New DN Tables

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Sierra SP1, Service Management)

What's New?

Few changes related to tables are made. These changes capture some additional data, which are useful for more accurate calculations and improving the reporting functionalities.

Service Management DN Tables 

Following DN tables are added for Incident Management, Service Request Management, Problem Management, and Change Management modules.

Incident Management
  • IM_RPT_DN_Category_LevelWise: A new table is added to capture the Category level-wise record.
  • IM_RPT_DN_Classification_LevelWise: A new table is added to capture the Classification level-wise record.
Service Request Management
  • SR_RPT_DN_Ticket_Feedback: A new table is added to capture the feedback summary.
  • SR_RPT_DN_Ticket_Feedback_Details: A new table is added to capture the feedback details.
  • SR_RPT_DN_Classification_LevelWise: A new table is added to capture the Classification level-wise record.
  • SR_RPT_DN_Category_LevelWise: A new table is added to capture the Category level-wise record.
  • The following new tables are added to capture the approval level-wise record:
    • SR_RPT_DN_Approval_Details_1
    • SR_RPT_DN_Approval_Details_2
  • A new DN process is added to capture the records of catalog with Multi-valued custom attributes. To view table, type in SR_RPT_DN_<Tenant Code>_<Category Name>_<Catalog Name>_Multi_Valued in SQL sever management studio.
    select * from SR_RPT_DN_Info_IT_Grid_Test_Multi_Valued.
    where <Tenant Code> is Info
    <Category Name> is IT
    <Catalog Name> is Grid_Test
Problem Management
  • PM_RPT_DN_RCA_Details: A new table is added to capture the RCA details.
Change Management
Approval Level-Wise DN Tables
  • CM_RPT_DN_Approval_Details_1 and CM_RPT_DN_Approval_Details_2: Two new tables are added to capture the approval level-wise record.
New Columns

The following new columns are added  to the CM_RPT_DN_ChangeRequest_Master DN table, [Implemented Date] and [Closed Date].

New Elapsed Time Column to Record Workgroup Change

A new Elapsed Time column is added in the SR_ElapsedTimeByWorkgroup table. When the Workgroup of a Service Request is changed the Elapsed Time column displays the elapsed time in minutes. This column is going to be useful while generating various reports. 

Exclude Pending Duration for Service Window and SLA Calculation

New Workgroup ID, SLA, and Elapsed Time columns are added in the SR Pending Table. When the Service Request is moved to Pending status, the Pending Start time and Pending End Time are captured. By using the Pending Start time and Pending End time, the Elapsed Time is calculated. This is useful to calculate the SLA and Service Window of Service Requests excluding the Pending duration.