MobileApp Restriction

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Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Denali)


The DNSName entries do not support underscore character (_) and any other special character(s) in webservice URL Domain names. New Mobile App using an underscore character (_) or any other special character in the web service URL domain name, will not invoke the REST API call. 

What is supported in Domain Name?

Webservice URL domain name should not contain any special characters. The DNS name only supports following alphanumeric characters:

  • Alphabetical characters (A-Z)
  • Numeric characters (0-9)
  • The minus sign (-)
  • The period (.)
Background to Restrict Underscore (_) Character?

From 30th April, 2019 onwards, as per the guidelines will not issue SSL/TLS certificates for domains with an underscore character. For more information about this restriction, refer the following links:

Use Case

Problem Statement

Ryan is an admin associated with ACME Consulting Services. When he created a webservice URL Domain name with an underscore (‘_’), during validation, the REST API call does not invoke and encountered an error message.


Webservice URL Domain name should not contain any special characters. It should contain only alphanumeric characters that are:

  • Alphabetical characters (A-Z)
  • Numeric characters (0-9)
  • The minus sign (-)
  • The period (.)

Replace the underscore with above mentioned supported characters in the Domain Name.

For Example

If you have created a webservice URL domain name as domain_acme then change the domain name to domain.acme or domain-acme.