Enhanced Knowledge Dashboard Page
What's New?
Now, the body content of the KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page is enhanced. Also, the look and feel of the page is improved. The enhanced KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD helps the Users to view the all KB articles, total & category-based KB articles, and latest articles. It also enables user to look for an answer using respective search bar and segregate the IMPORTANT, MOST VIEWED, or HIGHEST RATED KB articles.
Figure: Enhanced KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page
Following are the additional features that are added on the Knowledge Dashboard:
Article Distribution:
This section lists the following details of the KB articles.
This bubble chart displays the total number of KB articles that are available for use till date.
Categorized Articles:
It displays the category and/or sub category wise distribution. Click the required category to view the distribution of sub category wise KB articles.
Global Articles:
Now, a new Global Article option is added below the Article Distribution section. All articles are listed under the Global Article for which the logged in user has View or Edit access.
My Articles:
Now, a new My Article option is added below the Article Distribution section. It lists the KB articles that are created by logged in user.
Knowledge Article List
The grid displays a list of knowledge articles based on the filter selection. By default, all the knowledge articles are displayed. Also, a different Filter tab that is IMPORTANT, MOST VIEWED, or HIGHEST RATED can be selected to view the list of respective knowledge articles. Select Tile or Tabular icon to view the knowledge articles in the tile or list view, respectively.
An author (Analyst) can view knowledge article of all status that is Draft, Submitted, Published, or Rejected etc. But the end user can view the knowledge articles that are in Published status only.
Advances Filters
Now, the Advanced Filters icon is added on the KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page. The FILTERS pop-up page allows the Tenant selection, the knowledge articles are displayed base on the selected Tenant.
Tile View:
Figure: KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page – Tile View
Author Specific icons on the Knowledge Article tile:
Ellipsis icon: It serves the following options:
Edit: This option is used to edit the knowledge article.
Duplicate: It can be used to create a duplicate knowledge article that will be similar to the base knowledge article.
Common Icons on the Knowledge Article tile:
Copy URL icon : Click this option if you want to copy the URL of the respective knowledge article.
Video pop-up icon : Click this icon if you want to view the video of the knowledge article.
View: Click on the tile to view the knowledge article.
Tabular View:
Figure: KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page – Tabular View
Following are the existing features that are revised on the KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page:
Looking for an Answer:
Look and feel of the looking for an Answer text box is improved. Now, the bigger text area allows to search test with more characters.
Latest Articles:
The Latest Articles feature is moved from top left section of the KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page to Right side. Also, an images of the recently uploaded KRs and scroll through the articles using the carousel are added.
Following section are now removed from the KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page:
Confluence Cloud Migration Alert: Please refer to known issues you may encounter in Confluence Cloud: https://eitdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/wDGwAQ