Custom Attribute filters for Non-Fixed Assets

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Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management (Denali)

What's New?

The users can now filter the Custom Fields for Non-Fixed Assets (Consumable, Accessories, and Software Assets). 

UI Changes

Earlier, the Attribute Name and Attribute Value fields on the Asset Filters pop-up page were drop-down lists (ASSET > USER > MANAGE ASSETS > ASSET INVENTORY page > Click Non-fixed Asset icon (Consumable/ Accessories/Software) > Click FILTERS).  Now, the Attribute Value field can be a drop-down list, text box, or date control based on the value selected in the Attribute Name field.

Figure: Attribute Name: Drop-down control

Figure: Attribute Name: Date control 

Figure: Attribute Name: Text box control


  • For Consumable and Accessories Assets, if the Attribute Name is selected as Asset ID or Asset Code, the Attribute Value is static with standard values. All other fields are dynamic. For more information about the various fields of Consumable and Accessories Assets, see Viewing Consumable and Viewing Accessories .
  • For Software Assets, if the Attribute Name is Asset ID, Asset Code, or Publisher, the Attribute Name field is static with standard values. All other fields are dynamic. Upon selecting Publisher or License as Attribute Name, the associated procured related information is only populated in the Attribute Name fields. For more information about the the various fields of Software Assets, see Viewing Software.