Adding User-Defined Classifications in CMDB
What's New?
Earlier, in the CMDB module, the Root Classifications, Server, Network, Desktop, and Others, were system-defined. The Sub Classifications had to be added under any one of these System-Defined Root Classifications.
On the CI details page,
If the Classification was selected as Server, the SERVER tab was displayed along with the other tabs.
If the Classification was selected as Network, the NETWORK tab was displayed along with the other tabs.
If the Classification was selected as Desktop, the DESKTOP tab was displayed along with the other tabs.
If the Classification was selected as Others, all the tabs (SERVER, NETWORK, and DESKTOP) were displayed along with the other tabs.
In this new version, the Analysts can add Root Classifications as per the specific requirements of the organization. This gives more flexibility and helps in more appropriate Classification of the CIs. Based on the new Classifications added, the relevant Custom Tabs and Custom Fields can be added and displayed on the CI details page.
How this Works?
Adding Root Classifications
On the CLASSIFICATION page (CMDB > Configuration > Classification), right-click any available Classification, click Create Root Node. For more information, see Configuring Classification.
Figure: Classification Page
Adding Custom Tabs for New Classification
A new CUSTOM TABS icon is added on the ACTIONS panel of the FORM BUILDER page for the CMDB module (Admin > Basic > Users > Infrastructure > Form Builder > Select the same Tenant for which the Classification is added > Select the CMDB module). The newly created Custom Tabs are available in the new Select Tab field. For more information, see Adding Custom Tabs.
Figure: FORM BUILDER page for CMDB
Adding Custom Attributes for New Custom Tabs
On the CUSTOM ATTRIBUTES FOR CMDB page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder > Select the Module name as CMDB), select the newly added Classification, select the newly added Custom Tab, and add Custom Attributes for the new Custom Tabs. For more information, see Configuring Custom Fields for CMDB.
In this example, a new Root Classification is added as Storage 1 with Custom Tabs STORAGE HDD1 and STORAGE HDD2, and Custom Attributes as Storage Name and Numbers.
Figure: Configuration Item page
Creating Custom Tabs and Attributes Using REST API
Custom Tabs and Attributes can be posted through REST API, when creating or updating a CI for the Classification. A new "Tab Name" field is added to the JSON. When posting the CI using POST method, specify the tab name in the "Tab Name" fields to create or update the Custom Tab. Also, "Tab Name" with "Multiple value" field can be added in the JSON. For more information, see Adding Custom Tabs.
Note: When posting the JSON with an empty "Tab Name", a default error "Additional Information" is displayed.
Figure: REST API
UI Changes
The newly added Root Classification is displayed on the following changes:
Change History
Figure: Change History page
For more information, see Viewing and Modifying CIs.
Figure: Configuration Item page: Filters pop-up
Analysts can filter the CIs based on the newly added Classification and Custom Attributes. For more information, see Viewing List of CIs.
Discovery Mapping
On the CMDB DISCOVERY MAPPING page, the configured Custom Tabs and Attributes are available based on the Classification. Analysts can map the Custom Tabs that you have configured with the discovered data source. For more information, see Configuring CMDB Discovery Mapping.
Figure: CMDB Discovery mapping page
Import Discovery Data
The newly added Classification is available on the IMPORT DISCOVER DATA page. Using this, Analysts can create multiple CIs by importing the values from Discovery data. For more information, see Importing Discovery Data_CMDB.
Figure: Import Discovery Data page
User Access Configuration
The configured Classification is available on the USER ACCESS CONFIGURATION page. Analysts can configure Location and User for the configured Classification. Based on the configured Location, the users will have access to the Classification CIs. For more information, see Configuring User Access.
Figure: User Access Configuration page
Relationship Diagram for Custom Classification
The user-defined Classifications CI icons are different from the system-defined Classification CI icons on the RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM. For information about Relationship diagrams, see Viewing and Modifying CIs.
Figure: Configuration Item - Relationship: Custom Classification CIs
Figure: Relationship pop-up page: View CI Details menu
All the CMDB module features for User-Defined Classifications work exactly same as the System-Defined Classifications.