Viewing CI Relationships From Relationship Diagram

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#22490, Denali, CMDB)

What's New?

CI Relations indicate the relationship between multiple Configuration Items (CIs) and Services. This helps to identify the inter-dependencies between two or more CIs and Services. In the CI Relationship diagram, the users can now view the CI relations of the CIs.

UI Changes

On the RELATIONSHIP pop-up page (CMDB > User > Configuration Item List > Select a CI to view details > On the ACTIONS panel, click RELATIOHSIP > Right-click a CI on the diagram), a new menu item, View Relationship Details is added. Upon clicking this menu, the user is directed to the RELATIONSHIP Details of the selected CI or Service displaying various relationships.

View Incident, Service Request, Change, Problem, and CI Info Associated with a Particular CI from Relationship Diagram


Figure: View Relationship Details - Configuration Item

The RELATIONSHIP DETAILS page of a CI displays the linked Incident, Service Request, Change, and/or Problem module tiles along with the CI Info tile.

Figure: Configuration Item – RELATIONSHIP DETAILS pop-up page

View Incidents, Service Requests, and CMDB Service Info for a Particular Service from Relationship Diagram


Figure: View Relationship Details - Service

The RELATIONSHIP DETAILS page of a Service displays the linked Incident and/or Service Request module tiles along with the CMDB Service Info tile.

Figure: Service - RELATIONSHIP DETAILS pop-up page

For more information, see Viewing and Modifying CIs.