E-mail Notifications For Contract Expiry
What's New?
Now, the Administrators can configure E-mail Notifications to send contract expiry notifications to the End Users. This helps users to renew their contracts before it expires. For more information about configuring Asset alerts, see Configuring Asset Alerts.
For this feature, configuration related changes are made on the following pages:
Asset Alert Configuration Page
On the ASSET ALERT CONFIGURATION page (Asset > Configuration > Others > Asset Alert Configuration > Select the Tenant under FILTERS pop-up > Click SUBMIT > Click ADD NEW under ACTIONS panel > Select Alert Type as Contract Management), following new controls are added:
- CONTRACT SPOC check box: If selected, the Administrator needs to configure the e-mail ids on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page (see: Adding Contract or Agreement Details) in the Notify Users field. The configured recipients receive the Contract related notifications.
- To Email ID text box along with following two new option buttons: Consolidated E-mail Notification and E-mail Notification by ContractÂ
If the Contract SPOC check box is not selected, the Administrators can specify the e-mail recipients in the To E-mail ID text box and choose to send a consolidated e-mail to all the recipients (Consolidated E-mail Notification option button) or send e-mail notifications by Contract (E-mail Notification by Contract option button). For more information about configuring Asset Alerts, see Configuring Asset Alerts.
Contract Management Page
Now, on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Contract Management > Select a Tenant under FILTERS > Select a Contract under LIST), users can send e-mail notifications to the Reseller and Vendor by selecting the check boxes added next to these fields. Also, users can send e-mail notifications by adding e-mail recipients in the Notify Users field. For more information about adding Contracts, see Adding Contract or Agreement Details.
Application Settings By Tenant Page
The Administrators can configure the Reseller, Vendor and Notify Users fields on the APPLICATION SETTING BY TENANT page (Asset > Configuration > Others > Application Settings > Select CONFIGURE BY TENANT from the ACTIONS panel) as required to display on the Contract Management page. For more information about Application Settings, see: Configuring Asset Application Settings.
- The e-mails are triggered to the Reseller, Vendor, and Notify Users if the Contract SPOC check box is selected on the ASSET ALERT CONFIGURATION page.
- An e-mail is triggered to Reseller and Vendor only if the respective check box is selected on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENTÂ page.
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