORM BUILDER page.
  18. Configured Child values are displaying even though the Parent field value is not selected.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

The configured default value of the multi-valued drop-down field on the FORM BUILDER page is not displaying as a default value under the multi-valued drop-down field on the Incident details page while logging an Incident. (#73235)


The same issue was found for the Service Request Management module. The following bug reproduction steps are given for the Incident Management module. 

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder.
  3. Select the Tenant and Module as Incident Management.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Under the FORM BUILDER tab, click or drag and drop the MV Dropdown control.
  7. Select the Options value as Manual and set one option as default value.
  8. Click NEXT.
  9. Under the PREVIEW tab, ensure all the custom fields, and click SAVE.
  10. Configure the Location field on the LOG INCIDENT PAGE. For more information, see Configuring Log Incident Page.
  11. Select Incident > User > New Incident (or) User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for User.
  12. On the New Incident or New Incident For User page, select the Tenant for which the Custom attribute is configured on the FORM BUILDER page.
  13. The configured default value of the multi-valued drop-down field is not displaying.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

The parent and child value mapping is getting reset to blank when a user includes the Inactive Option from the INACTIVE FIELDS pop-up page of the FORM BUILDER page. Also, the user is not able to save the selected parent and child mapping after modifying it manually. (#75967)


To include the Inactive Options, do the following steps:

  1. Include the inactive options (Inactive fields >  Select Options tab > Include the Inactive Options).
  2. Map the options with the Parent and click NEXT.
  3. Click SAVE.
  4. Open the same Form again.
  5. Map the parent and child and click NEXT
  6. Click SAVE.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

Sierra (V5.9) SP1 HF07


The Child drop-down value is displaying even though the Parent drop-down is not selected on the New Incident or New Incident For User page. This issue occurs when the Options value is selected other than Manual while configuring the Parent in the Parent and Child drop-down fields on the FORM BUILDER page. (#73236) 


The same issue was found for the Service Request Management module. The following bug reproduction steps are given for the Incident Management module. 

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder.
  3. Select the Tenant and Module as Incident Management.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Under the FORM BUILDER tab, click or drag and drop the Dropdown control.
  7. Select the Option as Common Master or other type except for the Manual.
  8. Click or drag and drop the Dropdown control and name is as State. Select the Parent as Country and Option as Manual.
  9. Select the Country and add the State for it and select a State as Default for the Country.
  10. Click or drag and drop the Dropdown control and name it as City. Select a State under the Parent field and Option as Manual.
  11. Select the State and add the Cities for it and select a City as Default for the State.
  12. Click NEXT.
  13. Under the PREVIEW tab, ensure all the custom fields, and click SAVE.
  14. Configure the Location field on the LOG INCIDENT PAGE. For more information, see Configuring Log Incident Page.
  15. Select Incident > User > New Incident or Incident > User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for User.
  16. Select Incident > User > New Incident (or) User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for User.
  17. On the New Incident or New Incident For User page, select the Tenant for which the Custom attribute is configured on the FORM BUILDER page.
  18. Configured Child values are displaying even though the Parent field value is not selected.

The configured default value of the multi-valued drop-down field on the FORM BUILDER page is not displaying as a default value under the multi-valued drop-down field on the Incident details page while logging an Incident. (#73235)


The same issue was found for the Service Request Management module. The following bug reproduction steps are given for the Incident Management module. 

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder.
  3. Select the Tenant and Module as Incident Management.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Under the FORM BUILDER tab, click or drag and drop the MV Dropdown control.
  7. Select the Options value as Manual and set one option as default value.
  8. Click NEXT.
  9. Under the PREVIEW tab, ensure all the custom fields, and click SAVE.
  10. Configure the Location field on the LOG INCIDENT PAGE. For more information, see Configuring Log Incident Page.
  11. Select Incident > User > New Incident (or) User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for User.
  12. On the New Incident or New Incident For User page, select the Tenant for which the Custom attribute is configured on the FORM BUILDER page.
  13. The configured default value of the multi-valued drop-down field is not displaying.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) SP1 HF06


On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) SP1 HF05


On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) SP1 HF04


On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) SP1 HF03


The Incidents are not displaying on the INCIDENT LIST page when the Tenant drop-down field is changed from value, ALL, to a specific Tenant or the Workgroup drop-down field is changed from value, SELECT, to a specific Workgroup on the FILTERS pop-up page. This issue is occurring when Tile View is selected to display the Incidents.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  3. On the INCIDENT LIST page, click the Tile View  icon.
  4. Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel and select a Tenant or a Workgroup on the FILTERS pop-up page.
  5. Before submitting the filters criteria, check the INCIDENT LIST page, no Incidents are displayed on the INCIDENT LIST page.

On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) SP1 HF02


If Page Titles are the same, then the script is getting overridden.


Configuration (DETAILS) Page Title: Profile Mapping

List Page Title: Profile Mapping

In the above case, if the scripts are saved already for the configuration page, then those scripts are getting overridden while the user saves scripts for the list page due to the same page title.

The Incidents are not displaying on the INCIDENT LIST page when the Tenant drop-down field is changed from value, ALL, to a specific Tenant or the Workgroup drop-down field is changed from value, SELECT, to a specific Workgroup on the FILTERS pop-up page. This issue is occurring when Tile View is selected to display the Incidents.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  3. On the INCIDENT LIST page, click the Tile View  icon.
  4. Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel and select a Tenant or a Workgroup on the FILTERS pop-up page.
  5. Before submitting the filters criteria, check the INCIDENT LIST page, no Incidents are displayed on the INCIDENT LIST page.


On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval . On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the  Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) SP1 HF01


The Incidents are not displaying on the INCIDENT LIST page when the Tenant drop-down field is changed from value, ALL, to a specific Tenant or the Workgroup drop-down field is changed from value, SELECT, to a specific Workgroup on the FILTERS pop-up page. This issue is occurring when Tile View is selected to display the Incidents.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  3. On the INCIDENT LIST page, click the Tile View  icon.
  4. Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel and select a Tenant or a Workgroup on the FILTERS pop-up page.
  5. Before submitting the filters criteria, check the INCIDENT LIST page, no Incidents are displayed on the INCIDENT LIST page.


On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected. Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory. On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED. On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval. On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with ‘+’ instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails, and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) SP1


On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Import > Import Asset.
  2. On the IMPORT ASSET page, under GENERAL tab, select the required options and upload the updated Asset Import Template. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Select the sheet to import the Assets. Click the Mapping tab and select the required options if not already selected.  Click Next.
  4. Click the Preview tab and select the store where you want to import the Assets from the Store list.
  5. Click IMPORT ASSETS TO QUEUE on the ACTIONS panel.
  6. Alternatively (Steps 1-5), select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.  On the ASSET INVENTORY page, click FIXED.  On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. On the ADD ASSET page, specify the required information and click SUBMIT.
  7. Add two Assets with same Serial Number.
  8. The Application allows to import or add two Asset with same Serial Number.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval. On the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page, click Filters on the ACTIONS panel. Select the Tenant. Select the Transaction Type as Add to view the list of requests from the Maker.
  10. The Assets with duplicate Serial Number are displayed. Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel. On the APPROVE pop-up page, select the Approval Status as Approved.


The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters  on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the  Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled.



  • Configure a Major Incident without selecting any Conference Bridge Type, Twilio or WebEx, for Conference Calls.
  • Select an Incident as a Major Incident by clicking on the Major Incident check box on the MAJOR INCIDENT pop-up page.

The following issues are observed if the above conditions are met:

  1. On the MAJOR INCIDENT pop-up page, the value for Configuration Bridge Type field is cleared after refreshing the page if Twilio is selected as the Conference Bridge Type for that Major Incident.
  2. After clicking the START CONFERENCE button, the meeting starts and an information message, “The WebEx meeting creation is in progress.”, is displayed even if the Conference Bridge Type is selected as Twilio. Further, if user re-selects the Conference Bridge Type as WebEx and submits the page, the value for the Conference Bridge Type field is again auto-changed to Twilio.


On the SERVER DETAILS pop-up page for a Linux Server (Operations > User > Views > Server View > Click Filters and Specify required data > Click Submit > Select a Linux Server > Click on Performance tab), on clicking the Performance tab after 12:00 AM, an error message is displayed.


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with ‘+’ instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Sierra (V5.9) HF01


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

 Sierra (V5.9)


On the AGENT ONLINE STATUS REPORT page (Reports > Asset Management > Select Agent Online Status Report), the IP Address of some Assets is displayed with hyperlink. This issue may be found while accessing the report using Microsoft Edge web browser. (#62869)

When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF15 


The following two known issues are observed:

  • Duplicate Incidents are getting created while monitoring various parameters except for the CPU and Memory utilization. This issue occurs when an Analyst tried to resolve the Incident manually.
  • After configuring the Number of Polling on the ACTION TEMPLATE page, the Incidents are logged, and assigning incorrect Incident for the Events.

For Example:
Consider the utilization threshold values for Low, Medium, and High as 60%, 70%, 80% and Number of Polling for Incident Logging as 2. After the first polling there is a breach in Low threshold value and event gets created. On second polling there is High level breach and a critical event gets created.

The issue is, after the second polling an Incident is logged for the Low threshold breach and assigning the Incident to the Critical Event of the High threshold breach.


Consider a scenario where an Asset is first allocated to Multiple Users without Maker-Checker configuration and deallocated with Maker-Checker configuration. Again, the same Asset is allocated to Single User without Maker-Checker configuration. The Asset is displayed in the In-Store list instead of getting displayed in the Allocated Asset list. (#70998)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Make sure that the Maker Checker configuration is disabled on the TENANT
  3. Add an Asset. For more information on adding an Asset, see Adding Fixed Assets.
  4. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  5. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In-Store count.
  6. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS
  7. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Multiple User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT.
    Allocate the Asset to multiple Users, such as sam.123@symphonysummit.com, and john.1@symphonysummit.com.
  8. On the TENANT page, enable the Maker Checker configuration.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  10. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria and search the same Asset that is Allocated in steps 4 to 7. Click SUBMIT.
  11. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click DEALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  12. On the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page, specify the required fields and click In-Store count.
  13. Make sure that the Asset Deallocation request is sent for approval on the Maker-Checker Approval page.
  14. Log into the Application as Checker Approver.
  15. Approve the Asset on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET APPROVAL For more information on approving Maker-Checker Asset, see Approving Asset Using Maker-checker.
  16. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator.
  17. On the TENANT page, disable the Maker-Checker configuration.
  18. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  19. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In Store count.
  20. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the same Asset that was allocated to Multiple Users and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  21. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Single User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT
  22. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as Allocated and click SUBMIT.
  23. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is not displaying in the Allocated Assets list.
  24. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as In-Store and click SUBMIT.
  25. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is displaying in the In-Store Asset list.

The Incident Description is getting cropped when an Analyst (with edit-rights) is editing the Incident Description using the Google Chrome browser. (#69984)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT page, specify the Filters criteria.
  4. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant and click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  5. Select INCIDENT MANAGEMENT under MODULES and select Allow Analyst to Edit Description check box under the For Analyst section.
  6. Log into the Application as an End User.
  7. Select Incident > User > New Incident.
  8. On the New Incident page, in the Description fields enter text and an image copied from Web or other sources. Specify the other fields and click SUBMIT.


    Make sure that the Description field includes both an image and text.

  9. Log into the Application as an Analyst using the Google Chrome browser.
  10. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  11. On the INCIDENT LIST page, specify the Filter criteria and open the same Incident.
  12. Verify the Description field content. The Incident description is getting cropped.

The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD pageclick Deallocated count hyperlink.
  5. Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF14 


The following two known issues are observed:

  • Duplicate Incidents are getting created while monitoring various parameters except for the CPU and Memory utilization. This issue occurs when an Analyst tried to resolve the Incident manually.
  • After configuring the Number of Polling on the ACTION TEMPLATE page, the Incidents are logged, and assigning incorrect Incident for the Events.

For Example:
Consider the utilization threshold values for Low, Medium, and High as 60%, 70%, 80% and Number of Polling for Incident Logging as 2. After the first polling there is a breach in Low threshold value and event gets created. On second polling there is High level breach and a critical event gets created.

The issue is, after the second polling an Incident is logged for the Low threshold breach and assigning the Incident to the Critical Event of the High threshold breach.


Consider a scenario where an Asset is first allocated to Multiple Users without Maker-Checker configuration and deallocated with Maker-Checker configuration. Again, the same Asset is allocated to Single User without Maker-Checker configuration. The Asset is displayed in the In-Store list instead of getting displayed in the Allocated Asset list. (#70998)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Make sure that the Maker Checker configuration is disabled on the TENANT
  3. Add an Asset. For more information on adding an Asset, see Adding Fixed Assets.
  4. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  5. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In-Store count.
  6. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS
  7. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Multiple User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT.
    Allocate the Asset to multiple Users, such as sam.123@symphonysummit.com, and john.1@symphonysummit.com.
  8. On the TENANT page, enable the Maker Checker configuration.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  10. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria and search the same Asset that is Allocated in steps 4 to 7. Click SUBMIT.
  11. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click DEALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  12. On the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page, specify the required fields and click In-Store count.
  13. Make sure that the Asset Deallocation request is sent for approval on the Maker-Checker Approval page.
  14. Log into the Application as Checker Approver.
  15. Approve the Asset on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET APPROVAL For more information on approving Maker-Checker Asset, see Approving Asset Using Maker-checker.
  16. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator.
  17. On the TENANT page, disable the Maker-Checker configuration.
  18. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  19. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In Store count.
  20. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the same Asset that was allocated to Multiple Users and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  21. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Single User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT
  22. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as Allocated and click SUBMIT.
  23. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is not displaying in the Allocated Assets list.
  24. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as In-Store and click SUBMIT.
  25. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is displaying in the In-Store Asset list.

The Incident Description is getting cropped when an Analyst (with edit-rights) is editing the Incident Description using the Google Chrome browser. (#69984)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT page, specify the Filters criteria.
  4. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant and click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  5. Select INCIDENT MANAGEMENT under MODULES and select Allow Analyst to Edit Description check box under the For Analyst section.
  6. Log into the Application as an End User.
  7. Select Incident > User > New Incident.
  8. On the New Incident page, in the Description fields enter text and an image copied from Web or other sources. Specify the other fields and click SUBMIT.


    Make sure that the Description field includes both an image and text.

  9. Log into the Application as an Analyst using the Google Chrome browser.
  10. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  11. On the INCIDENT LIST page, specify the Filter criteria and open the same Incident.
  12. Verify the Description field content. The Incident description is getting cropped.

The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD pageclick Deallocated count hyperlink.
  5. Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF13


Consider a scenario where an Asset is first allocated to Multiple Users without Maker-Checker configuration and deallocated with Maker-Checker configuration. Again, the same Asset is allocated to Single User without Maker-Checker configuration. The Asset is displayed in the In-Store list instead of getting displayed in the Allocated Asset list., (#70998)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Make sure that the Maker Checker configuration is disabled on the TENANT
  3. Add an Asset. For more information on adding an Asset, see Adding Fixed Assets.
  4. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  5. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In-Store count.
  6. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS
  7. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Multiple User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT.
    Allocate the Asset to multiple Users, such as sam.123@symphonysummit.com, and john.1@symphonysummit.com.
  8. On the TENANT page, enable the Maker Checker configuration.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  10. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria and search the same Asset that is Allocated in steps 4 to 7. Click SUBMIT.
  11. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click DEALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  12. On the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page, specify the required fields and click In-Store count.
  13. Make sure that the Asset Deallocation request is sent for approval on the Maker-Checker Approval page.
  14. Log into the Application as Checker Approver.
  15. Approve the Asset on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET APPROVAL For more information on approving Maker-Checker Asset, see Approving Asset Using Maker-checker.
  16. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator.
  17. On the TENANT page, disable the Maker-Checker configuration.
  18. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  19. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In Store count.
  20. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the same Asset that was allocated to Multiple Users and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  21. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Single User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT
  22. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as Allocated and click SUBMIT.
  23. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is not displaying in the Allocated Assets list.
  24. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as In-Store and click SUBMIT.
  25. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is displaying in the In-Store Asset list.

The Incident Description is getting cropped when an Analyst (with edit-rights) is editing the Incident Description using the Google Chrome browser. (#69984)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT page, specify the Filters criteria.
  4. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant and click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  5. Select INCIDENT MANAGEMENT under MODULES and select Allow Analyst to Edit Description check box under the For Analyst section.
  6. Log into the Application as an End User.
  7. Select Incident > User > New Incident.
  8. On the New Incident page, in the Description fields enter text and an image copied from Web or other sources. Specify the other fields and click SUBMIT.


    Make sure that the Description field includes both an image and text.

  9. Log into the Application as an Analyst using the Google Chrome browser.
  10. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  11. On the INCIDENT LIST page, specify the Filter criteria and open the same Incident.
  12. Verify the Description field content. The Incident description is getting cropped.

The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD pageclick Deallocated count hyperlink.
  5. Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF12


Consider a scenario where an Asset is first allocated to Multiple Users without Maker-Checker configuration and deallocated with Maker-Checker configuration. Again, the same Asset is allocated to Single User without Maker-Checker configuration. The Asset is displayed in the In-Store list instead of getting displayed in the Allocated Asset list., (#70998)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Make sure that the Maker Checker configuration is disabled on the TENANT
  3. Add an Asset. For more information on adding an Asset, see Adding Fixed Assets.
  4. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  5. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In-Store count.
  6. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS
  7. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Multiple User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT.

    Allocate the Asset to multiple Users, such as sam.123@symphonysummit.com, and john.1@symphonysummit.com.

  8. On the TENANT page, enable the Maker Checker configuration.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  10. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria and search the same Asset that is Allocated in steps 4 to 7. Click SUBMIT.
  11. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click DEALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  12. On the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page, specify the required fields and click In-Store count.
  13. Make sure that the Asset Deallocation request is sent for approval on the Maker-Checker Approval page.
  14. Log into the Application as Checker Approver.
  15. Approve the Asset on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET APPROVAL For more information on approving Maker-Checker Asset, see Approving Asset Using Maker-checker.
  16. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator.
  17. On the TENANT page, disable the Maker-Checker configuration.
  18. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  19. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In Store count.
  20. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the same Asset that was allocated to Multiple Users and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  21. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Single User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT
  22. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as Allocated and click SUBMIT.
  23. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is not displaying in the Allocated Assets list.
  24. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as In-Store and click SUBMIT.
  25. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is displaying in the In-Store Asset list.

The Incident Description is getting cropped when an Analyst (with edit-rights) is editing the Incident Description using the Google Chrome browser. (#69984)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT page, specify the Filters criteria.
  4. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant and click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  5. Select INCIDENT MANAGEMENT under MODULES and select Allow Analyst to Edit Description check box under the For Analyst section.
  6. Log into the Application as an End User.
  7. Select Incident > User > New Incident.
  8. On the New Incident page, in the Description fields enter text and an image copied from Web or other sources. Specify the other fields and click SUBMIT.


    Make sure that the Description field includes both an image and text.

  9. Log into the Application as an Analyst using the Google Chrome browser.
  10. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  11. On the INCIDENT LIST page, specify the Filter criteria and open the same Incident.
  12. Verify the Description field content. The Incident description is getting cropped.

The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD page, click Deallocated count hyperlink.
  5. Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF11


Consider a scenario where an Asset is first allocated to Multiple Users without Maker-Checker configuration and deallocated with Maker-Checker configuration. Again, the same Asset is allocated to Single User without Maker-Checker configuration. The Asset is displayed in the In-Store list instead of getting displayed in the Allocated Asset list., (#70998)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Make sure that the Maker Checker configuration is disabled on the TENANT
  3. Add an Asset. For more information on adding an Asset, see Adding Fixed Assets.
  4. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  5. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In-Store count.
  6. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS
  7. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Multiple User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT.

    Allocate the Asset to multiple Users, such as sam.123@symphonysummit.com, and john.1@symphonysummit.com.

  8. On the TENANT page, enable the Maker Checker configuration.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  10. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria and search the same Asset that is Allocated in steps 4 to 7. Click SUBMIT.
  11. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click DEALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  12. On the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page, specify the required fields and click In-Store count.
  13. Make sure that the Asset Deallocation request is sent for approval on the Maker-Checker Approval page.
  14. Log into the Application as Checker Approver.
  15. Approve the Asset on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET APPROVAL For more information on approving Maker-Checker Asset, see Approving Asset Using Maker-checker.
  16. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator.
  17. On the TENANT page, disable the Maker-Checker configuration.
  18. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  19. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In Store count.
  20. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the same Asset that was allocated to Multiple Users and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  21. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Single User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT
  22. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as Allocated and click SUBMIT.
  23. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is not displaying in the Allocated Assets list.
  24. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as In-Store and click SUBMIT.
  25. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is displaying in the In-Store Asset list.

The Incident Description is getting cropped when an Analyst (with edit-rights) is editing the Incident Description using the Google Chrome browser. (#69984)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT page, specify the Filters criteria.
  4. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant and click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  5. Select INCIDENT MANAGEMENT under MODULES and select Allow Analyst to Edit Description check box under the For Analyst section.
  6. Log into the Application as an End User.
  7. Select Incident > User > New Incident.
  8. On the New Incident page, in the Description fields enter text and an image copied from Web or other sources. Specify the other fields and click SUBMIT.


    Make sure that the Description field includes both an image and text.

  9. Log into the Application as an Analyst using the Google Chrome browser.
  10. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  11. On the INCIDENT LIST page, specify the Filter criteria and open the same Incident.
  12. Verify the Description field content. The Incident description is getting cropped.

The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD page, click Deallocated count hyperlink.
  5. Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF10


Consider a scenario where an Asset is first allocated to Multiple Users without Maker-Checker configuration and deallocated with Maker-Checker configuration. Again, the same Asset is allocated to Single User without Maker-Checker configuration. The Asset is displayed in the In-Store list instead of getting displayed in the Allocated Asset list., (#70998)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Make sure that the Maker Checker configuration is disabled on the TENANT
  3. Add an Asset. For more information on adding an Asset, see Adding Fixed Assets.
  4. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  5. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In-Store count.
  6. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS
  7. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Multiple User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT.

    Allocate the Asset to multiple Users, such as sam.123@symphonysummit.com, and john.1@symphonysummit.com.

  8. On the TENANT page, enable the Maker Checker configuration.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  10. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria and search the same Asset that is Allocated in steps 4 to 7. Click SUBMIT.
  11. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click DEALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  12. On the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page, specify the required fields and click In-Store count.
  13. Make sure that the Asset Deallocation request is sent for approval on the Maker-Checker Approval page.
  14. Log into the Application as Checker Approver.
  15. Approve the Asset on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET APPROVAL For more information on approving Maker-Checker Asset, see Approving Asset Using Maker-checker.
  16. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator.
  17. On the TENANT page, disable the Maker-Checker configuration.
  18. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  19. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In Store count.
  20. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the same Asset that was allocated to Multiple Users and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  21. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Single User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT
  22. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as Allocated and click SUBMIT.
  23. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is not displaying in the Allocated Assets list.
  24. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as In-Store and click SUBMIT.
  25. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is displaying in the In-Store Asset list.

The Incident Description is getting cropped when an Analyst (with edit-rights) is editing the Incident Description using the Google Chrome browser. (#69984)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT page, specify the Filters criteria.
  4. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant and click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  5. Select INCIDENT MANAGEMENT under MODULES and select Allow Analyst to Edit Description check box under the For Analyst section.
  6. Log into the Application as an End User.
  7. Select Incident > User > New Incident.
  8. On the New Incident page, in the Description fields enter text and an image copied from Web or other sources. Specify the other fields and click SUBMIT.


    Make sure that the Description field includes both an image and text.

  9. Log into the Application as an Analyst using the Google Chrome browser.
  10. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  11. On the INCIDENT LIST page, specify the Filter criteria and open the same Incident.
  12. Verify the Description field content. The Incident description is getting cropped.

The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD page, click Deallocated count hyperlink.
  5. Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF09


Consider a scenario where an Asset is first allocated to Multiple Users without Maker-Checker configuration and deallocated with Maker-Checker configuration. Again, the same Asset is allocated to Single User without Maker-Checker configuration. The Asset is displayed in the In-Store list instead of getting displayed in the Allocated Asset list., (#70998)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Make sure that the Maker Checker configuration is disabled on the TENANT
  3. Add an Asset. For more information on adding an Asset, see Adding Fixed Assets.
  4. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  5. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In-Store count.
  6. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS
  7. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Multiple User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT.

    Allocate the Asset to multiple Users, such as sam.123@symphonysummit.com, and john.1@symphonysummit.com.

  8. On the TENANT page, enable the Maker Checker configuration.
  9. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  10. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria and search the same Asset that is Allocated in steps 4 to 7. Click SUBMIT.
  11. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the Asset and click DEALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  12. On the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page, specify the required fields and click In-Store count.
  13. Make sure that the Asset Deallocation request is sent for approval on the Maker-Checker Approval page.
  14. Log into the Application as Checker Approver.
  15. Approve the Asset on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET APPROVAL For more information on approving Maker-Checker Asset, see Approving Asset Using Maker-checker.
  16. Log out and log into the Application as an Administrator.
  17. On the TENANT page, disable the Maker-Checker configuration.
  18. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  19. Click FIXED on the ASSET INVENTORY On the FIXED ASSET page, click In Store count.
  20. On the FIXED ASSET list page, select the check box corresponding to the same Asset that was allocated to Multiple Users and click ALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel.
  21. On the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page, under the ALLOCATION DETAILS section, select Single User in the Allocate To field and specify other fields. Click SUBMIT
  22. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as Allocated and click SUBMIT.
  23. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is not displaying in the Allocated Assets list.
  24. On the FIXED ASSET page, specify the filter criteria for Status as In-Store and click SUBMIT.
  25. On the FIXED ASSET page, the Asset is displaying in the In-Store Asset list.

The Incident Description is getting cropped when an Analyst (with edit-rights) is editing the Incident Description using the Google Chrome browser. (#69984)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT page, specify the Filters criteria.
  4. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant and click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  5. Select INCIDENT MANAGEMENT under MODULES and select Allow Analyst to Edit Description check box under the For Analyst section.
  6. Log into the Application as an End User.
  7. Select Incident > User > New Incident.
  8. On the New Incident page, in the Description fields enter text and an image copied from Web or other sources. Specify the other fields and click SUBMIT.


    Make sure that the Description field includes both an image and text.

  9. Log into the Application as an Analyst using the Google Chrome browser.
  10. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  11. On the INCIDENT LIST page, specify the Filter criteria and open the same Incident.
  12. Verify the Description field content. The Incident description is getting cropped.

The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD page, click Deallocated count hyperlink.

Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF08


The Incident Description is getting cropped when an Analyst (with edit-rights) is editing the Incident Description using the Google Chrome browser. (#69984)

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application as an Administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT page, specify the Filters criteria.
  4. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant and click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  5. Select INCIDENT MANAGEMENT under MODULES and select Allow Analyst to Edit Description check box under the For Analyst section.
  6. Log into the Application as an End User.
  7. Select Incident > User > New Incident.
  8. On the New Incident page, in the Description fields enter text and an image copied from Web or other sources. Specify the other fields and click SUBMIT.


    Make sure that the Description field includes both an image and text.

  9. Log into the Application as an Analyst using the Google Chrome browser.
  10. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  11. On the INCIDENT LIST page, specify the Filter criteria and open the same Incident.
  12. Verify the Description field content. The Incident description is getting cropped.

The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD page, click Deallocated count hyperlink.

Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF07


On the END USER DASHBOARD page, the search results are not displaying while searching with the configured Applicable User Type name of a Catalog.


The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD page, click Deallocated count hyperlink.

Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF06


The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD page, click Deallocated count hyperlink.

Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF05


The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD pageclick Deallocated count hyperlink.

Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF04


All the fields for Contract Management are displayed in their default names in the Contract Expiry notification e-mails even if few of them are disabled or renamed on the APPLICATION SETTINGS BY TENANT page. (# 66986)


  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Asset > Configuration > Others > Application settings.
  4. On the APPLICATION SETTINGS BY TENANT page, select a Tenant. Disable or rename a few of the fields under the Contract Management section.
  5. Select Asset > Configuration > Others > Asset Alert Configuration.
  6. On the ASSET ALERT CONFIGURATION page, click ADD NEW under ACTIONS panel.
  7. Select a Tenant and configure the Contract Expiry alert.

Note: Make sure that the Contract Expiry alert is configured in advance days.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

In the Contract Expiry notification e-mails all the fields are displayed in the system-defined default names.

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.
When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF03


On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:
1. Log into the Application
2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

Bug Reproduction Steps:
1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only
the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.

When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

While accessing the SummitAI application using Mozilla Firefox web browser, the pages, which have tree view are not loading. (#64315)

Workaround: To get the tree view, remove the following key from the web.config file:

<!--add name="Content-Security-Policy" value="script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *.symphonysummit.com; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'" /-->
On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.
On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.
On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.
Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).
The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).
The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.
The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.
The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF02


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

While accessing the SummitAI application using Mozilla Firefox web browser, the pages, which have tree view are not loading. (#64315)

Workaround: To get the tree view, remove the following key from the web.config file:

<!--add name="Content-Security-Policy" value="script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *.symphonysummit.com; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'" /-->

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module >Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  1. When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  2. When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  3. In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring >Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS  to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1 HF01


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > ClickNext), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Operations > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA Reason, Resolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

•        When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

•        When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

•        In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list > Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list > Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (Admin> Advanced> Notification> Notification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

(#59826) All the users are getting notification e-mails in the last configured language irrespective of the language configured on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page (Admin> Advanced> Notification> Notification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) SP1


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > ClickNext), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Operations > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA Reason, Resolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

• When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.

• When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].

• In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list > Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list > Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (Admin> Advanced> Notification> Notification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

(#59826) All the users are getting notification e-mails in the last configured language irrespective of the language configured on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page (Admin> Advanced> Notification> Notification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).

Alps (V5.8) HF01


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Operations > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

Crushed image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

As a workaround, the users need to re-login to the summit application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA Reason, Resolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

Alps (V5.8)


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Operations > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits).

V5.7 SP6 HF05


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Select Notification Template > Notification Template page) and GAMIFICATION page (Admin > Advanced > Productivity > Select Gamification > Gamification page) Previous Tenant Group Tenant's connection link is overlapping with the Adjacent Tenant Group Tenants. (#64665)

V5.7 SP6 HF04


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)
On the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Select Notification Template > Notification Template page) and GAMIFICATION page (Admin > Advanced >Productivity > Select Gamification > Gamification page) Previous Tenant Group Tenant's connection link is overlapping with the Adjacent Tenant Group Tenants. (#64665)

V5.7 SP6 HF03


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the EXCHANGE RATE CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Select Currency > Select Exchange Rate Configuration > Exchange Rate Configuration page) duplicate Tenants are displaying under the Tenant Group. (#64645)

On the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Select Notification Template > Notification Template page) and GAMIFICATION page (Admin > Advanced > Productivity > Select Gamification > Gamification page) Previous Tenant Group Tenant's connection link is overlapping with the Adjacent Tenant Group Tenants. (#64665)

V5.7 SP6


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Availability > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field). (#54773)

V5.7 SP5 HF17


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

V5.7 SP5 HF16


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF15


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF14


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF13


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF12


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF11


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF10


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF09


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF08


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The  configured  Bulletin  Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain. (#54744)

V5.7 SP5 HF07 


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain. (#54744)

V5.7 SP5 HF06


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain. (#54744)

The Duplicate Login pop-up is not displayed when an Analyst uses the Application at the same time in two different browsers. This issue occurs when the two sessions are as follows:

  • Session 1: The Administrator deactivates the Analyst on the LICENSE MONITORING page (Admin > Advanced > License > License Monitoring > On the LICENSE MONITORING page, select the check box against the User Name, and click the Deactivate icon). However, the same Analyst can still access the Application by clicking the Go Back link on the session terminated page.
  • Session 2: The same deactivated Analyst (in Session 1) can simultaneously log into the Application using a different browser without logging out from the other session (Session 1). (#63653)

V5.7 SP5 HF05


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain. (#54744)

The Duplicate Login pop-up is not displayed when an Analyst uses the Application at the same time in two different browsers. This issue occurs when the two sessions are as follows:

  • Session 1: The Administrator deactivates the Analyst on the LICENSE MONITORING page (Admin > Advanced > License > License Monitoring > On the LICENSE MONITORINGpage, select the check box against the User Name, and click the Deactivate icon). However, the same Analyst can still access the Application by clicking the Go Back link on the session terminated page.
  • Session 2: The same deactivated Analyst (in Session 1) can simultaneously log into the Application using a different browser without logging out from the other session (Session 1). (#63653)

V5.7 SP5 HF04


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain. (#54744)

V5.7 SP5 HF03


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Availability > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).


The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF02


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Availability > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).


The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5 HF01


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Availability > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).


The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP5


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Availability > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).


The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


When a user searches for Service Catalogs with a search string containing angle brackets (<>), the searched Service Catalogs are displayed only in the Tree view and not displayed in Carousel or Tile views (Request > User > New Service Request > Select the Tenant > Click Tree View icon > Specify the search string with angle brackets in the Search field). This issue is observed for the Service Catalogs that contain angle brackets in their nomenclature (Example: <sql>). (#55410)

While creating a Draft Change Record (CR), it was observed that even though the custom check box was not updated, the New Value column on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page was displaying false (Change > User > Change Record List > Select the Change Record for which the custom check box is not updated > On the ACTIONS panel, click CHANGE HISTORY). (#55615)

V5.7 SP4


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

While importing Users using the Excel Import option (Admin > Basic > User > Import > Excel Import), performance issues are found if the number of records in the excel sheet are more than 10000. (#51931)

The following issues are observed when the SMS phrases are copied and pasted from SMS TEMPLATE PHRASE pop-up page (Request > Configuration > Others > SMS Notifications > Select a Tenant > Click any value under Workgroup Name table header > Click SMS TEMPLATE PHRASES on the ACTIONS panel):

• A junk value, C, is displayed in the SMS.

• Sometimes, the SMS is not sent if the phrase CALLID*= Ticket ID is copied and pasted. (#52656)

After the Technician Selectable Approver approves the SR, the status of SR is updated from PENDING FOR APPROVAL to NEW, however, no e-mail and SMS notifications are sent to the configured users. (#52583)

The Concurrent License Notifications do not work in SAAS Database environment. (#52370)

The Administrators cannot select the username from the Select User pop-up of the SWITCH USER page (Admin > Basic > Users > Switch Users List > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Click Search icon to search for the user). (#52660)

When a call is logged for an external user and updated to On Hold or Closed status, the Workgroup members and Analyst of the respective Call Record are not notified through e-mail. (#52582)

For the already installed software, while executing the software installation request through RBA, the RBA Script Execution status is displayed as “success.”

While installing software in multiple assets using RBA script, the software is installed in the first Asset (in the list) only and the request status is resolved. It is recommended to raise a separate request for each asset.

Proxy auto-upgrade works on v5.6 and later versions. To enable the auto-update for the v5.6 or later versions, the Administrator needs to place the “AutoUpdateConsole.exe” file under proxy folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SUMMIT\Proxy Agent\bin\AutoUpdateConsole.exe.

For versions prior to v5.6, auto upgrade is not possible, because the Data Collector has new encryption whereas proxy has older encryption that will not be authenticated for auto-upgrade. (#49762)

While printing a report in Portrait orientation, the printed content is trimmed as the page is not properly scaled down to the paper size. This issue occurs when the print is generated using Google Chrome. This is a known issue in Google Chrome.

Workaround: The user needs to generate the print in Landscape orientation. (#46256)

After enabling VAPT, the user profile picture, Logo, and Catalog images are not displayed across the SUMMIT application. The same issue is observed when the user uses the SLA alert e-mail notification hyperlink to access the SUMMIT application. This issue occurs if the user logs into the SUMMIT application using IE version 11. (#40461)

Data (HTML text) is not displayed in the following graphical Push Reports:

• Server Dashboard

• Network Dashboard

• Server Utilization Report

• Network Utilization Report

• URL Response Report

• Event Console Report

• Vital Business Function Dashboard Report (#46884)

The Change Record status gets changed to Approved even though the Change record is kept on On-Hold by the other member of the respective CAB (Change Advisory Board). (#51544)

V5.7 SP3 HF01


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Availability > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field). (#54773)

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP3


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Availability > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).


The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.


V5.7 SP2 HF01


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The following issues are observed when the SMS phrases are copied and pasted from the SMS TEMPLATE PHRASE pop-up page (Request > Configuration > Others > SMS Notifications > Select a Tenant > Click any value under Workgroup Name table header > Click SMS TEMPLATE PHRASES on the ACTIONS panel):

• An additional character, ‘C’, is displayed in the SMS.

• Sometimes, the SMS is not sent if the phrase CALLID*= Ticket ID is copied and pasted. (#52656)

After the Technician Selectable Approver approves the SR, the status of SR is updated from PENDING FOR APPROVAL to NEW, but the e-mail and SMS notifications are not sent to the configured users. (#52583)

The Concurrent License Notifications do not work in SAAS Database environment. (#52370)

The Administrators cannot select the username from the Select User pop-up of the SWITCH USER page (Admin > Basic > Users > Switch Users List > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Click search icon to search for the User). (#52660)

When a call is logged for an external user and updated to On Hold or Closed status, the Workgroup members and Analyst of the Call Record are not notified through e-mail. (#52582)

The Technician Selectable Approver cannot approve the Service Request. This issue occurs when the e Service Catalog is configured with Skip approval at the first level of approval. (#51525)

For the already installed software, while executing the software installation request through RBA, the RBA Script Execution status is displayed as “success.”

While installing software on multiple Assets using RBA script, the software is installed on the first Asset (in the list) only and the request status is Resolved. It is recommended to raise a separate request for each Asset.

Proxy auto-upgrade works on v5.6 and later versions. To enable auto-update on v5.6 or later versions, the Administrator needs to place the “AutoUpdateConsole.exe” file under the proxy folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SUMMIT\Proxy Agent\bin\AutoUpdateConsole.exe.

For versions prior to v5.6, auto-upgrade is not possible, because the Data Collector has new encryption, whereas, proxy has older encryption, that will not be authenticated for auto-upgrade. (#49762)

While printing a report in Portrait orientation, the printed content is trimmed as the page is not properly scaled down to the paper size. This issue occurs when the print is generated using Google Chrome. This is a known issue in Google Chrome.

Workaround: The user needs to generate the print in Landscape orientation. (#46256)

After enabling VAPT, the user profile picture, Logo, and Catalog images are not displayed across the SUMMIT application. The same issue is observed when the user uses the SLA alert e-mail notification hyperlink to access the SUMMIT application. This issue occurs if the user logs into the SUMMIT application using IE version 11. (#40461)

Data (HTML text) is not displayed in the following graphical Push Reports:

• Server Dashboard

• Network Dashboard

• Server Utilization Report

• Network Utilization Report

• URL Response Report

• Event Console Report

• Vital Business Function Dashboard Report (#46884)

The Change Record status gets changed to Approved even though the Change record is kept on On-Hold by the other member of the CAB (Change Advisory Board). (#51544)

After logging a Defect for a Change Record, the Defect Raised On date is displaying the previous date with respect to the date when the Change Record was created. This issue is observed when on the LOG DEFECTS pop-up page (Change > User > Change Record List > Click a CR that is in Approved status and pending for customer testing > Click TEST tab > Select Test Stage > Click LOG DEFECTS button), the CANCEL button is clicked before logging the Defect. (#53889)

On the CHANGE RECORD ID page (Change > User > Change Record List > Click a CR that is in Pending for Authorization status > Click APPROVAL on the ACTIONS panel), the Authorizer (who is not having Analyst access to the selected Workgroup) is not able to enable the Is PIR Required? check box. (#53887)

On the OPERATIONAL LEVEL SPECIFICATION – OLS page (SLA > User > Operation Level > Operational Level Specification List > Select an OLS ID), the Customer and Location fields values are displayed as ALL even if some other values are selected while creating the Operational Level Specification. (#52035)

On the UNDERPINNING CONTRACT SPECIFICATION - UCS page (SLA > User > Underpinning Contract > Underpinning Contract Specification List > Click any UCS ID), the Vendor name is displaying a blank value even if the Vendor was configured while creating the Underpinning Contract. (#52036)

On the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page (Request > User > New Service Request > Select Tenant > Select a Catalog configured with Autofill control > Provide data in all the fields > Provide keyword in the Autofill custom drop-down field), in the Autofill custom drop-down list only 10 matching values are populated even if more than 10 values match with the specified keyword. (#53872)

Unexpected CINDE behavior for overlapping catalogs: CINDE catalog identification may not match user expectations for the cases of overlapping catalogs. For instance, for VPN access, the system currently has service requests filed under multiple catalogs such as VPN Access: Juniper, VPN Access: Cisco Any Connect, Network and Connectivity Service Requests, Network Related Requests, Unified Communication Request etc. CINDE may map VPN related servicer requests to one of the catalogs, which may not match with the expected behavior.

Intermittent error, “Sorry! I am facing some issue. I will not be able to help you with this”. This is an intermittent error, which happens when system goes in a bad state. The workaround is to log out and log in again. This issue is already fixed for reproducible cases but still exists for non-reproducible cases.

CINDE may ask too many questions or unclear information, occasionally. This behavior is observed for Service Catalog related configurations.

The workaround is to change the number of questions, text of questions or parameter descriptions by changing the respective catalog’s configurations.

For certain utterances, CINDE may not render expected response due to the complexity of the Service Catalogs, expected behavior of CINDE, and AI and NLP technologies. The other issues can be fixed by providing training to CINDE. As more and more CINDE is used, more it will learn and get better to reduce this type of error.

When an Incident is updated, the Source and Medium values are captured in the Change History and is displaying wrong data.

The Service Window, Response Deadline & Resolution Deadline values on the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page (Request > User > Manage service Requests > Service Request List > Click SR ID) do not match with the SERVICE REQUEST ID page for the same SR ID (Request > User > My Service Request > Click SR ID). This issue is found when the Service Request is in New status & the Workgroup SLA Window is configured.

When a Service catalog is in the Maintenance status, the End User should not be allowed to log an SR. However, instead, a message is displayed requesting the user for additional details.

The Service Window displayed on the INCIDENT DETAILS page (Incident > User > My Incident > Click an Incident ID) is different from the Service Window displayed on the INCIDENT ID page for the same Incident ID (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Click an Incident ID).

Following issues are observed in CINDE –Auto Resolution module:

• The “Permission Type”' information is not included in the share folder access e-mail notification.

• Under the RBA tab, the script aborted error occurs intermittently for the employee User Type.

Only the partial mobile number fields are validated in the Service Catalog that contains mobile number fields.

On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST/ SERVICE REQUEST ID pages, the Approval Status/ Approver Flow is not displayed correctly. This issue is observed after updating the mandatory fields of the respective SR for which the Approver Type is configured as Workgroup in a Workflow and the Approver refers the respective SR back to the user.

Duplicate Incident creation messages are displayed if CINDE is initiated from a different tab.

After a considerable amount of time, when there is an interim CINDE idle state, “Sorry! I am facing some issue. I will not be able to help you with this” message is displayed.

While on-boarding a user using CINDE Auto-resolution feature, a Work Order (WO) is created and linked under the RELATIONSHIP tab of the respective SR. After the WO is linked, the virtual agent is not assigned to the WO and the WO is not moved to the IN-PROGRESS status.

While installing software using auto-resolution feature, the license allocation e-mail notification is not sent to the respective user even though the software is allocated to the user.

Using CINDE, the users cannot download/upload the 'mutual DNA' form to log an SR for 'non-Harman User VPN - Access (3rd Party Employee)' catalog. This issue occurs as CINDE does not support attachment files. This functionality will be implemented in the future versions.

V5.7 SP2


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The following issues are observed when the SMS phrases are copied and pasted from SMS TEMPLATE PHRASE pop-up page (Request > Configuration > Others > SMS Notifications > Select a Tenant > Click any value under Workgroup Name table header > Click SMS TEMPLATE PHRASES on the ACTIONS panel):

• The junk value ‘C’ is displayed in the SMS.

• Sometimes, the SMS is not sent if the phrase CALLID*= Ticket ID is copied and pasted. (#52656)

After the Technician Selectable Approver approves the SR, the status of SR is updated from PENDING FOR APPROVAL to NEW but the e-mail and SMS notifications are not sent to the configured users. (#52583)

The Concurrent License Notification will not work in SAAS Database environment. (#52370)

The Administrator cannot select the username from the Select User pop-up of the SWITCH USER page (Admin > Basic > Users > Switch Users List > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Click search icon to search for the User). (#52660)

When a call is logged for an external user and updated to On Hold or Closed status, the Workgroup members and Analyst of the respective Call Record are not notified through e-mail. (#52582)

The Technician Selectable Approver cannot approve the Service Request. This issue occurs when the respective service catalog is configured with the Skip approval at the first level of approval. (#51525)

For the already installed software, while executing the software installation request through RBA, the RBA Script Execution status is displayed as “success.”

While installing software in multiple assets using RBA script, the software is installed in the first Asset (in the list) only and the request status is resolved. It is recommended to raise a separate request for each asset.

Proxy auto-upgrade works on v5.6 and later versions. To enable the auto-update for the v5.6 or later versions, the Administrator needs to place the “AutoUpdateConsole.exe” file under proxy folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SUMMIT\Proxy Agent\bin\AutoUpdateConsole.exe.

For versions prior to v5.6, auto upgrade is not possible, because the Data Collector has new encryption whereas proxy has older encryption that will not be authenticated for auto-upgrade. (#49762)

While printing a report in Portrait orientation, the printed content is trimmed as the page is not properly scaled down to the paper size. This issue occurs when the print is generated using Google Chrome. This is a known issue in Google Chrome.

Workaround: The user needs to generate the print in Landscape orientation. (#46256)

After enabling VAPT, the user profile picture, Logo, and Catalog images are not displayed across the SUMMIT application. The same issue is observed when the user uses the SLA alert e-mail notification hyperlink to access the SUMMIT application. This issue occurs if the user logs into the SUMMIT application using IE version 11. (#40461)

Data (HTML text) is not displayed in the following graphical Push Reports:

• Server Dashboard

• Network Dashboard

• Server Utilization Report

• Network Utilization Report

• URL Response Report

• Event Console Report

• Vital Business Function Dashboard Report (#46884)

The Change Record status gets changed to Approved even though the Change record is kept on On-Hold by the other member of the respective CAB (Change Advisory Board). (#51544)

V5.7 SP1 HF02


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page, the Packet Loss details are displayed in the graph even though the packet loss parameter is not selected in the service entitlement. (#51293)

The Technician Selectable Approver cannot approve the Service Request. This issue occurs when the respective service catalog is configured with the Skip approval at the first level of approval. (#51525)

The following issues occur when the SAAS Database is enabled:

• The logged in user is not able to sign in on behalf of other user.

• After switching the tenant, the concurrent license configured for the previous database is not getting freed. (#49840)

For the already installed software, while executing the software installation request through RBA, the RBA Script Execution status is displayed as “success.”

While installing software in multiple assets using RBA script, the software is installed in the first Asset (in the list) only and the request status is resolved. It is recommended to raise a separate request for each asset.

Proxy auto-upgrade works on v5.6 and later versions. To enable the auto-update for the v5.6 or later versions, the Administrator needs to place the “AutoUpdateConsole.exe” file under proxy folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SUMMIT\Proxy Agent\bin\AutoUpdateConsole.exe.

For versions prior to v5.6, auto upgrade is not possible, because the Data Collector has new encryption whereas proxy has older encryption that will not be authenticated for auto-upgrade. (#49762)

While printing a report in Portrait orientation, the printed content is trimmed as the page is not properly scaled down to the paper size. This issue occurs when the print is generated using Google Chrome. This is a known issue in Google Chrome.

Workaround: The user needs to generate the print in Landscape orientation. (#46256)

After enabling VAPT, the user profile picture, Logo, and Catalog images are not displayed across the SUMMIT application. The same issue is observed when the user uses the SLA alert e-mail notification hyperlink to access the SUMMIT application. This issue occurs if the user logs into the SUMMIT application using IE version 11. (#40461)

Data (HTML text) is not displayed in the following graphical Push Reports:

• Server Dashboard

• Network Dashboard

• Server Utilization Report

• Network Utilization Report

• URL Response Report

• Event Console Report

• Vital Business Function Dashboard Report (#46884)

The Change Record status gets changed to Approved even though the Change record is kept on On-Hold by the other member of the respective CAB (Change Advisory Board). (#51544)

V5.7 SP1 HF01


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page, the Packet Loss details are displayed in the graph even though the packet loss parameter is not selected in the service entitlement. (#51293)

The Technician Selectable Approver cannot approve the Service Request. This issue occurs when the respective service catalog is configured with the Skip approval at the first level of approval. (#51525)

The following issues occur when the SAAS Database is enabled:

• The logged in user is not able to sign in on behalf of other user.

• After switching the tenant, the concurrent license configured for the previous database is not getting freed. (#49840)

For the already installed software, while executing the software installation request through RBA, the RBA Script Execution status is displayed as “success.”

While installing software in multiple assets using RBA script, the software is installed in the first Asset (in the list) only and the request status is resolved. It is recommended to raise a separate request for each asset.

Proxy auto-upgrade works on v5.6 and later versions. To enable the auto-update for the v5.6 or later versions, the Administrator needs to place the “AutoUpdateConsole.exe” file under proxy folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SUMMIT\Proxy Agent\bin\AutoUpdateConsole.exe.

For versions prior to v5.6, auto upgrade is not possible, because the Data Collector has new encryption whereas proxy has older encryption that will not be authenticated for auto-upgrade. (#49762)

While printing a report in Portrait orientation, the printed content is trimmed as the page is not properly scaled down to the paper size. This issue occurs when the print is generated using Google Chrome. This is a known issue in Google Chrome.

Workaround: The user needs to generate the print in Landscape orientation. (#46256)

After enabling VAPT, the user profile picture, Logo, and Catalog images are not displayed across the SUMMIT application. The same issue is observed when the user uses the SLA alert e-mail notification hyperlink to access the SUMMIT application. This issue occurs if the user logs into the SUMMIT application using IE version 11. (#40461)

Data (HTML text) is not displayed in the following graphical Push Reports:

• Server Dashboard

• Network Dashboard

• Server Utilization Report

• Network Utilization Report

• URL Response Report

• Event Console Report

• Vital Business Function Dashboard Report (#46884)

The Change Record status gets changed to Approved even though the Change record is kept on On-Hold by the other member of the respective CAB (Change Advisory Board). (#51544)

V5.7 SP1


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

The Technician Selectable Approver cannot approve the Service Request. This issue occurs when the respective service catalog is configured with the Skip approval at the first level of approval. (#51525)

The following issues occur when the SAAS Database is enabled:

• The logged in user is not able to sign in on behalf of another user.

• After switching the tenant, the concurrent license configured for the previous database is not getting freed. (#49840)

For the already installed software, while executing the software installation request through RBA, the RBA Script Execution status is displayed as “success.”

While installing software in a multiple asset using RBA script, the software is installed in the first Asset (in the list) only and the request status is resolved. It is recommended to raise a separate request for each asset.

Proxy auto-upgrade will work from v5.6 onwards. In order to enable the auto-update for the v5.6 or lower v5.7 proxies, the Administrator needs to place the newer “AutoUpdateConsole.exe” file under proxy folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SUMMIT\Proxy Agent\bin\AutoUpdateConsole.exe.

For Lesser than v5.6 version we cannot auto-upgrade because the Data Collector has new encryption whereas proxy will have older encryption that will not be authenticated for auto-upgrade. (#49762)

While printing the page in Portrait orientation, the printed content is trimmed as the page is not properly scaled down to the paper size. This issue occurs when the print is generated using Google Chrome. This is a known issue in Google Chrome.

Workaround: The user needs to generate the print in Landscape orientation. (#46256)

After enabling VAPT, the user profile picture, Logo, and Catalog images are not displayed across the SUMMIT application. The same issue is observed when the user uses the SLA alert e-mail notification hyperlink to access the SUMMIT application. This issue occurs if the user logs into the SUMMIT application using IE version 11. (#40461)

Data (HTML text) is not displayed in the following graphical Push Reports:

• Server Dashboard

• Network Dashboard

• Server Utilization Report

• Network Utilization Report

• URL Response Report

• Event Console Report

• Vital Business Function Dashboard Report (#46884)

With Multi-tenancy implementation, the Customers, Locations, Vendors, and Proxies should be displayed only for the specific Tenant of a Domain for which they are configured. However, on the following pages of the Availability Management module, the Customers, Locations, Vendors, and Proxies are displayed for a Tenant even though these entities are not configured for the selected Tenant of the Domain. This issue occurs when the logged in user has access to all the Tenants of a Domain.

• Cloud Discovery

• Event Configuration and Mapping

• Master Settings

• Add Printer

• Add Discovered Printers

• Printer View

• Printer List

• Proxy Mapping

• Mailbox Relation

• Component Failure

• Configuration Report

• Vital Business Function Report

• Server Process Report (#49286, 49195)

V5.7 HF01


When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

Proxy auto-upgrade will work from v5.6 onwards. In order to enable the auto-update for the v5.6 or lower v5.7 proxies, the Administrator needs to place the newer “AutoUpdateConsole.exe” file under proxy folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SUMMIT\Proxy Agent\bin\AutoUpdateConsole.exe.

For Lesser than v5.6 version we cannot auto-upgrade because the Data Collector has new encryption whereas proxy will have older encryption that will not be authenticated for auto-upgrade. (#49762)

While printing the page in Portrait orientation, the printed content is trimmed as the page is not properly scaled down to the paper size. This issue occurs when the print is generated using Google Chrome. This is a known issue in Google Chrome.

Workaround: The user needs to generate the print in Landscape orientation. (#46256)

After enabling VAPT, the user profile picture, Logo, and Catalog images are not displayed across the SUMMIT application. The same issue is observed when the user uses the SLA alert e-mail notification hyperlink to access the SUMMIT application. This issue occurs if the user logs into the SUMMIT application using IE version 11. (#40461)

Data (HTML text) is not displayed in the following graphical Push Reports:

• Server Dashboard

• Network Dashboard

• Server Utilization Report

• Network Utilization Report

• URL Response Report

• Event Console Report

• Vital Business Function Dashboard Report (#46884)

With Multi-tenancy implementation, the Customers, Locations, Vendors, and Proxies should be displayed only for the specific Tenant of a Domain for which they are configured. However, on the following pages of the Availability Management module, the Customers, Locations, Vendors, and Proxies are displayed for a Tenant even though these entities are not configured for the selected Tenant of the Domain. This issue occurs when the logged in user has access to all the Tenants of a Domain.

• Cloud Discovery

• Event Configuration and Mapping

• Master Settings

• Add Printer

• Add Discovered Printers

• Printer View

• Printer List

• Proxy Mapping

• Mailbox Relation

• Component Failure

• Configuration Report

• Vital Business Function Report

• Server Process Report (#49286, 49195)



When a user opens any page in a new tab in the SaaS Environment, the Switch Tenant pop-up is displayed in all the pages. This issue occurs only when the user is using the Firefox private window/tab. (#72276)

While printing the page in Portrait orientation, the printed content is trimmed as the page is not properly scaled down to the paper size. This issue occurs when the print is generated using Google Chrome. This is a known issue in Google Chrome.

Workaround: The user needs to generate the print in Landscape orientation. (#46256)

After enabling VAPT, the user profile picture, Logo, and Catalog images are not displayed across the SUMMIT application. The same issue is observed when the user uses the SLA alert e-mail notification hyperlink to access the SUMMIT application. This issue occurs if the user logs into the SUMMIT application using IE version 11. (#40461)

Data (HTML text) is not displayed in the following graphical Push Reports:

• Server Dashboard

• Network Dashboard

• Server Utilization Report

• Network Utilization Report

• URL Response Report

• Event Console Report

• Vital Business Function Dashboard Report (#46884)

With Multi-tenancy implementation, the Customers, Locations, Vendors, and Proxies should be displayed only for the specific Tenant of a Domain for which they are configured. However, on the following pages of the Availability Management module, the Customers, Locations, Vendors, and Proxies are displayed for a Tenant even though these entities are not configured for the selected Tenant of the Domain. This issue occurs when the logged in user has access to all the Tenants of a Domain.

• Cloud Discovery

• Event Configuration and Mapping

• Master Settings

• Add Printer

• Add Discovered Printers

• Printer View

• Printer List

• Proxy Mapping

• Mailbox Relation

• Component Failure

• Configuration Report

• Vital Business Function Report

• Server Process Report (#49286, 49195)

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