Configuring Task Template_CM

Configuring Task Template_CM

What are Task Templates?

You can predefine the Tasks to be created for CR based on certain criteria (Owner Workgroup, Change Type, Category and Change Category). If Owner Workgroup, Change Type, Category and Change Category as specified in Task Template Configuration match with newly created Change Record, Tasks are created automatically and appears in DRAFT mode under the Relationship tab of the Change Record.

You can configure, modify and remove Task Template. Task can be of three types: Implementation, Post Implementation, and Rollback.

  • If Implementation Task is successful, Post Implementation Task is initiated and Rollback is cancelled. 
  • If failure occurs in the Implementation Task, Rollback Task is Initiated and Post Implementation is cancelled. 

Sequence of the Task can also be predefined using the dependency. You can also create new Draft Task on the CHANGE RECORD DETAILS page. For more information, see Creating Tasks for Change Records.

To configure Task Template:

  1. Select Change > Configuration > Task Template > ADD NEW. The TASK TEMPLATE  page is displayed.
  2. On the TASK TEMPLATE page, select the Tenant and fill in the other required details at left pane.
  3. Under the CRITERIA and DETAILS section, fill in the other required fields . For more information about the fields on the TASK TEMPLATE  creation page, see Field Description.
  4. Click SUBMIT. A new Task Template is created.


Figure: TASK TEMPLATE page


  • If Initiate Task check box is selected under the PROPERTIES pop-up (APPROVAL section) of the CR WORKFLOW page, the statuses of the draft Tasks under the RELATIONSHIP section become new after an approval level as defined in the Workflow.
  • If Initiate Task check box is not selected, the Task functionality works as per the traditional way.
    • For Normal, Standard, and Expedited Change Type, Task is initiated once the CR is approved.
    • For Emergency Change Type, when e-CAB Approval is required After Implementation, Task is initiated after Initial Authorization of the CR.
    • For Emergency Change Type, when e-CAB Approval is required Before Implementation, Task is initiated once the CR is Approved.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Task Template page.




Select the Tenant from the list.

Task Name

Specify the Task Name.

Task Type

Select the type (Implementation, Post Implementation, Rollback) of the task from the drop-down list.

  • Implementation: Implementation is the incorporation of the Task.
  • Post Implementation: Post Implementation is the review of implemented Task.
  • Rollback: If any failures occur, Rollback task is initiated.

Note: If Implementation Task is successful, Post Implementation Task is initiated and Rollback is cancelled. If failure occur  in the Implementation Task, Rollback Task is Initiated and Post Implementation is cancelled.


Specify the required information of the Task.


Type in the brief description of the Task.


If selected, the Task Template configuration becomes active.


Owner Workgroup

Select a Workgroup from the list to indicate as an Owner Workgroup for this Template.

Change Type

Select the Change Type from the list: Standard, Normal, Emergency, and Expedited

Change Category

Click the search icon and select the Change Category of the Task.


Select the Category from the Category list: Small, Medium, and Large




Select the Urgency level from the list to indicate the Urgency level for the Task.


Select the Impact from the list to indicate the Impact of the Task.


Assigned Workgroup

Select the Workgroup you want to assign the Task Template.

Assigned Analyst

Select the name of the Analyst to assign the Task Template.

Task Effort(In Days)

Specify the duration of the Task in days.

Task ID

Select the Task ID of the Child Task.

  • If only one Task Template is created, the Task Id drop-down is empty.
  • If more than one Task Template is created, the Task ID appears in the drop-down according to the Task Type and Criteria.


Select the dependency from the list.

  • Start to Start: Until Parent Task is started the Child Task of a CR cannot be started.
  • Start to Finish: To finish a Parent Task of a CR all the Child Tasks should be started.



Specify the recipient e-mail id to send notification mails. You can add more then one recipient e-mail ids separated by comma.  

  • If only E-mail Id is specified, recipient gets notification mail for any update of the Task.
  • If E-mail Id and  Body are specified, recipient gets notification mail for Activation and Update of the Task.


Specify the Subject of the notification e-mail. If Subject is not Specified, notification e-mail is sent with the default Subject format.

  • The default Subject format is *TASKID* Task is *STATUS*.
  • TASKID and STATUS are dynamic fields, change according to the Task.


Specify the Body content of the notification e-mail. If Body content is not specified, notification e-mail is sent with the default Body format as displayed in the screenshot.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the TASK TEMPLATE page.


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST showing all the configured Task Template for the specified filters criteria.

Figure: Task Template: List page

  • To edit a Task Template, select the Name of the template. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
  • To display the inactive Task Templates, click the Include Inactive check box.


When the configured Task Templates are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Task Template.


Click Filters icon and fill in the details on the