Configuring Feedback Questions_SRM

Configuring Feedback Questions_SRM

SummitAI Service Management Help

 Service Request Management

The End Users provide feedback on the Resolved/Closed Service Requests based on the configured Feedback Questions. The response to these Feedback Questions serve as a tool to measure the quality of resolution offered by the Analysts. You can configure the Feedback Questions for Service Requests under a selected Tenant.

To configure Feedback Questions:

  1. Click ADD NEW on the FEEDBACK CONFIGURATION page (Request > Configuration > Others > Feedback Configuration). FEEDBACK QUESTIONS page is displayed.


  2. On the FEEDBACK QUESTIONS page, enter in the required details and click SUBMIT. For more information about the fields on the FEEDBACK QUESTIONS page, see Field Description.

Field Description

The following table explains the fields on the FEEDBACK QUESTIONS page.




Type in the question.

Question Group

Select the group in the drop-down list. The question is added under the selected group.
Follow the below process for creating groups.

To add a group:

  1. Click ADD GROUP on the FEEDBACK QUESTIONS page. ADD/UPDATE GROUPS page appears.

    Figure: ADD/UPDATE GROUPS page

  2. Under the ADD/UPDATE GROUPS, enter the required details and click SUBMIT. For more information, see Field Description.

Field Description

The following table explains the fields under the ADD/UPDATE GROUPS of the FEEDBACK QUESTIONS page.



Group Name

Type in the name of the Group.


If this check box is selected, the Group configuration becomes active.

Sort Order

Type in the Order of the group. The Group is displayed on the FEEDBACK page as per the specified Sort Order.


Click  icon to add the group. On adding the group, it is displayed in the drop-down list of the Question Group field.
Click  icon to edit the values of the Group.
Click  icon to delete the Group.


  • You cannot delete the group with active Questions.
  • Click BACK TO QUESTION to go back to the FEEDBACK QUESTIONS page without saving the group.

Question Type

Select the type of question in the drop-down list.
The available options are:

  • Star Rating

If selected, Star Rating is displayed for this question on the FEEDBACK page. On selecting the Star Rating, the following fields are displayed.



Option Button

Select the required option button. The available options are:

Rating Configuration

Answer Type

Displays the Rating Type. You can add up to ten Stars.


Type in the equivalent meaning of the rating.

Rating Color

Select the color of the rating. The same is displayed when the End User selects the rating.


Enter the rating value. This value is considered to calculate the Average Rating.

Poor Rating

Select the check box to configure the rating as poor.


Click  icon to edit the values of the rating.
Click   icon to delete the rating.
Click  icon to add a new rating.
Note: The Delete icon is displayed only on the last Rating.

  • Smiley 

If selected, Smiley is displayed for this question on the FEEDBACK page. On selecting the Smiley, the following fields are displayed.



Rating Configuration

Answer Type

Displays the Rating Type.


Type in the equivalent meaning of the Smiley.

Rating Color

Select the color of the rating. The same is displayed when the End User selects the rating.


Enter the rating value. This value is considered to calculate the Average Rating.

Poor Rating

Select the check box to configure the smiley as poor.


Click   icon to edit the values of the rating.


  • Thumbs Up/Down 

If selected, Thumbs Up/Down is displayed for this question on the FEEDBACK page. On selecting the Thumbs Up/Down, the following fields are displayed.



Rating Configuration

Answer Type

Displays Rating Type.


Type in the equivalent meaning of the rating.

Rating Color

Select the color of the rating. The same is displayed when the End User selects the rating.


Enter the rating value. This value is considered to calculate the Average Rating.

Poor Rating

Select the check box to configure the rating as poor.


Click   icon to edit the values of the rating.


  • Drop-Down List

If selected, Drop-down list is displayed for this question on the FEEDBACK page. On selecting the Drop-down list, the following fields are displayed.



Rating Configuration


Type in the options of the Drop-down list.


Enter the rating value. This value is considered to calculate the Average Rating.

Poor Rating

Select the check box to configure the rating as poor.


Click   icon to edit the values of the rating.
Click  icon to delete the rating.
Click  icon to add a new rating.


  • Multi-Select

If selected, Check Box is displayed for this question on the FEEDBACK page. On selecting the Multi-Select  the following fields are displayed.



Rating Configuration


Type in the name of the check box.


Click   icon to edit the values of the rating.
Click  icon to delete the rating.
Click  icon to add a new rating.


  • Radio Button

If selected, Option buttons are displayed for this question on the FEEDBACK page. On selecting the Radio Buttons the following fields are displayed.



Rating Configuration


Type in the name of the radio button.


Enter the rating value. This value is considered to calculate the Average Rating.

Poor Rating

Select the check box to configure the rating as poor.


Click   icon to edit the values of the rating.
Click  icon to delete the rating.
Click  icon to add a new rating.


  • Text Box

If selected, a text box is displayed for this question on the FEEDBACK page.

  • Text Area

If selected, Text area is displayed for this question on the FEEDBACK page.

  • Likert Scale

Likert Scale allows the End Users to express how much they agree or disagree with the products or services of an organization. If selected, Likert Scale is displayed for this question on the FEEDBACK page. On selecting the Likert scale, the following fields are displayed.



Likert Scale

Detractors, Passives and Promoters: Select the values in the list. Based on the configuration you select, the user will be categorized as a Detractor, Passive, or a Promoter. For example, if you select Detractor value as 0 to 6, and the End user rates 5, he will be categorized as a Detractor.