Templates to Export Assets to CMDB

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Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management (Denali)

What's New?

Earlier, while exporting new CIs from the SummitAI Asset Management module to the SummitAI CMDB module, the Analysts had to key in various details, such as Owner, Owner Workgroup, Criticality, etc. This was very time consuming as well as prone to making errors.

Now, templates are created using which the Analysts can view the list of configured templates and select the appropriate template while exporting Asset details to CMDB. The templates consist of fields, such as Template Name, Asset Category, CMDB Classification, Import Type, Owner Workgroup, Owner, Customer, Criticality, and Store. On selecting a template, the values that are mapped to the respective fields are updated in CMDB. Subsequently, the values of the mapped fields in the Asset Inventory and CMDB are synchronized.

UI Changes

On the CMDB EXPORT page, the Analyst can view the list of configured templates and select the required template. Based on the Category selection, the Templates that contain ADD as value for the Sync For field is populated under the MAPPING TEMPLATE LIST section. 


Figure: CMDB EXPORT page 

For more information about using templates to export Assets to CMDB, see Exporting Assets to CMDB.


Creating Templates

The templates should be created for the required Asset Category for exporting the Asset details to CMDB.


Figure: CMDB MAPPING page

For more information, see Configuring CMDB Mapping Templates.