Variance Type on the CMDB Discovery Mapping page

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management and CMDB (Denali)

What's New?

A new Variance Type column is added on the CMDB DISCOVERY MAPPING page (CMDB > Configuration > CMDB Discovery Mapping > Specify the required details and click SUBMIT). The data from the Discovery can be updated in CMDB either automatically or manually for the mapped attribute fields. If the Variance Type is selected as Automatic, the mapped CMDB fields are automatically updated when Asset Variance is found in the Discovery. For automatic update, a job needs to be configured. If the Variance Type is selected as Show Variance, the Variance is displayed on the CMDB Variance details page (Hardware or Software) and Baseline page. The Variance should be baseline by a user (see: Hardware Variance and Software Variance).




The Variance data of the Asset are not displayed on the CMDB Hardware Variance Details page and Baseline page if the Variance Type is selected as Automatic.

For more information, see Configuring CMDB Discovery Mapping.

CMDB Hardware Variance Detail page

Figure: CMDB Hardware Variance Detail page

Baseline page

Figure: Baseline page


On the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Custom Scheduler), the job, CMDB_AUTOUPDATE_HWSW  should be enabled. After the job is scheduled, the Variance is automatically updated in CMDB. For more information, see CUSTOM SCHEDULER JOB.