Recertification Review SRM

Recertification Review SRM

SummitAI Service Management Help

 Service Request Management

The Manager can retain or revoke the Applications used by his Direct reports during the configured Recertification Period.

To recertify an Application:

  1. Click Request > Configuration > Recertifications > Recertification Review. The RECERTIFICATION REVIEW page is displayed.
  2. Select the Direct Report, select Retain/Revoke option buttons corresponding to the Application name and click SUBMIT to complete the Recertification.

    Recertification Review page
    Figure: Recertification Review page

Section 1

This section displays the name of the Manager and the Direct Reports in a tree view. Select the name of the User to view the list of allocated Assets and Applications.

Section 2

This section displays the list of Applications and Assets allocated to the selected User.

On the Applications tab, the list of Applications and the option to Renew or Revoke an Application is displayed.

On the Assets tab, the list of Assets allocated to the User is displayed. The Manager cannot recertify the Assets of the Direct Reports.


The option to Retain or Revoke the application is not available when the Manager is selected.

Section 3

This section displays the icons on the ACTIONS panel.

RECERTIFY ASSETS: Click this icon to view the MY ASSET LIST 

page. The User can Accept, Reject, or Return the Asset. For more information, see SummitAI Asset Management Online Help.


The icon is not displayed when the Manager selects the name of his Direct Reports.

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