Auto-pick Symptom and Description

Feature released in SummitAI Platform  (Denali SP3 HF07) 

What's New?

Now, a new check box, Auto-pick Symptom and Description from incident is appended on the AUTO CREATION SETTINGS details page. If the check box is selected, the symptom and description for the problem record is auto-pick either from the First or Last incident. If the First Incident button is selected, the symptom and description for the problem record is auto-pick from the first incident. If the Last Incident radio button is selected, the symptom and description for the problem record is auto-pick from the latest incident.

Figure: Auto Creation Settings

Also, post execution of migration scripts, the old configurations IDs are displayed with a red flag on the AUTO CREATION SETTINGS List page. This red flag indicates that the particular configuration is incomplete. Hence, the user must navigate to the configuration details page and complete the pending configurations. Post completion of configuration, the red flag is not displayed for that configuration ID.

Figure: Auto Creation Settings - List page