Weekly Consolidated E-mail Notification to SR Approver

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#23008, Denali, Service Request Management)

What's New?

Earlier, daily e-mail notifications were sent to the SR Approver for SR approval. Now, a weekly consolidated e-mail notification is sent to the individual SR Approvers for SR approval. Following are the three options that are generally available for each SR to the SR Approver:


The SR Approver can approve, reject, or refer back the SR to the Requester through the e-mail by clicking APPROVE, REJECT, or REFER BACK TO REQUESTOR options. Also, the Approver can use CLICK HERE option to approve the Service Requests using the SummitAI application. For more information, see Approving Service Requests.

Weekly consolidated e-mail notification template
Figure: Weekly consolidated e-mail notification template


Based on the Service Catalog configuration (see: Configuring Service Catalog Packages, the APPROVE or REFER BACK TO REQUESTOR options may or may not be available for an SR.


To configure the weekly consolidated e-mail notification for SR approval, the Administrators should schedule the job, SR Reminder - To all SR Approver, on the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page. For more information, see Configuring Custom Scheduler.