Viewing Change Request

Viewing Change Request

You can view the list of Change Requests created by you. Once a CR is created, you cannot change any fields. You can only update the additional information for the CR. The CR is available in Draft status until the Analyst changes it to Requested status.

To view or update CRs:

  1. Select Change > User > My CRs > My Change Requests. The MY CHANGE REQUESTS page is displayed.


    Figure: MY CHANGE REQUESTS page

  2. Click the CR ID hyperlink from the list, to open the CR. Type in the information in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION field on the CHANGE REQUEST ID page and click SUBMIT. The updates are displayed under INFORMATION section. 


    Figure: CHANGE RECORD ID page


    • CRs created by the End Users are displayed on the MY CHANGE REQUEST page in Draft status.
    • When Analysts fill in all the information and start actual CR Workflow, the CR Status changes to Requested.
    • Once a CR created by the End User, a notification e-mail is sent to the End User and members of the Owner Workgroup.
    • On the MY CHANGE REQUESTS page, click ADD NEW to create a new Change Request, see Creating Change Requests.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CHANGE REQUEST ID page.


Click SHOW LIST to view the list of CRs.

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