Log or Update Incident API Enhancement

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Incident Management (Tahoe HF07)

What's New?

API Name: IM_LogOrUpdateIncident 

Introduced capability to send email notifications to CC desired users, when an incident is logged or updated. This enables the notified users, to track the incidents more closely. To achieve this, a new parameter Mail_CC_EmailID is added to IM_LogOrUpdateIncident API.


  • The user emails are separated using semicolon when multiple email Ids are added in the request.
  • A validation message is triggered if any email id format is incorrect.

Updated Request Payload with New Parameter (Mail_CC_EmailID)

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "IM_LogOrUpdateIncident",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "_ProxyDetails": {
      "Password": "test@123",
      "ProxyID": 0,
      "ReturnType": "JSON",
      "UserName": Dey@abc.com
    "incidentParamsJSON": {
      "IncidentContainerJsonObj": {
        "Updater": "Executive",
        "CI_ID": "",
        "CI_Key": "",
        "CI_Value": "",
        "Ticket": {
          "IsFromWebService": true,       
          "Ticket_No": "59404",
          "Priority_Name": "GT Tenant",
          "Classification_Name": "Network",
          "Sup_Function": "Info",
          "Caller_EmailID": 20@abc.com,
          "Status": "Assigned",
          "Urgency_Name": "High",
          "Assigned_WorkGroup_Name": "Hardware",
          "Medium": "Application",
          "Impact_Name": "High",
          "Category_Name": "Network",
          "SLA_Name": "24/7",
          "OpenCategory_Name": "Network",
          "Source": "",
          "Assigned_Engineer_Email": Ddy@abc.com,
          "Description": "Logging a ticket as an Analyst",
          "PageName": "TicketDetail",
        "TicketInformation": {
          "Information": "Logging a ticket as an Analyst",
          "InternalLog": "",
          "UserLog": ""
        "CustomFields": [        
    "RequestType": "RemoteCall"

Sample Response

    "Errors": "",

    "Input": null,

    "Message": "Ticket details are updated successfully",

    "OrgID": 0,

    "Output": null,

    "OutputID": 0,

    "OutputObject": null,

    "TokenID": null,

    "Priority": null,

    "ResolutionDeadLine": null,

    "Resolution_DeadLine": null,

    "SLA": null,

    "TicketID_Encrypted": "%2fqs7hxlN%2fFz2gD5Lrl8jDw%3d%3d",

    "TicketID_Internal": 59404,

    "TicketNo": 59404
