Open Incident Report
Enterprise IT
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Aravind Naik (Unlicensed)
SummitAI Service Management Help
Configuring Incident Management Module
Configuring Custom Fields for Incident Management
Configuring Category Incident Management
Configuring ETR E-mail Notifications
Configuring Incident E-mail Notifications
Configuring SLA Service Windows
Configuring Workgroup SLA Window
Configuring Information Ticker
Configuring Voice Call Notifications
Mapping Standard Operational Procedures
Configuring End User Incident Details Page
Report Description
Open Incident report displays the count of all the open incidents (for a selected set of Workgroups) for the time period you specified (and Tenant you selected). Under the Summary tabs, the count of all the open incidents by Priority, Workgroup and User Type is displayed. Under the Detailed tab, a detailed list of all the open incidents with information, such as Incident ID, Log Time, Status, Source, Caller, Category, and so on. are displayed.
On the table, click the incident count hyperlink to view the incident list for the selected priority and duration. On the INCIDENT LIST pop-up page, click the Incident ID hyperlink to view the incident details. For information about viewing reports, see View Reports.
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the OPEN INCIDENT REPORT page.
Click Filters icon on the ACTIONS panel to specify the filter criteria to display records in the OPEN INCIDENT REPORT page.
Figure: Report: FILTERS pop up window
Click PUSH REPORT to configure the reports to be sent to the configured users at set intervals.
Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export and download the table data to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
Click EXPORT ALL to export all the records to a Microsoft Excel sheet.