Improvements on Task List Page

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Sierra SP1 HF07, Change Management, #SR 28456)

What's New?

Now, the CR ID column is added on the TASK LIST page (Change > User >Task List). This enables users to view the CR ID associated with the tasks in both Tabular and Tile view.


The CR ID is hyperlinked only in the Tabular view and not in the Tile view. In the Tabular view, click the required CR ID to view Change Record Details in a New Tab.

TASK LIST page (Tabular View)
Figure: TASK LIST page (Tabular View)

TASK LIST page (Tile View)
Figure: TASK LIST page (Tile View)

Also, on the FILTERS pop-up page (Change > User >Task List > Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel), an additional filter, CR ID is added to refine the filter results on the TASK LIST page. The Analysts can now filter the Tasks by using the CR ID range.

FILTERS pop-up page
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page


On the CONFIGURE COLUMNS pop-up page (Change > User >Task List > Click CONFIGURE COLUMNS on the ACTIONS panel), the CR ID is added as standard column.

CONFIGURE COLUMN pop-up page - Tabular View
Figure: CONFIGURE COLUMN pop-up page - Tabular View

 CONFIGURE COLUMN pop-up page - Tile View
Figure: CONFIGURE COLUMN pop-up page - Tile View