Better Work Allocation With Analyst's Availability Status

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#23310, Denali, Incident and Service Request Management)

What's New?

In the previous versions of the Application, while assigning Analysts to Incidents or Service Requests, it could not be checked if the Analyst is available or working in the current Shift. Following are the possible scenarios, where:

  • The Assigned Analyst is on leave while an Incident or SR (ticket) is assigned to the Analyst. The ticket remains in idle status until the next day when the Analyst solves it or redirects it. 
  • The ticket is assigned to an Analyst who is not available in the current Shift instead of assigning to another Analyst who is available in this Shift to resolve the ticket.

Visibility to available Analysts provides faster resolution to an Incident or Service Request, especially, in a distributed environment. Further, it helps in better managing SLAs while eliminating the back and forth allocation of Analysts due to absence of assigned Analyst or Analyst working in a different Shift. The SummitAI application now auto-sets the Availability Status of the Analysts based on the Workgroup and Shift configurations by the Administrators. The Analysts can also set their Availability Status. The tickets are assigned to the Analysts based on their Availability Status.

UI Changes

Now, an Analyst can set the Availability Status on the MY PROFILE page. The Availability Status is displayed along with the Analyst name under the Assigned To field of the GENERAL tab while assigning an Incident (Incident > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select a specific Incident > GENERAL tab > Click Assigned To field) or Service Request (Request > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List > Select a specific SR > GENERAL tab > Click Assigned To field) to the Analyst. For more information, see Viewing and Updating Incident Details and Viewing and Updating SR Details

Figure: MY PROFILE page

Following statuses are available in the Availability Status drop-down field on the MY PROFILE page.

  • Online (Green)
  • Offline (Grey)
  • Away (Amber)

For more information, see Viewing and Updating Your Profile Details.


By default, after a successful login into the Application, the Availability Status is auto-set to Online and a green dot is displayed on the Profile icon. A different status is displayed when the Analyst modifies it to another status.


The Availability Status of an Analyst is Online when the Analyst is logged into the Application using the SummitAI Mobile App.


The Away status is displayed on the Profile icon in the following scenarios:

  • The Analyst manually changes the Availability Status to Away on the MY PROFILE page.
  • Analyst is logged in, however, the Analyst's session is auto-timed out by the Application or forcefully timed out.


The Offline status is displayed on the Profile icon in the following scenarios:

  • The Analyst is not logged into the Application on the current day (today).
  • The Analyst manually changed the Availability Status to Offline on the MY PROFILE page.
  • When the Analyst logs off from the Application manually.


Upon using the Switch User option (see: Switch User Signing In As Another User), the source Analyst's session is timed out automatically and the Analyst's Availability Status is displayed as Offline. The Availability Status of the target user (other Analyst) is displayed as Online


The Administrators should create different Workgroups (see: Configuring Workgroups) and different Shifts (see: Configuring Shifts) within the Workgroup.  The available Analysts are displayed in the Assigned To drop-down list of the Incident details and Service Request details based on their login and shift time.


An Analyst can be allocated to only one Shift in a day (not multiple shifts in a day).

How the logic works?

  • If Analyst George is allocated to the current Shift and is logged into the SummitAI application, and the session is active, display the Availability Status as Online.
  • If Analyst George is allocated to the current Shift and is logged into SummitAI application today, but now the session is inactive, display the Availability Status as Away.
  • If Analyst George is allocated to the current Shift and did not log into the Application even once, display the Availability Status as Offline.
  • If Analyst George is not allocated to the current Shift but is in an active session, display the Availability Status as Online.

Managers can still override the above login by using Show All Analysts. However, the Analysts whose shifts are not allocated and sessions are inactive, their Availability Status is displayed as Offline.

Figure: Show All Analyst - Incident and SR Details page