Enhanced CMDB Export functionality

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Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management (Denali HF07)

What's New?

Now, an Analyst can select multiple Assets and export those assets to CMDB using CMDB Export functionality. This option saves the analyst time and subsequently, the values of the mapped fields in the Asset Inventory and CMDB are synchronized in bulk.


Figure: Flow Diagram

UI Changes:

The following UI changes are made to boost the CMDB export process:

  • On the FIXED ASSET page, the Analyst can select multiple Assets for exporting to CMDB. The greyed-out check box indicates that the respective Asset is already exported to CMDB and possess a CI number.

    Figure: FIXED ASSET page

  • Asset ID attribute is renamed as Asset Count, which shows the total number of Assets that are selected for export.

    Figure: CMDB EXPORT – Asset Summary section

  • Assets in Queue attribute is appended under the Asset Summary It enlists the Asset IDs that are already sent for export and are in queue. The CI ID for these assets is not yet generated.


    • Assets are moved to queue while doing an CMDB export for more than 10 Assets that are selected from the Asset by Category List
  • View Matched Template hyperlinked is appended under the Asset Summary section. Analyst can view the available template for the selected Asset category on the Template Details pop-up.

    Figure: View Matched Template pop-up
  • ASSET – CMDB EXPORT TEMPLATE is appended on the CMDB EXPORT page to map the required template with the Asset and view the details of the mapped template.

    Figure: CMDB EXPORT page


    • The templates of the selected Category are populated in the Template Name drop-down list if the templates are created using the CMDB Mapping template. The template can be set as default template based on the configuration done on the CMDB Mapping page. If the set as Default Template check box is selected for a template on the CMDB Mapping Template, then that template will be selected by default in the Template Name field in CMDB Export
    • If multiple templates of the selected category are set as default template, then the Application will automatically pick the template which was created first. For example, Template 1 (created on 2021/01/01) and Template 2 (created on 2021/01/19) are set as default template for laptop, then the application will consider Template 1 as default template as it was created before Template 2.

      Figure: CMDB MAPPING page

    •  If no default template is available, the Analyst can select available templates for mapping.
    • If no templates are available, then User cannot Export the Asset.
    • If more than 10 assets are selected, then <Pick Template Through JOB> option is available in Template Dropdown. The template relevant to Asset is automatically selected once the Job is executed.
  • View Template Details displays the details of the mapped template.

    Figure: View Template Details.
  • CMDB EXPORT STATUS section is displayed post submission of mapping template. It enlists the information such as Asset ID, the template to which the Asset was mapped, status of the export process, and reason if the CMDB export process was failed. The Analyst can export the CMDB EXPORT STATUS details to Microsoft excel sheet. If the Asset are already exported (Queue approach), then those selected Assets are discarded.