Creating Tasks for Change Records
Enterprise IT
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Former user (Deleted)
SummitAI Service Management Help
You can create Tasks for Change Records (CRs) until the CR Status is changed to Initial Authorization. Only after a CR is authorized and approved, the Tasks are assigned to the associated Workgroup Analysts. Multiple Tasks can be created for a CR. You can also link multiple Tasks to each other with a Parent and Child relationship. Until all the Tasks are completed, the CR cannot be implemented.
To create Tasks for CRs:
- On the CHANGE RECORD ID page under the RELATIONSHIP tab, click the Create list and select Task.
- The TASK ID page is displayed. Type in the Symptom, Description, and upload any required attachments.
Figure: TASK DETAILS page - Type in the other required fields under the GENERAL and IMPLEMENTATION tabs. For more information about the fields under these tabs on the TASK DETAILS page, see Field Description.
- Click SUBMIT. A new Task is created, and it is displayed under the RELATIONSHIP tab of the CR for which it is created.
Field Description
This section describes the fields on the TASK DETAILS page.
You can provide the general information about the Task, such as Urgency, Impact, Assigned Workgroup, solution, and task dependency under the GENERAL tab.

Figure: GENERAL tab
The following table describes the fields under the GENERAL tab:
Field | Description |
Urgency | Select the Urgency from the list for the Task. |
Impact | Select the Impact from the list for the Task |
Assigned Workgroup | Select the Workgroup assigned to the Task. |
Assigned Executive | Select the name of the Analyst assigned to the Task. |
Commitment Deadline | Indicates the commitment deadline for the Task. This date and time is provided by the Analyst working on the Task to resolve it. |
Actual Start Time | Select the actual date and time when you started work on this Task. |
Actual End Time | Select the actual date and time when you completed this Task. |
SOLUTION | Type in the solution provided to complete the Task. |
Closure Code | Select the Closure Code while closing the Task. |
TASK DEPENDENCY | Displays the Parent Child relationship between the Tasks. The Task that you are creating is called the Parent Task and the other Tasks of the same CR can be linked as Child Tasks by selecting the Task ID in the Task Dependency section. You need to specify the sequence in which these Tasks should be executed using the Dependency list. Note: This section is disabled for the first Task of the CR. |
Task ID | Select the Task ID of the Child Task. |
Dependency | Select the dependency from the list.
You can update the Task implementation details, such as implementation notes, Back-Out plan, and upload attachments under the IMPLEMENTATION tab.

This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the TASK DETAILS page.
Click TASK HISTORY to view the task history details, such as column name, change date, changed by old and new values.
Figure: TASK DETAILS HISTORY pop-up page
Click PI REVIEW to type in the PI Review details, such as Planned PIR Date, Actual PIR Date, and Post Implementation Review details in the PI REVIEW pop-up page.
Figure: PI REVIEW pop-up page