Displaying Knowledge Article Details on New Browser Tab

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Sierra, Knowledge Management)

What's New?

Earlier, the Knowledge Record details were displayed in a pop-up page in the Application. Now, the users can view the Knowledge Record details on a new browser tab instead of a pop-up by clicking the KR links. The users can also view the video and image attached by the Author.

On the following pages, the Knowledge Record details are displayed in new browser tab when the user clicks KR link:

  • USER DASHBOARD (Default) page (Dashboard >USER DASHBOARD > Click the KNOWLEDGE RECORDS categorized under IMPORTANT, MOST VIEWED, and HIGHEST RATED to view KR details on a new tab) (see: End User Dashboard)
  • END USER DASHBOARD (Customized) page (see: End User Dashboard)
  • KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD (see: Knowledge Dashboard)
  • Under the KNOWLEDGE RECORDS section of the KNOWLEDGE BASE pop-up page (Incident >User> Manage Incidents >Incident List > Select any Incident ID >Click Knowledge Base on ACTIONS panel). Now, the users can view the KRs categorized under IMPORTANT, MOST VIEWED, and HIGHEST RATED on a new tab. Click on the KR to view the KR details on a new tab. You can also provide a feedback on the KR by clicking the stars and provide your comments (see: Viewing and Updating Incident Details).
  • Under the KNOWLEDGE RECORDS section of the KNOWLEDGE BASE pop-up page (Request >User> Manage Service Requests >Service Request List > Select any  SR ID >Click Knowledge Base on ACTIONS panel). Now, the users can view the KRs categorized under IMPORTANT, MOST VIEWED, and HIGHEST RATED on new tab. Click on the KR to view the KR details on a new tab. You can also provide a feedback on the KR by clicking the stars and provide your comments (see: Viewing Updating Service Request Details).


  • LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER field on KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD (see: Knowledge Dashboard).
  • Symptom field on New Incident page (Incident > User > New Incident > Select a Tenant > Symptom field under Details section) (see: Logging Incidents)
  • Global Search (see: Global Search)