Turn Around Time (TAT) Report

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Denali SP3 HF01)

What's New?

Turn Around Time (TAT) in a Change Management is the total time taken by the Approvers to approve the Change Request. The Turnaround Time also includes the component the Analyst or Analysts spent on the ticket during the time it was assigned to them.

The TAT Report displays the total time taken by the initiator to resubmit the refer back CR, total time taken by the Approvers to approver the CR, Total Workgroup/Analysts TAT, and Total TAT. For more information on how to deploy the TAT report, see SummitAI TAT Report Deployment Document.

Viewing TAT Report

To view the TAT Report:

  1. Click the Reports menu and select Change Management. The following page is displayed.

    Figure: Reports page

  2. Select the TAT Report from the REPORTS drop-down.

    Figure: TAT Report

  3. TAT Summary Report displays the CRs with information, such as CR ID, Initiator, Requestor, Change Type, Log Time, Total Refer Back Time with Initiator and Total Approvers TAT.

  4. Click to view all approvers TAT, Total Approver TAT, Total Workgroup/Analysts TAT and Total TAT of a CR.

    Figure: TAT Report

Filed Description




Displays the Change Record ID.


Displays the CR Initiator Name


Displays the CR Requestor Name.

Change Type

Displays the CR Change Type.

Log Time

Displays the CR logged Time.

Total Refer Back Time with Initiator

Displays the Total Refer Back Time with Initiator in Days Hours Minutes format.

Click the hyperlink (Days Hours Minutes) to view Total Refer Back Time with Initiator details on a new tab. It provides various information such From Time, To Time, and Total Time.

Total Approver 1 TAT

Displays the Total Time with Approver 1 in Days Hours Minutes format.

Click the hyperlink to view Approver 1 TAT details on a new tab. It provides various information such as Name of Approver, Pending for Approval, On-Hold, and Total Time.

Click the hyperlink in the Pending For Approval/ On-Hold column to view the details such as State, From Time, To Time, and Total Time.

Similarly, you can view the TAT for other approvers also.


Editing TAT Report

Configuring Approver Levels for TAT Report

By default, 15 levels of Approver are captured in the report. Based on the approver configuration in the application, need to remove the Approver columns in the TAT Summary report.

For Example: Consider only seven levels of Approver configured in the application then from the TAT Report, remove the columns named Total Approver 8 TAT to Total Approver 15 TAT and then save the report.

To edit Approver Levels, perform the below steps:

  1. Click (OpenInDesigner) to view the Report Designer page.

    Figure: TAT Report – Report Designer

  2. Click (Delete) icon corresponding to a particular approval level to remove that level from TAT Report.

  3. Click  (Save Report) to save the changes.

Data Limitation:

  • By default, two years of data limitation is handled based on the Request Registration Time in the views from the Current date and time.

           For example: Today's date and time is 2020-12-31 04:46 then change records logged greater than and equal to Request Registration Time 2018-12-31 04:46 will appear in the report.

  • The older tickets will not be available in the TAT report (You can view the tickets from Denali SP2 onwards).