Configuring Recertification Period

Configuring Recertification Period

SummitAI Service Management Help

 Service Request Management

The Recertification Period is a time frame configured by the Administrators for the Managers to review the Applications used by his Direct Reports. The Managers can retain/revoke the applications only during this period.

To configure the Recertification Period:

  1. Click Request > Configuration > Recertifications > Recertification Period. The  RECERTIFICATION PERIOD page is displayed.

    Recertification Period
    Figure: Recertification Period

  2. On the RECERTIFICATION PERIOD page,select the manager, specify the recertification period and click SUBMIT to configure the recertification period for a Manager. For more information about the fields on the RECERTIFICATION PERIOD page, see Field Description.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the RECERTIFICATION PERIOD page.




Displays all the Locations. Select the check box corresponding to the required Location.


Displays the Tenants for the selected Location. Select the check box corresponding to the required Tenant.


Displays the Managers for the selected Location and Tenant. Select the check box corresponding to the required Manager.

Start Date

Select the start date for the recertification period.

End Date

Select the end date for the recertification period.

Send Reminders

Specify the number of days prior to which the notification mail is sent to the Managers to complete the Recertification.


Type in the comments for the Recertification Period.


You cannot configure another Recertification Period that overlaps with the current configuration for the same Manager


This section explains the icons on the ACTIONS panel of the RECERTIFICATION PERIOD page.


Click SHOW LIST to view the LIST table showing all the configured Recertification Period.

Recertification Period List page
Figure: Recertification Period List page

Select the End Date and click EXTEND to change the Recertification Period End Date.


When the configured Recertification Periods are displayed under the List table, the ADD NEW button is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Recertification Period.

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