Update User Communication and Private Log by Sending E-Mail
Feature released in SummitAI IT Service Management (Problem Management, Tahoe)
What's New?
Now, the users can update the User Communication and Private Log of a Problem Record by replying to the notification e-mail sent from the system with the PRID as a prefix. Based on the user (Requestor or Analyst or External User) the reply will be updated under the User Communication or Private Log section.
- If the Requestor replies to the notification e-mail sent from the system, then the reply will be captured under the User Communication section of the COMMUNICATION tab.
- If the Analyst replies to the notification e-mail sent from the system, then the reply will be captured under the User Communication or Private Log section of the COMMUNICATION tab (based on the section selected under the UPDATE tab).
- If the External User replies to the notification e-mail sent from the system, then the reply will be captured under the Private Log section of the COMMUNICATION tab.
To achieve this, a new section 'Problem Record Update' is introduced under the UPDATE tab of the Notification Parser page. Under the UPDATE tab, the Administrator can configure who can update the User Communication or Private log by replying to the notification e-mail.
How it Works?
To enable this feature, perform the following steps:
- Configure Mailbox
- The mailbox can be configured by navigating to Admin > Advanced > Notification > Mailbox.
For more details about configuring the Mailbox, refer Configuring Mailbox.
- The mailbox can be configured by navigating to Admin > Advanced > Notification > Mailbox.
- Configure Parsing Conditions.
- The parsing conditions can be configured by navigating to Admin > Advanced > Notification > Notification Parser. The NOTIFICATION PARSER page is displayed.
- Select the Tenant and fill in the required details.
Configure Parsing Conditions: Under the UPDATE tab, you can configure who can update the User Communication or Private log by sending an e-mail. For more details about the fields on Notification Parser page, refer Update Problem Record User Communication and Private Log via E-Mail.
Click SUBMIT. A new Notification Parser is configured.