Service Request Mobile Application APIs

Service Request Mobile Application APIs

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Service Request Management (Denali HF02)

What's New?

Following SR related APIs are available for the Mobile Application:


To authenticate the APIs, use the Form or API login details. Create a user with the required role template access, use these details to authenticate, and execute the APIs. For more information, see Adding Users.

Retrieving SR Status Summary Counts

Use the following API Request to retrieve the status-wise total count of the SRs related to a specific Tenant or all Tenants.

API Details

Sample Request
    "ServiceName": "SR_GetApprovalStatusSummaryCount",
    "objCommonParameters": {
        "Instance": "ALL",
         "_ProxyDetails": {
            "Password": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
            "ProxyID": 0,
            "ReturnType": "JSON",
            "UserName": "john@xyz.com",
            "OrgID": "1"

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

Instance  *


Name of the Instance.

For Example: Info

Status *


Status of the SRs. 

* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
    "Errors": "",
    "Message": "",
    "Output": "",
    "TokenID": "F0865A662E5F6C3ABFD163AEF82E3D7C3D04795DD430CC1C24B900F2CA250F30DCE902B830906DD012587102613EFEFFAD37D6B18C037B2C4FB2D9268C151F98DB69DD140310B36E833D3C4D7
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": {
        "Approval_Status_Summary_Counts": [
                "All": 1,
                "Pending for Approval": null,
                "Approved": null,
                "Rejected": 1,
                "Forwarded": null,
                "On Hold": null,
                "Referred Back": null
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null

Bulk Approval of Service Requests

Use the following API Request to approve the SRs in bulk. Also, you can reject, forward, keep the SRs on hold, and refer back the SRs in bulk using the below API Request.

API Details

Sample Request
  "ServiceName": "SR_BulK_ApproveServiceCatalog_Workflow",
  "objCommonParameters": {
    "_ProxyDetails": {
     "UserName": "john@xyz.com",
     "Password": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
      "ProxyID": 0,
      "TokenID": "",
      "OrgID": "1",
      "ReturnType": "JSON"
    "Remarks":"Ticket is Rejected from API ",

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes



Unique Identification number of the Approver.

If the parameter value is not specified, the Request considers the User or API Key user as an approver.

ServiceTicketIDS *


SR numbers that you want to approve in bulk. 

Use comma separated to send multiple IDs for approval.
Action *


The values are as follows:

  • true for approve
  • false for reject
  • onhold
  • forwardto
  • referback


Any additional information about the SRs.


Unique Identification number of the Approver to whom the SRs are forwarded.The value is mandatory when the Action value is forwardto.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
  "Errors": "",
  "Message": null,
  "Output": "",
  "TokenID": "756DF022DE4F6C34A1316424963200096CEC01308BB4951CC01DF4150E9A1619924FD266595BDAF5302B0F3A7478560555F1AAD8AF17797A5EC970671C8BDB12D23AC0B1160B22323E5934832B57C9
  "OrgID": 0,
  "OutputObject": [
      "ServiceTicketID": "3723",
      "Result": "Successfully changed the status of the service request"
      "ServiceTicketID": "3722",
      "Result": "Successfully changed the status of the service request"
      "ServiceTicketID": "3721",
      "Result": "Successfully changed the status of the service request"
  "OutputID": 0,
  "Input": null

Retrieving User Pending Approvals of SRs 

Use the following API Request to:

  • Quickly Search for the SRs by specifying the required SR ID, User Name, Service Catalog, or Category Name in the SearchKeyword parameter.
  • Sort the SR list by Most recently logged SRs.
  • Filter the approval list based on the Tenant, Caller, Status, SR ID (From and To), Log Time (From and To).

API Details

Sample Request
    "ServiceName": "SR_GetUserPendingApprovals",
    "objCommonParameters": {
        "SR_RequiredParameters": {
            "DelegationMode": false,
            "DelegateeUserID": 0,
            "LogSRForUserMode": false,
            "LogSRForUserID": "1282"
        "ServiceRequestProperty": {
            "UserID": "1282",
            "PageSize": 3,
            "OrgID": "1",
            "CurrentPageIndex": 0,
            "Status": "ALL",
            "SearchKeyword": "",
            "Instance": "ALL",
            "FromID": "",
            "ToID": "",
            "str_FromDate": "",
            "str_ToDate": "",
            "Caller": null,
            "SortColumn": "LoggedOn",
            "SortOrder": ""
        "_ProxyDetails": {
            "Password": "XXXXXXXX",
            "RequestType": "mobile",
            "AuthType": "FORM",
            "SAASOrgID": "0",
            "UserName": "john@xyz.com",
            "TokenID": "24190D4B43796A044B6EF3DD9BD6C62F2410C8F43AB16507765EC68010B2FD20E189AB9054C208C761C14FFDC02F49C0021E665CF78AB570D76A7EBF935F00531E68FD869C644D9D5BA1E565A5
            "LoginUID": 8038,
            "OrgID": "1",
            "ProxyID": 0,
            "ReturnType": "JSON"

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

UserID *


Unique Identification number of the User.

PageSize *


Number of records that should be displayed per each page.

For Example:

Consider you specified the PageSize value as 100. Based on the CurrentPageIndex, the API Response displays 100 records.

OrgID *


Unique Identification number of the Organization.

CurrentPageIndex *


Current Index of the page that you are looking into.

For Example:

If each page contains 10 records and there are 10 pages. Items from 1 to 10 are displayed when you specify the  CurrentPageIndex value as 1.

Status *


Status of the SRs that should be displayed.Use comma separation to specify multiple Status.


Keyword of the required SR for searching.
Instance *


Code of the Instance. 

Use comma separation to specify multiple Instances.

For Example: Info, Network



SR ID from which you want to filter.


SR ID until which you want to filter.


You can select the date range to get the list of SRs. Specify the From Date of the SRs that you want to be displayed.The format of From Date is YYYY-MM-DD. The From Date starts from 00:00:00 hrs of the selected date.


You can select the date range to get the list of SRs. Specify the To Date of the SRs that you want to be displayed.The format of From Date is YYYY-MM-DD. The To Date ends on 11:59:59 hrs of the selected date.


Unique Identification number of the Caller.


Name of the Column that should be sorted.


Order in which the Column should be sorted.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
  "Errors": "",
  "Message": null,
  "Output": "",
  "TokenID": "8693A57DBB3E0D1C13E293992E1DDDD3EB3BF87E2EFA419F2586AD9774D46ABB5BF1FF8B0315CBB33C47E08629A0FC52716E7D748B7A09523077B8B58883EF5180C10724EED82E88E036553216C
  "OrgID": 0,
  "OutputObject": {
    "ApprovalDetails": {
      "ApprovalList": [
          "ROWNUM": 1,
          "TotalRows": 24,
          "Ticket_ID": "3619",
          "ServiceTicketID": "3695",
          "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR3695",
          "LoggedOn": "2020-06-30 20:11:04",
          "CallerName": "Peter",
          "SupportFunctionName": "Approval",
          "CategoryName": "Approval Workflow",
          "CatalogName": "Approval Catalog",
          "Status": "Pending for Approval",
          "Type": "Notification",
          "Customer": "Customer Name",
          "Location": "Bangalore",
          "Sup_Function": "UserP",
          "CatalogID": 485,
          "RequestorID": 397080,
          "SR_Remarks": "fyeqtfyqgfcywvyewhgfyqgfyeqgequgquguqguq",
          "CatalogFullPath": "Approval Workflow\\Approval Catalog",
          "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1,
          "TotalApprovalLevel": 1,
          "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0,
          "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval",
          "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=15, Pending for Approval (Forwarded)=8, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1"
          "ROWNUM": 2,
          "TotalRows": 24,
          "Ticket_ID": "2331",
          "ServiceTicketID": "2368",
          "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR2368",
          "LoggedOn": "2020-05-22 18:50:46",
          "CallerName": "John",
          "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant",
          "CategoryName": "Approver Consolidated Mail",
          "CatalogName": "Select Individiual- single level",
          "Status": "Pending for Approval",
          "Type": "Notification",
          "Customer": "Customer Name",
          "Location": "Whitefield",
          "Sup_Function": "SRTent",
          "CatalogID": 452,
          "RequestorID": 11,
          "SR_Remarks": null,
          "CatalogFullPath": "Approver Consolidated Mail\\Select Individiual- single level",
          "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1,
          "TotalApprovalLevel": 1,
          "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0,
          "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval",
          "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=15, Pending for Approval (Forwarded)=8, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1"
          "ROWNUM": 3,
          "TotalRows": 24,
          "Ticket_ID": "2267",
          "ServiceTicketID": "2299",
          "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR2299",
          "LoggedOn": "2020-05-19 11:32:45",
          "CallerName": "John",
          "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant",
          "CategoryName": "SR_Workflow",
          "CatalogName": "Conditional approval 2",
          "Status": "Pending for Approval (Forwarded)",
          "Type": "Notification",
          "Customer": "Customer Name",
          "Location": "Whitefield",
          "Sup_Function": "SRTent",
          "CatalogID": 1749,
          "RequestorID": 11,
          "SR_Remarks": null,
          "CatalogFullPath": "SR_Workflow\\Conditional approval 2",
          "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1,
          "TotalApprovalLevel": 1,
          "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0,
          "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval",
          "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=15, Pending for Approval (Forwarded)=8, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1"
      "Status": [
          "CM_ID": 975,
          "Parent_ID": 0,
          "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus",
          "CM_Value": "Pending for Approval",
          "CM_Sort": 1,
          "CM_ValueInt": null,
          "CM_ValueStr": "Pendingforapproval",
          "SystemVal": true,
          "Active": true,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "TimezoneID": null
          "CM_ID": 976,
          "Parent_ID": 0,
          "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus",
          "CM_Value": "Approved",
          "CM_Sort": 2,
          "CM_ValueInt": null,
          "CM_ValueStr": "Approved",
          "SystemVal": true,
          "Active": true,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "TimezoneID": null
          "CM_ID": 977,
          "Parent_ID": 0,
          "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus",
          "CM_Value": "Rejected",
          "CM_Sort": 3,
          "CM_ValueInt": null,
          "CM_ValueStr": "Rejected",
          "SystemVal": true,
          "Active": true,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "TimezoneID": null
          "CM_ID": 978,
          "Parent_ID": 0,
          "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus",
          "CM_Value": "Forwarded",
          "CM_Sort": 4,
          "CM_ValueInt": null,
          "CM_ValueStr": "Forwarded",
          "SystemVal": true,
          "Active": true,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "TimezoneID": null
          "CM_ID": 1062,
          "Parent_ID": 0,
          "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus",
          "CM_Value": "On Hold",
          "CM_Sort": 5,
          "CM_ValueInt": null,
          "CM_ValueStr": "OnHold",
          "SystemVal": true,
          "Active": true,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "TimezoneID": null
          "CM_ID": 2291,
          "Parent_ID": 0,
          "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus",
          "CM_Value": "Referred Back",
          "CM_Sort": 6,
          "CM_ValueInt": null,
          "CM_ValueStr": "ReferredBack",
          "SystemVal": true,
          "Active": true,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "TimezoneID": null
      "DelegatedUser": []
  "OutputID": 0,
  "Input": null

Retrieving Group Approval Details

Use the following API Request to retrieve the group approval details such as ID, Name, and E-mail ID.

API Details


Sample Request
    "ServiceName": "SR_GetMyRequestDetails",
    "objCommonParameters": {
        "JSONServiceRequestProperty": "{\"UserID\": \"1282\",\"OrgID\": \"1\",\"PageSize\": 20,\"TicketNo\": \"2216\",\"Instance\":\"Info\",\"PageName\":\"\"}",
        "_ProxyDetails": {
            "Password": "XXXXX",
            "UserName": "john@xyz.com",
            "AuthType": "FORM",
            "ProxyID": 0,
            "TokenID": "",
            "OrgID": "1",
            "ReturnType": "JSON"
        "SR_RequiredParameters": {
            "LogSRForUserMode": false,
            "LogSRForUserID": "10",
            "DelegationMode": false,
            "DelegateeUserID": 0

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

UserID *


Unique Identification number of the User.

PageSize *


Number of records that should be displayed per each page.

For Example:

Consider you specified the PageSize value as 100. Based on the CurrentPageIndex, the API Response displays 100 records.

OrgID *


Unique Identification number of the Organization.

TicketNo *


Unique Identification number of the SR.

Instance *


Code of the Instance. 

Use comma separation to specify multiple Instances.

For Example: Info, Network



Name of the page.
* Indicates mandatory fields
Sample Response
  "Errors": "",
  "Message": null,
  "Output": "",
  "TokenID": "F16AAE94790E2BC6456A9C6413C233781508E93E2EBC93723AB2B01BFD9E177FAB7F788CF1837DE23BC15C6C19CF72CD265BD2DEE9F0D000B8A0911F6CB2119A32198E75E4CB5B0F15ABFAD9
  "OrgID": 0,
  "OutputObject": {
    "SRDetails": {
      "SRTicketDetails": {
        "DynamicConnectionString": null,
        "SRequest": {
          "ResolveSRUsingLastWO": false,
          "EnableConditionalSRValue": false,
          "CatalogType": null,
          "ValidityStartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
          "ValidityEndDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
          "IsServiceRequiredValidity": false,
          "IsExtended": false,
          "IsDicommissioned": false,
          "DicommissionIncidentID": 0,
          "ExtendedParentSRTicketNo": 0,
          "ExtendedChildSRTicketNo": 0,
          "WorkGroupID": 0,
          "WorkgroupName": "SR Group",
          "Classification": 0,
          "Urgency": 0,
          "Impact": 0,
          "Priority": 0,
          "SLA": 0,
          "Classification_Name": "",
          "Urgency_Name": null,
          "Impact_Name": null,
          "Priority_Name": null,
          "SLA_Name": null,
          "Location": 0,
          "IncidentConvertedToSR": false,
          "IncidentTicketID": 0,
          "GUID": null,
          "Mail_CC_EmailID": null,
          "Mail_CC_UserID": null,
          "OrgID": 1,
          "SupportFunction": "SRTent",
          "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant",
          "ServiceTicketID": 4761,
          "ServiceTicketIDDisplay": "SR4761",
          "Status": "New",
          "LoggedOn": "2020-08-04T13:07:25.99",
          "LoggedBy": 8,
          "Requestor": "Neha Kumar",
          "RequestType": null,
          "CategoryID": 9,
          "CategoryName": "SR Service broker",
          "CatalogID": 41,
          "CatalogName": "User Group Service Broker",
          "CatalogDescription": "",
          "CatalogImage": null,
          "NoOfApprovals": 1,
          "ApprovalDetails": "<table id=\"tblApprovalDetails\" class=\"mstGV table-responsive table\"><tr>\r\n                     <th width=\"14%\">Approvals</th>\r\n                     <th width=\"20%\">Name</th>\r\n                     <th width=\"15%\">Status</th>\r\n                     <th width=\"15%\">Date</th>\r\n                     <th>Remarks</th>\r\n                     <th width=\"12%\">Refer Back</th>\r\n                     </tr><tr class=\"OTHER\"><td>  Approval 1 </td><td>  User Group (Do not use this user group) Group Approval </td><td> <div Style=\"display:block\" class=\"col-xs-1 col-sm-1 col-md-1\" id=\"div_approvalDetails1\"> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btnShowApprover\" id=\"btnShowApprover1\" style=\"border-width:0px;\" onclick=\"fnShowApproverDetailsForTable('6799,397339,397094,397080')\">\r\n                                                        <span class=\"approvals-icon top-icon pad-left-zero\" ></span>\r\n                                                    </button></div>  Pending </td><td>  <DateTime></DateTime> </td><td>   </td><td>   </td></tr></table>",
          "JustificationRemarks": "oio uh ouij oi j poi upo 9up o p pou",
          "StrCatalogId": null,
          "IsReferBack": false,
          "VendorDependent": false,
          "VendorName": null,
          "CancellationRemarks": null,
          "CurrentUserID": 0,
          "Quantity": 0,
          "TotalCost": 0,
          "ExpectedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
          "Symptom": null,
          "ServiceRequestType": 0,
          "ToBeLinkedTicketID": 0,
          "Updated_By": 8,
          "IsEntitled": false,
          "TicketDetailList": null,
          "TicketMVAttributeDetailList": null,
          "ActiveMVAttributeDetailsUID": null,
          "ValidityMaxPeriod": 0,
          "TicketApprovalDetails": null,
          "LinkRelations": null,
          "TicketStatus": null,
          "TicketMedium": null,
          "TicketUserAttributeDetailList": null,
          "EmpID": "SU0227",
          "EmailID": "Neha.Kumar@symphonysummit.com",
          "ContactNo": "3333333333333333333",
          "LocationName": "Walldorf",
          "Designation": "Associate Developer",
          "Request_Assigned_enginner": 0,
          "Request_Assigned_enginner_name": null,
          "CustomFields": null,
          "RequestorID": 8,
          "RequestorLocationID": null,
          "WorkgroupID": 4,
          "PageName": null,
          "HasCompleteApprovalFlow": true,
          "WorkflowID": 19,
          "LastActivityID": null,
          "CurrentLevel": null,
          "IsCart": null,
          "CartID": null,
          "DOJ": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
          "Address": null,
          "Customer": null,
          "UserLocation": null,
          "UserLevel": null,
          "ReportingManager": null,
          "Country": null,
          "State": null,
          "SelectedAssets": "",
          "EnableUserAssets": false,
          "ActualRemarks": "oio uh ouij oi j poi upo 9up o p pou",
          "ActualRemarksWithOutHtml": null,
          "IsAuthorizedUser": true,
          "EnableConfigurationItem": false,
          "PageMode": null,
          "PageSource": null,
          "CallerMessageKey": null,
          "IsChatSessionExpired": false,
          "ConversationId": null,
          "AISuggestion": null,
          "PackageDescription": null,
          "PackageCatalogOrder": 0,
          "PackageCreationTransactionID": 0,
          "CallRecordID": 0
        "STicket": {
          "Org_ID": 1,
          "TicketID": 4677,
          "TicketNo": 4761,
          "strTicketNo": "SR4761",
          "strTicketNumbers": null,
          "Reg_Time": "2020-08-04T13:07:26.303",
          "Formatted_RegTime": null,
          "ActualRegTime": "2020-08-04T13:07:26.303",
          "Formatted_ActualRegTime": null,
          "Sup_Function": "SRTent",
          "Sup_Function_Name": "SR Tenant",
          "Customer": 3366,
          "Status": "Pending for Approval",
          "Medium": "Web",
          "LoggedBy": 8,
          "LoggedBy_Name": null,
          "Caller": 8,
          "Caller_Name": "Neha Kumar",
          "Description": "New Service Request raised for -SR Service broker\\User Group Service Broker",
          "Assigned_Workgroup": 4,
          "Assigned_Workgroup_Name": "SR Group",
          "Assigned_Engineer": null,
          "Assigned_Engineer_Name": null,
          "Assigned_Engineer_Email": null,
          "ManualEscalationLevelID": 0,
          "ManualEscalationRemarks": null,
          "Closure_Code": 0,
          "ClosureCodeName": null,
          "Category": 9,
          "CatalogID": 0,
          "Category_Name": "SR Service broker\\User Group Service Broker",
          "ResolveSRUsingLastWO": false,
          "Repeat_Call": false,
          "Updated_Time": "2020-08-04T07:37:30.523",
          "ScheduledDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
          "NotificationMethod": 0,
          "TicketClosingMode": null,
          "DoNotUpdateChildPriority": false,
          "UserID": 0,
          "PendingReason": null,
          "Response_Deadline": null,
          "Response_Time": null,
          "Resolution_Deadline": null,
          "Resolution_Time": null,
          "ClosureCategory": 0,
          "ClosureCategory_Name": "",
          "Response_SLA_Reason": null,
          "Resolution_SLA_Reason": null,
          "Target_Completion_Date": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
          "IsSMSEnabled": false,
          "ResolutionCode": 0,
          "ResolutionCodeName": null,
          "CallerLocation": 3360,
          "WorkGroupID": 0,
          "WorkgroupName": null,
          "Classification": 0,
          "Urgency": 0,
          "Impact": 0,
          "Priority": 16,
          "SLA": 26,
          "Classification_Name": "",
          "Urgency_Name": null,
          "Impact_Name": null,
          "Priority_Name": "TP",
          "SLA_Name": "Regression Testing1",
          "Location": 3360,
          "IncidentConvertedToSR": false,
          "IncidentTicketID": 0,
          "GUID": null,
          "Mail_CC_EmailID": null,
          "Mail_CC_UserID": null,
          "Pending_Code": null,
          "FromEmail": null,
          "FromName": null,
          "CurrentUser": 0,
          "NotificationMethodName": null,
          "Response_SLA_Met": null,
          "Resolution_SLA_Met": null,
          "Source": null,
          "CC_Email": null,
          "CC_UserID": null,
          "ParentTicketID": null,
          "IsApproved": false,
          "Noofapprovals": 1,
          "TransferTicket": false,
          "TransferChildTicket": false,
          "ChildTicketsCount": 0,
          "ChildWorkorderCount": 0,
          "FCRTicket": false,
          "FCRComments": null,
          "FirstWorkgroup": 0,
          "FCRUpdateDetailsFlag": false,
          "AttachmentHistoryAdded": null,
          "AttachmentHistoryDeleted": null,
          "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant",
          "Reopen_Call": false,
          "AssignedEngineer_OLD": 0,
          "IsCartEnabled": false,
          "EPROC_EnableRelationship": false,
          "SR_ManualClose_Override": false,
          "Caller_EmailID": null,
          "AutoResolveIncidentFromSR": false,
          "AutoResolveIncidentID": 0,
          "EnableAssetAllocation": false,
          "IsFeedbackEnabled": false,
          "SelectedAssets": null,
          "ActualRemarksWithOutHtml": null,
          "FollowUpCallCount": 0,
          "AttachmentList": null,
          "SubWorkgroupID": 0,
          "SubWorkgroupName": null,
          "ConversationId": null,
          "AISuggestion": null,
          "CancelRemarks": null,
          "Notify_WorkgroupOwner_Onchange_Analyst": false,
          "SR_Notify_WorkgroupOwner_Onchange_Analyst": null,
          "WorkgroupOwnerName": null,
          "WorkgroupOwnerEmailId": null,
          "Allow_Analyst_EditDescription": false,
          "Ticket_No": 0,
          "SR_Resolved_MailsToExecutive": false
        "STicketInformation": {
          "Information": "oio uh ouij oi j poi upo 9up o p pou",
          "Solution": null,
          "UserLog": null,
          "InternalLog": null,
          "ClosureRemarks": null,
          "FollowUpRemarks": null
        "CatalogAttributeList": [],
        "SCatalog": null,
        "SUser": null,
        "SApprovalDetailsList": [
            "ServiceTicketApproveID": 3594,
            "ServiceTicketID": 4761,
            "ApproverID": 0,
            "ApproverTypeID": "Group",
            "AllApprover": "6799,397339,397094,397080",
            "ApproverName": "User Group (Do not use this user group) Group Approval",
            "IsApproved": null,
            "ApprovalDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "ApprovalRemarks": null,
            "IsForwardTo": null,
            "ForwardToAllApprover": null,
            "IsForwardToApproved": null,
            "ForwardApproverName": null,
            "ForwardToApprovalDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "ForwardToApprovalRemarks": null,
            "IsForwardToCurrentApprover": false,
            "ConditionalApprovalStatus": null,
            "ApprovalOnHold": null,
            "ApprovalLevel": 1,
            "CurrentApprover": true,
            "IsReferredBack": false,
            "ReferredBackLevel": 0,
            "ReferredBackDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "ReferredBackRemarks": null,
            "ReferredBackBy": 0,
            "SkipApproval": false,
            "LevelName": "Approver1ID",
            "ApproverRole": null,
            "WorkflowActivityID": 62,
            "NotificationIDs": null,
            "Title": "User Group",
            "CustomGroupID": null,
            "HasCompleteApprovalFlow": true,
            "ApprovedBy": null,
            "EnableSendMailForApprover": null,
            "SkipColumnDesc": "",
            "ActivityGroupTitle": "",
            "AllcustomApprover": null,
            "EmailNotification": null,
            "GroupApproverJSON": "{\"Approver\":[{\"UserID\":6799,\"UserName\":\"Sweedle\",\"EmailID\":\"sweedle@symphonysummit.com\",\"Designation\":\"\"},{\"UserID\":397339,\"UserName\":\"SR3\",\"EmailID\":\"SR3@test.com\",\"Designation\":\"\"},{\"UserID\":397094,\"UserName\":\"Megha Natraj\",\"EmailID\":\"megha.natraj24@symphonysummit.com\",\"Designation\":\"\"},{\"UserID\":397080,\"UserName\":\"Priyanka KS\",\"EmailID\":\"priyanka.ks@symphonysummit.com\",\"Designation\":\"Project Trainee\"}]}"
        "SRPackageCatalogMappings": null,
        "masterDataContainer": null,
        "serviceticketDetailContainer": null,
        "ServiceCatalogImageByte": null,
        "UserAttributeList": [],
        "UserAttributeListValues": null,
        "FeedbackConfigValues": null,
        "SRReferredBack": {
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          "ReferredBackDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00",
          "ReferredBackRemarks": "-",
          "ApproverRole": "-",
          "IsReferredBack": false
        "LstSRPackageCreated": null,
        "SRPackageRequest": null,
        "CCDetails": null,
        "DVData": null,
        "EscalationConfiguration": null,
        "DSData": null
      "StatusList ": [
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          "Parent_ID": 0,
          "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus",
          "CM_Value": "Pending for Approval",
          "CM_Sort": 1,
          "CM_ValueInt": null,
          "CM_ValueStr": "Pendingforapproval",
          "SystemVal": true,
          "Active": true,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "TimezoneID": null
          "CM_ID": 976,
          "Parent_ID": 0,
          "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus",
          "CM_Value": "Approved",
          "CM_Sort": 2,
          "CM_ValueInt": null,
          "CM_ValueStr": "Approved",
          "SystemVal": true,
          "Active": true,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "TimezoneID": null
          "CM_ID": 977,
          "Parent_ID": 0,
          "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus",
          "CM_Value": "Rejected",
          "CM_Sort": 3,
          "CM_ValueInt": null,
          "CM_ValueStr": "Rejected",
          "SystemVal": true,
          "Active": true,
          "Org_Id": 1,
          "TimezoneID": null
      "DropDownList ": [],
      "Attachments ": [],
      "MultiValueAttribute": [],
      "UserCommunications": [],
      "InstanceSetting": {
        "ConfigIncomplete": true,
        "TicketClosingMode": "Manual",
        "AutoClosingDays": 0,
        "EnableKBPopup": true,
        "FCROption": false,
        "FCRConfigured": false,
        "EnableEfforts": true,
        "EnableStopWatch": false,
        "EnableAnalyticalSearch": false,
        "EnableMajorIncident": false,
        "EnableVoiceConference": false,
        "EnableClosureCategory": false,
        "EffortWatchMode": 2,
        "ConvertIncidentToRequestMode": null,
        "EnableBulkUpdateList": true,
        "EnableTroubleshootingtabDetails": true,
        "EnablePartnerInfotabDetails": true,
        "EnableRunBookAutotabDetails": true,
        "EnableCategoryParentNode": false,
        "EnableClassificationParentNode": false,
        "EnableChangeCaller": false,
        "EnableAdditionalInfo": true,
        "EnableAttachment": true,
        "EnableDeleteAttachmentByExecutive": true,
        "EnableDeleteAttachmentByUser": true,
        "EnableAssignReopenedToWG": false,
        "EnableManualIncidentCancellation": false,
        "AllowWorkgroupOwnerToEditPriority": true,
        "ViewOtherWgIncidentDetail": true,
        "IM_Symptom_MinChar": 10,
        "IM_Description_MinChar": 20,
        "SR_Symptom_MinChar": 0,
        "SR_Description_MinChar": 0,
        "EnableCallerSelection": false,
        "SRRemarksLabel": "Remarks",
        "DisableCategoryForAnalyst": false,
        "DisableClassificationForAnalyst": false,
        "SR_RemarksDisplay": 1,
        "ValidateImpactOnChange": true,
        "ValidateUrgencyOnChange": true,
        "ValidatePriorityOnChange": true,
        "ValidateWorkgroupOnChange": true,
        "PriorityValidationOrder": null,
        "HideMailToCaller": false,
        "FeedbackMandatoryIM": false,
        "FeedbackMandatorySR": true,
        "LimitTransferWorkgroup": false,
        "IM_EnableSecondaryAnalyst": false,
        "IM_EnableAutoAssignTickets": false,
        "SR_IsCartEnabled": true,
        "EnableEffortsByPendingStatus": false,
        "EnableEffortsByResolvedStatus": false,
        "EnableEffortsByWorkgroup": false,
        "EnableEffortsByAssignedExecutive": false,
        "IM_EnableKBOnIncidentResolve": false,
        "IM_FeedBack_Enabled": false,
        "SR_FeedBack_Enabled": false,
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        "SR_CatalogSortOrder": 0,
        "SR_ClassificationSortOrder": 0,
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        "RDURL": null,
        "RDURLDisplayName": null,
        "RDUsername": null,
        "RDPassword": null,
        "RDIsCloudEnable": false,
        "EnableEvaluation": false,
        "ETREnabled": false,
        "UserCom_MinChar": 0,
        "PrivateLog_MinChar": 0,
        "Solution_MinChar": 0,
        "EnableFollowUpCallCount": true,
        "PM_DisableCategory": false,
        "PM_DisableClassification": false,
        "PM_RestrictClosureByAnalyst": false,
        "PM_EnableResolutionCode": false,
        "PM_DisableImpact": false,
        "PM_DisableUrgency": false,
        "PM_DisablePriority": false,
        "IM_EnableFollowUp": false,
        "PM_EnablePreAuthorization": false,
        "EnablechkboxInlistFilter_AnalystupdateTicketfrmMail_SR": false,
        "EnablechkboxInlistFilter_AnalystupdateTicketfrmMail_IM": false,
        "IM_SR_Enable_All_Customer_and_Caller": false,
        "IM_SR_Enable_Own_Customer_and_Caller": false,
        "Notify_WorkgroupOwner_Onchange_Analyst": false,
        "KM_EnableApproverEditable": false,
        "KM_EnablePublisherEditable": false,
        "Description_MaxChar": 0,
        "Description_RestrictImage": false,
        "Allow_Analyst_EditSymptom": false,
        "Allow_Analyst_EditDescription": false,
        "Enable_Location_For_Analyst": false,
        "Feedback_Message": "",
        "PM_ViewOtherWorkGroupPMs": false,
        "CallToIncidentRouting": 0,
        "CL_EnableChangeCaller": false,
        "AssetAccept_MailIDs": null,
        "PM_AuthorizationMode": false
      "MySRPageFields": [
          "MasterPageFieldID": 16,
          "OrgID": 1,
          "Instance": "SRTent",
          "ActualMappingColumn": "Instance",
          "FieldText": "Instance",
          "CustomControlID": null,
          "CustomerID": 3366,
          "SortOrder": 1,
          "Active": 1,
          "DisplayControlID": 1,
          "ID": 16,
          "fieldvalue": "",
          "DataType": ""
          "MasterPageFieldID": 17,
          "OrgID": 1,
          "Instance": "SRTent",
          "ActualMappingColumn": "Source",
          "FieldText": "Source",
          "CustomControlID": null,
          "CustomerID": 3366,
          "SortOrder": 2,
          "Active": 1,
          "DisplayControlID": 1,
          "ID": 17,
          "fieldvalue": "",
          "DataType": ""
  "OutputID": 0,
  "Input": null


Sample Request
    "ServiceName": "SR_GetApprovarCatalogDetails_Workflow",
    "IsEncryptionEnabled": false,
    "objCommonParameters": {
        "_ProxyDetails": {
            "Password": "XXXXXXXX",
            "TokenID": "",
            "AuthType": "FORM",
            "SAASOrgID": "0",
            "ProxyID": 0,
            "LoginUID": 0,
            "UserName": "john@xyz.com",
            "OrgID": "1",
            "ReturnType": "JSON"
        "objSRServiceTicket": {
            "DelegationMode": false,
            "TicketID": "2193",
            "DelegateeUserID": 0,
            "ApprovalDelegatedId": 0,
            "Org_ID": "1"

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionNotes

DelegationMode *


Is the delegation enabled?

The value is either true or false.
OrgID *


Unique Identification number of the Organization.

TicketID *


Unique Identification number of the SR.



Unique Identification number of the user who is delegated with. 



Unique Identification number of the approver who approves the delegation.
* Indicates mandatory fields

Sample Response
    "Errors": "",
    "Message": null,
    "Output": "",
    "TokenID": "24076AC7BCCF3EDBB3D5FEAA4377E66F5D20148DE139E46B1D94701A41DE641257ADB49C6B45D6535E0DBBC8CC7E1F60B3659A015102F48F5D9C2449A2A0A92EEDDF544A9709AA9D0
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": {
        "ApprovalDetails": {
            "ServiceRequestProperty": {
                "DynamicConnectionString": null,
                "SRequest": {
                    "ResolveSRUsingLastWO": false,
                    "EnableConditionalSRValue": false,
                    "CatalogType": null,
                    "ValidityStartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "ValidityEndDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "IsServiceRequiredValidity": false,
                    "IsExtended": false,
                    "IsDicommissioned": false,
                    "DicommissionIncidentID": 0,
                    "ExtendedParentSRTicketNo": 0,
                    "ExtendedChildSRTicketNo": 0,
                    "WorkGroupID": 0,
                    "WorkgroupName": "Workgroup 1",
                    "Classification": 0,
                    "Urgency": 0,
                    "Impact": 0,
                    "Priority": 0,
                    "SLA": 0,
                    "Classification_Name": "",
                    "Urgency_Name": null,
                    "Impact_Name": null,
                    "Priority_Name": null,
                    "SLA_Name": null,
                    "Location": 0,
                    "IncidentConvertedToSR": false,
                    "IncidentTicketID": 0,
                    "GUID": null,
                    "Mail_CC_EmailID": null,
                    "Mail_CC_UserID": null,
                    "OrgID": 1,
                    "SupportFunction": "SRORC",
                    "SupportFunctionName": "SR Orchastration Testing",
                    "ServiceTicketID": 2225,
                    "ServiceTicketIDDisplay": "SR2225",
                    "Status": "Approved",
                    "LoggedOn": "2020-04-13T11:11:15",
                    "LoggedBy": 11,
                    "Requestor": "john",
                    "RequestType": null,
                    "CategoryID": 59,
                    "CategoryName": "SR Orchestration",
                    "CatalogID": 1737,
                    "CatalogName": "No Approver",
                    "CatalogDescription": "",
                    "CatalogImage": null,
                    "NoOfApprovals": 0,
                    "ApprovalDetails": "",
                    "JustificationRemarks": null,
                    "StrCatalogId": null,
                    "IsReferBack": false,
                    "VendorDependent": false,
                    "VendorName": null,
                    "CancellationRemarks": null,
                    "CurrentUserID": 0,
                    "Quantity": 0,
                    "TotalCost": 0,
                    "ExpectedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "Symptom": null,
                    "ServiceRequestType": 0,
                    "ToBeLinkedTicketID": 0,
                    "Updated_By": 11,
                    "IsEntitled": false,
                    "TicketDetailList": null,
                    "TicketMVAttributeDetailList": null,
                    "ActiveMVAttributeDetailsUID": null,
                    "ValidityMaxPeriod": 0,
                    "TicketApprovalDetails": null,
                    "LinkRelations": null,
                    "TicketStatus": null,
                    "TicketMedium": null,
                    "TicketUserAttributeDetailList": null,
                    "EmpID": null,
                    "EmailID": "john@xyz.com",
                    "ContactNo": "XXXXXXXXXX",
                    "LocationName": "Whitefield",
                    "Designation": "",
                    "Request_Assigned_enginner": 0,
                    "Request_Assigned_enginner_name": null,
                    "CustomFields": null,
                    "RequestorID": 11,
                    "RequestorLocationID": null,
                    "WorkgroupID": 141,
                    "PageName": null,
                    "HasCompleteApprovalFlow": true,
                    "WorkflowID": 0,
                    "LastActivityID": null,
                    "CurrentLevel": null,
                    "IsCart": null,
                    "CartID": null,
                    "DOJ": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "Address": null,
                    "Customer": null,
                    "UserLocation": null,
                    "UserLevel": null,
                    "ReportingManager": null,
                    "Country": null,
                    "State": null,
                    "SelectedAssets": "",
                    "EnableUserAssets": false,
                    "ActualRemarks": null,
                    "ActualRemarksWithOutHtml": null,
                    "IsAuthorizedUser": false,
                    "EnableConfigurationItem": false,
                    "PageMode": null,
                    "PageSource": null,
                    "CallerMessageKey": null,
                    "IsChatSessionExpired": false,
                    "ConversationId": null,
                    "AISuggestion": null,
                    "PackageDescription": null,
                    "PackageCatalogOrder": 0,
                    "PackageCreationTransactionID": 0,
                    "CallRecordID": 0
                "STicket": {
                    "Org_ID": 1,
                    "TicketID": 2193,
                    "TicketNo": 2225,
                    "strTicketNo": "SR2225",
                    "strTicketNumbers": null,
                    "Reg_Time": "2020-04-13T11:11:17.073",
                    "Formatted_RegTime": null,
                    "ActualRegTime": "2020-04-13T11:11:17.073",
                    "Formatted_ActualRegTime": null,
                    "Sup_Function": "SRORC",
                    "Sup_Function_Name": "SR Orchastration Testing",
                    "Customer": 3096,
                    "Status": "Closed",
                    "Medium": "Web",
                    "LoggedBy": 11,
                    "LoggedBy_Name": null,
                    "Caller": 11,
                    "Caller_Name": "Peter",
                    "Description": "New Service Request raised for -SR Orchestration\\No Approver",
                    "Assigned_Workgroup": 141,
                    "Assigned_Workgroup_Name": "Workgroup 1",
                    "Assigned_Engineer": 397080,
                    "Assigned_Engineer_Name": "Samuel",
                    "Assigned_Engineer_Email": null,
                    "ManualEscalationLevelID": 0,
                    "ManualEscalationRemarks": null,
                    "Closure_Code": 22,
                    "ClosureCodeName": "Close 1",
                    "Category": 59,
                    "CatalogID": 0,
                    "Category_Name": "SR Orchestration\\No Approver",
                    "ResolveSRUsingLastWO": false,
                    "Repeat_Call": false,
                    "Updated_Time": "2020-04-13T06:16:33.377",
                    "ScheduledDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "NotificationMethod": 1,
                    "TicketClosingMode": null,
                    "DoNotUpdateChildPriority": false,
                    "UserID": 0,
                    "PendingReason": null,
                    "Response_Deadline": "2020-04-13T11:20:00",
                    "Response_Time": "2020-04-13T11:21:03.957",
                    "Resolution_Deadline": "2020-04-13T11:28:00",
                    "Resolution_Time": "2020-04-13T11:26:05.743",
                    "ClosureCategory": 0,
                    "ClosureCategory_Name": "",
                    "Response_SLA_Reason": "1.\tDiscussed with the SM Team Regarding Orchestration issues.1.\tDiscussed with the SM Team Regarding Orchestration issues.",
                    "Resolution_SLA_Reason": null,
                    "Target_Completion_Date": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "IsSMSEnabled": false,
                    "ResolutionCode": 22,
                    "ResolutionCodeName": null,
                    "CallerLocation": null,
                    "WorkGroupID": 0,
                    "WorkgroupName": null,
                    "Classification": 43,
                    "Urgency": 17,
                    "Impact": 26,
                    "Priority": 30,
                    "SLA": 22,
                    "Classification_Name": "Child Node/Child Node2",
                    "Urgency_Name": "U1",
                    "Impact_Name": "Imp5",
                    "Priority_Name": "p4",
                    "SLA_Name": "24/7 SLA",
                    "Location": 0,
                    "IncidentConvertedToSR": false,
                    "IncidentTicketID": 0,
                    "GUID": null,
                    "Mail_CC_EmailID": null,
                    "Mail_CC_UserID": null,
                    "Pending_Code": null,
                    "FromEmail": null,
                    "FromName": null,
                    "CurrentUser": 0,
                    "NotificationMethodName": null,
                    "Response_SLA_Met": false,
                    "Resolution_SLA_Met": true,
                    "Source": null,
                    "CC_Email": null,
                    "CC_UserID": null,
                    "ParentTicketID": null,
                    "IsApproved": true,
                    "Noofapprovals": 0,
                    "TransferTicket": false,
                    "TransferChildTicket": false,
                    "ChildTicketsCount": 0,
                    "ChildWorkorderCount": 0,
                    "FCRTicket": false,
                    "FCRComments": null,
                    "FirstWorkgroup": 141,
                    "FCRUpdateDetailsFlag": false,
                    "AttachmentHistoryAdded": null,
                    "AttachmentHistoryDeleted": null,
                    "SupportFunctionName": "SR Orchastration Testing",
                    "Reopen_Call": false,
                    "AssignedEngineer_OLD": 0,
                    "IsCartEnabled": false,
                    "EPROC_EnableRelationship": false,
                    "SR_ManualClose_Override": false,
                    "Caller_EmailID": null,
                    "AutoResolveIncidentFromSR": false,
                    "AutoResolveIncidentID": 0,
                    "EnableAssetAllocation": false,
                    "IsFeedbackEnabled": false,
                    "SelectedAssets": null,
                    "ActualRemarksWithOutHtml": null,
                    "FollowUpCallCount": 0,
                    "AttachmentList": null,
                    "SubWorkgroupID": 0,
                    "SubWorkgroupName": null,
                    "ConversationId": null,
                    "AISuggestion": null,
                    "CancelRemarks": null,
                    "Notify_WorkgroupOwner_Onchange_Analyst": false,
                    "SR_Notify_WorkgroupOwner_Onchange_Analyst": null,
                    "WorkgroupOwnerName": null,
                    "WorkgroupOwnerEmailId": null,
                    "Allow_Analyst_EditDescription": true,
                    "Ticket_No": 0,
                    "SR_Resolved_MailsToExecutive": false
                "STicketInformation": null,
                "CatalogAttributeList": null,
                "SCatalog": null,
                "SUser": null,
                "SApprovalDetailsList": null,
                "SRPackageCatalogMappings": null,
                "masterDataContainer": null,
                "serviceticketDetailContainer": null,
                "ServiceCatalogImageByte": null,
                "UserAttributeList": null,
                "UserAttributeListValues": null,
                "FeedbackConfigValues": null,
                "SRReferredBack": null,
                "LstSRPackageCreated": null,
                "SRPackageRequest": null,
                "CCDetails": null,
                "DVData": null,
                "EscalationConfiguration": null,
                "DSData": null
            "IsToEnableControl": false,
            "CurrentApprovalLevel": "",
            "CurrentApproverId": "",
            "CurrentUserIsApprover": false,
            "ApprovalDropdown": [
                    "CM_ID": 969,
                    "Parent_ID": 0,
                    "CM_Type": "SRApproveStatus",
                    "CM_Value": "Approved",
                    "CM_Sort": 1,
                    "CM_ValueInt": null,
                    "CM_ValueStr": "true",
                    "SystemVal": true,
                    "Active": true,
                    "Org_Id": 1,
                    "TimezoneID": null
                    "CM_ID": 970,
                    "Parent_ID": 0,
                    "CM_Type": "SRApproveStatus",
                    "CM_Value": "Rejected",
                    "CM_Sort": 2,
                    "CM_ValueInt": null,
                    "CM_ValueStr": "false",
                    "SystemVal": true,
                    "Active": true,
                    "Org_Id": 1,
                    "TimezoneID": null
                    "CM_ID": 971,
                    "Parent_ID": 0,
                    "CM_Type": "SRApproveStatus",
                    "CM_Value": "Refer Back",
                    "CM_Sort": 3,
                    "CM_ValueInt": null,
                    "CM_ValueStr": "REFERBACK",
                    "SystemVal": true,
                    "Active": true,
                    "Org_Id": 1,
                    "TimezoneID": null
                    "CM_ID": 972,
                    "Parent_ID": 0,
                    "CM_Type": "SRApproveStatus",
                    "CM_Value": "Forward To",
                    "CM_Sort": 4,
                    "CM_ValueInt": null,
                    "CM_ValueStr": "FORWARDTO",
                    "SystemVal": true,
                    "Active": true,
                    "Org_Id": 1,
                    "TimezoneID": null
                    "CM_ID": 973,
                    "Parent_ID": 0,
                    "CM_Type": "SRApproveStatus",
                    "CM_Value": "On Hold",
                    "CM_Sort": 5,
                    "CM_ValueInt": null,
                    "CM_ValueStr": "ONHOLD",
                    "SystemVal": true,
                    "Active": true,
                    "Org_Id": 1,
                    "TimezoneID": null
            "CatalogApprovers": [],
            "UserAttributeGroup": [],
            "UserAttributes": [],
            "UserMVAttributes": [],
            "ApproverAttributes": [],
            "ServiceCatalogList": [],
            "MVApprovarAttributes": [],
            "BaseUrl": "",
            "NewServiceTicket": [],
            "ReferBackLevel": [],
            "CurrentLevelApprovers": "",
            "DropDownList ": [],
            "EnableReferBackToPrevApprovers": "true",
            "EnableReferBackToRequestor": "true",
            "UserCommunications": []
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null


Feedback Status for Incidents or Service Requests

Now, the following APIs provide the feedback status of the respective IM or SR with the parameter IsFeedBackProvided in the Response. The value of the parameter can be or 1. The value 0 indicates that there is no feedback and the value indicates the IM or SR has a feeback.

  • IM_GetMyIncidents
  • SR_GetMyRequestList

Same Information for both Message and Output Parameters

Now, the following API provides the same information for both the Message and Output parameters in the Response.

  • SR_ApproveServiceCatalog_Workflow

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