Use Custom Table Data in Autofill Control

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Sierra, Service Catalog Management)

What's New?

Now, the Administrators can create separate Custom tables in Web Services to store the custom values that should be displayed in the Autofill control. 

In the Autofill control, a new data source option, Custom Table is added in the Options drop-down list. By selecting this option, the Administrators can view the tables created in Web Services and can configure the Custom table dynamic column as a data sourceUsing the Autofill control, the Administrators can  also create parent-child relationships using the custom data of the Custom tables. For information about Autofill control properties, see Creating Service Catalogs.


The Custom Table data source option is valid only for Autofill control.

While creating parent-child relationship, both parent and child controls should be mapped to same data source. 


Configuring Custom Tables in Web Services

The Administrators can create new Custom tables in Web Services using Create SQL Table option. If the SQL validation is successful, then the table is created with a set of projected column names. Use Create SQL Procedure to insert data into the created Custom tables. For information about how to configure Custom tables in Web Services, see Creating Custom Tables in Web Services on Configuring Web Services.

Creating Service Catalogs with Autofill Control to Use Custom Data of Custom Table

Under the FORM BUILDER tab of the FORM BUILDER page (Catalog > User > Create Service Catalog > Fill the required details under FORM DETAILS tab> click NEXT > On the FORM BUILDER tab drag and drop Autofill control under Default Group), a new option, Custom Table is added for Options drop-down list under PROPERTIES section. Select the Custom Table to view the custom tables created in Web Services. For more information about creating Service Catalogs, see  Creating Service Catalogs.